Stupid TV memes

>Stupid TV memes

Who are these people that don't like broccoli. I was always told as a kid by tv that it was the worst, but I've never met a non-obese person that actually dislikes them

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I think is smells like feet. I like brussel sprouts and kale.

Overcooked broccoli that looks like olive-green mush is pretty gross. Old and fibrous broccoli aren't good eats either.
That being said, it's my go-to for quick and nutritious vegetable; hard to beat for a quick rinse and 1:30-2:00 in the microwave

The President of the USA basically only steaks and probably doesn't like vegetables including broccoli PS. it's because he's too manly

Try them steamed with some shredded parmesan cheese, they are good.

I find this even more true with spinach, TV and cartoons and shit always acted like it was gross, but spinach is straight up delicious, probably even my favorite vegetable

I think feet smell like French cheese

You should wash your feet then

People grow up thinking it's the product they don't like, when in reality it's just that their parents were terrible cooks.

I find them revolting no matter how cooked and I'm not obese. I can't stand cauliflower either.

Spinach is pretty alright though and mushy peas are great.

I don't remember what the collective term for cabbage vegetables was, but apparently they are just an inherent aversion to some, or at the very least an acquired taste.
Personally I think broccoli is great, and I've always liked it, but I really had to learn how to eat plain old cabbage dishes.


Cruciwhatevers are primarily beneficial for high sulfur content, which assists in the destruction of old cells to make way for new ones. I bet that aversion correlates with premature aging. Just a hypothesis that might be interesting to explore.

4 and 5 are the exactly same thing, there is literally no difference, there was absolutely no need to write it twice, except to inflate the number of positives.

I'll replace it
4) Vitamin C
5) Iron
Fuck fiber. Most vegetables have plenty of it..

why are you using old tech.
we have stoves now.

maybe it's a jewish psy-op to keep people from eating healthy foods?

I am not a huge fan of broccoli but they are nowhere as bad as some people make it to be, true.
My parents never made broccoli because there are so many other better vegetables. However my only exposure to broccoli as a kid was at school and school was really good at screwing up food in general, especially vegetables. They smelled like farts and the texture is simply disgusting. In other words, overcooked vegetables are disgusting (except for peas).

Broccoli is god tier, but you have to cook it right. It's garbage when it's overcooked.

No TV says spinach and/or brussel sprouts are the absolute worst.

>God tier


>Shit tier


t. nigger

brocc is so versatile. love mini trees




Growing up my mom made bomb broccoli. Bought it fresh, steamed it, olive oil, salt and pepper. So good. I know so many people who hate broccoli because they've only had it mushy and frozen

my mom buys it frozen. luckily i dont have manchild taste buds and ive been teachin myself to cook, broccoli is too damn good.

They're both seriously great, but brussels sprouts are my favourite veggies. Fuck the TV for shitting on them constantly.

When I was a kid I just stole raw broccoli from the fridge and ate it like that. Was fantastic. I also enjoyed brussels sprouts, raw cauliflower, raw potatoes, kale, spinach, and collard greens.

I always thought it was weird when people said they hated these.

I was very picky as a kid and I always thought broccoli was gross because of how it smelled
Slowly growing out of my aversion to unknown foods, I tried it and realised it's actually delicious
Possibly my favourite vegetable right now
The best one is the Roman Broccolo though
Not only does it have the best consistency, look at how awesome it looks

best way to cook broccoli is to steam them for ~3 minutes, then saute them in a pan with olive oil and a clove of garlic (not chopped) at low-medium heat for about 10 minutes
crunchy and tasty as fuck, the real bomb

only trick is to figure out how long they have to be steamed, it really depends on what pot you're using, you don't want them to steam them too much, otherwise they'll turn to mush

I'm an obese fat fuck
I fucking love broccoli. Steam that shit, boil it, I'll eat it raw (my favorite is raw, rinsed off course) but I won't out anything on it like cheese salt pepper etc

Broccoli is based as fuck and can be eaten by itself

>I'm an obese fat fuck
>I fucking love food
No shit, tubby.

The older I get the more I like broccoli.
One of my favourite vegetables now.
>Cauliflower and broccoli cheese.

Goat vegetable apart from the horrible gass I get from it.

>Who are these people that don't like broccoli
Spoiled dumb children addicted to sugar