Korean Spicy Ramen Recipe

Does anyone have a knock off recipe of this ramen? I Can't find it anywhere. This shits so good, but kind of expensive since it's imported.

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I haven't been able to find a recipe like that one but this seems semi close

It looks close in the pic, i'll give it a try

Dude just buy the 5 pack for $5.99

At the local Asian market/store

It's 5 for $12 by me unfortunately. overpriced af

>ramen at twice the price
fuck whatever city you live in the ass to death.

It's disgusting, you must have zero functioning tastebuds if you find it good.

Its basically korean hot wings sauce on noodles.

It's not so bad, actually, I was surprised. For being spicy it also has pretty good flavor stand alone. You may need to give it another shot.

KFC has a much sweeter taste and isn't as spicy.

Is that the one with the Indonesian soy sauce?
And no, I don't mean Indo Mie.

>stop enjoying things I don't like

user didn't say any of that...

For me, it's the 2x spicy.

Oops, I meant this guy.

It's fucking ramen. It costs at the most $1 per package. Can't you pony up the buck to buy some, and ask about something more interesting to knock off?

Does anyone know a good online shop in Yurop that sells instant/cup ramen?

this, only plebs eat non 2x.it's like $12 for 5 of them on amazon. and you shouldn't be eating ramen more than once every 2 weeks

Kind of agree lol. I have a bunch that im going to use the noodles and spice packet and mix a lot of things into to make better. Basically they are good if you want noodles that taste like seaweed and seeds with a good amount of spice. I like the spice level and the noodles cant be all that bad so im taking those two and then adding my own flavors. Maybe ill post how to make these have taste some day after im done with experimenting with flavor.

Where the fuck can a newbie buy some cheap crappy dashi stock
It seems like the big grocers around here don't carry it

>not liking cheese
>not liking ice

You god damn pleb.

> Where the fuck can a newbie buy some cheap crappy dashi stock
> It seems like the big grocers around here don't carry it
local japanese stores stupid

>local japanese stores stupid
>I live on the coasts so every other state must have a large enough nip population to support an exclusive market
Please try to renew your flyover visa and crawl out of your warped beehive.

make it yourself or just use amazon

The price is only one of the problems i have with it. It's mainly I want to make batches of this stuff, use it on other shit. Given that i can't find a knock off recipe, it seems interesting to me

I don't live near the coast and we still have 4 asian markets that all have the shitty instant dashi that it sounds like he's talking about. It doesn't have to be exclusively Japanese. I don't know why you'd think big grocers would have it