Gluten free general

Anyone here gluten free or have celiac? I've been cooking for a friend with a serve gluten sensitivity and it's been ok so far but I'm hoping to make him a pizza crust that isn't crap soon. Any suggestions for recipes or gf products?

Other urls found in this thread: mills gluten free

I'd kill myself if I couldn't eat gluten, tbqh

Imo the best gluten free flour ive ever found was by a texas company called Arrowhead mills gluten free
I really like this mix with white bread.
Heb gluten free all purpose flour mix is also pretty good

I made some baller lemon cookies last week with the mix. If you dont live in a state w heb you can order some online from them.
Bob's redmill also has a pizza flour mix, which i have in my pantry, ive just yet to try it as the bread mix and the all purpose mix was shit in my opinion.
It tastes too metallicy? and woody? Just fyi

Wasn't gluten sensitivity proven wrong?

>gluten free or have celiac
should be an "and"

wast "gluten sensitivity" prove to be wrong?

there's blood tests for it?
I dunno. I think its more of people are intolerant to certain sugars. I have to eat lowfodmap bc my gut betrays me otherwise.

>eat two slices of buttered sourdough bread with a slice each of smoked salmon on top
>feel out of breath for a couple hours
what the fuck is this about

who here /knäckerbröd/

Do you low carb? Your insulin levels might be spiking because your body doesn't know how to handle sugars anymore, if you are.

I have celiac. For nice bread stuff I usually go Bobs Red Mill. It’s gotten better over the years too, and they have a lot of super specific mixes. Pretty sure there’s one for pizza dough.

There’s also frozen pre made pizza doughs in some stores but they’re almost always small in diameter. They still work alright and it’s fun getting a bunch of people together, cutting up ingredients and then making the pizzas together.

If you want to go super authentic invest in a scale and mix your own flours. The pre-mixed gf flours they have now are pretty good tho.

Another thing as far as pizza, you might want to make the crust thinner. I haven’t made pizza in forever, so that might not be the case anymore but I doubt it. Gluten free flour has a hard time cooking with a bunch of wet stuff on top of it, whereas normal pizza dough cooks fairly evenly despite that. Another thing that I never got around to doing was pre-baking my own gf pizza crust until it was halfway done, and then finishing it later with the stuff on top. Not sure if it’d be a disaster or perfection.

Like I said tho, I haven’t tried pizza in forever. I usually stick to stuff that can really shine and is gf, and gf pizza has always been disappointing in comparison to my memory of pizza, which was pretty good aside from the puking and diarrhea that came afterwards. In fact the only time a pizza came close was this place called Mellow Mushroom. But they went and changed the crust to some new bullshit so now that’s a memory too. Fuck I should try and make pizza again

If you eat gluten free and don't have celiac you are giant faggot and should be gassed.

Yup me too. Went to a leading gastroenterologist, he said the same thing about me. I thought I had gluten sensitivity because some types of bread give me the worst shits but it was more about fodmap. Anyway he said that according to my symptoms I have fodmap sensitivy, which is more likely the case for more people instead of gluten.
Oh and spelter flour is recommended for us fodmap sensitive.

It's definitely real, I just think a lot of people think they have it because they're tired or some shit, I've had it since I was born and there's a lot more to it than tiredness and feeling bloated etc

>If you eat vegetables and you're not a vegetarian you are giant faggot and should be gassed.

No that’s retarded because gluten doesn’t do any harm, just like vegetables, if you’re not sensitive of it.
Now if you like food gluten-free because of the texture or whatever, that’s a different thing (although so far most gluten-free substitute food is shit).

Celiac here.

I'm kinda surprised I don't see many gluten free generals on here. I've been trying to find some really good recipes lately cus I've been tired of making the same shit constantly.

so lets make some regularly? I am down for posting. I have a few recipes I can post. This is one of them

Learn from him
Absolutely destroyed everyone for 2 years and was on his way to the GOAT tennis player but then decided to switched to a gluten free diet.

Gluten free recipes sound retarded as fuck, as any recipe can be made gluten free by simply using gluten free ingredients. What you’re suggesting is more akin to a circle jerk. For an example of a circlejerk thread, check out

agree, like could've been a recipe with wheat noodles and I'd just replace it with rice noodles or just rice. There are so many gluten free alternatives nowadays thanks to the stupid hype around it