Skipping breakfast

>skipping breakfast

Might as well wear a big sign that says "I'm a manchild please do not respect me"


Bowl of oatmeal with some berries and honey.

Ah the nu-male diet.

>Might as well wear a big sign that says "I'm a manchild please do not respect me"
Or just post a Reddit frog.

That's the Veeky Forums classic you fucking projector.

sorry, I meant a freedom steak along with liberty potatoes and a star spangled cream

Breakfast is literally a scam perpetuated by big breakfast lobbyists

Sorry, I meant the homosexual nu-male diet. My apologies.

The way American farmers jew and shill their bullshit, I honestly believe this. Milk is bad for you, eggs are bad for you, dairy is straight up poison.

t-take that back!

>Milk is bad for you, eggs are bad for you, dairy is straight up poison

Can you explain why?

wow the soy really has taken hold

Spot the DYEL

He can't because he's wrong. Like anything in life do things in moderation and don't be retarded.

I skip breakfast because I like to have more calories later in the day to eat good food, rather than wasting it on some bullshit that just sends up making me feel more hungry than if I didn't eat hours later.

>having breakfast between 5:30 and 6:00
yeah fucking kill yourself frogautist.
can't even force down any food so early in the morning, then during the rush hour.
get a job babyboi.

Same. My office is chill so I could eat when I get there but, meh. Just wait until lunch.

yeah i just drop a sandwich or two around 9-10 between delivering and building a kitchen.

>Need breakfast to start the day
I think i know who's the realk weak manchild here

I'd love to see you do heavy physical work from 8.00 to 12.00 without collapsing from hypoglycemia. If you're able to survive from waking up until lunch time, you are literally a neetbabby who doesn't use up any energy to function like a proper adult.

this but without being a frogposter

I have to force myself to eat breakfast. I'm just not hungry before I've taken a good shit between ~45 minutes and 2 hours after getting up, and I've usually already left the house at that point.
Also, this

I used to work as a lamination finisher and not eat until 12:30. When you aren't an insulin resistant fatass you can just get energy from your fat stores until you have a meal. Humans are designed to do this, it was our natural day until just the last sliver of time.

>falling for the edible jew
good goy

>the first time you see a cereal isle at an American grocery store

I set my alarm early (5:00) and when I wake up I'm fucking starving, literally hunger, forces me to get out of bed.
I always eat first, then attend to ablutions and am out the door by 06:00.
I do like a lie in on Saturday mornings but still can't get past 07:00 without cooking breakfast.


Europoor education, everyone.

When I wake up I feel stuffed and I can't eat until like 9:30


Americans confuse it too dumbass, go back to /pol/

Calm down. Obviously they think that in America, cereal comes in islands.

Do you eat late at night?

That's not an unreasonable assumption given the average Americans weight.
I say this as a Texan transplanted to Florida.

>tfw struggle with what i wanna eat each morning
>tfw used to eat the same cereal for two years but the amount of sugar in it made me increasingly nauseous
i hate eating

that's more in the fit departament y'know


Might as well wear a big sign that says "I'm a manchild please do not respect me"

I could see that if you had your last meal at 3pm the previous day and went to bed before dark.

Maybe I'm just not a fucking retard that put myself in a position to provide for myself on heavy physical work? I had enough of that growing up when my dad was running a farm. Now he's semi retired owning properties because he knows that shit is for the birds who don't plan their future properly.

I'm a manual laborer who starts work at 7 and i never eat before noon. OP is just an amerimutt

>eggs are bad for you
>Inb4 muh cholesterol

Omelette, meat, and wash it down with orange juice. Breakfast of the kings.

>being lactose intolerant

I eat dinner at 6~7 and I don't even get hungry the next day until noon

Fucking guy.

>europoor getting a word wrong in his third language means the education is bad

>eating when your blood sugar is physiologically the highest

Breakfast is pointless, fasting makes more sense. Enjoy your diabetes and obesity.

laying carpet from 6 til 6 without anything but water, bitch boy

No shit. 80% of amerifats can't even form a grammatically correct sentence in English that's beyond, "John saw Spot run. Spot runs very fast."


Are you finally unb&?

then just stop and lose some weight fatass

>embalming i'm fat because i ate sugary cereal some time ago
lol ok

Typical obsessed bong stuck on the British aisles with his ugly women

Who shit in your Cheerios?

double obsessed


>tfw I feel nauseous every day when I wake up and can't eat for several hours
feels bad man

I think skipping breakfast depends on circumstantial situations for certain people. I do not think all people simply do it out of reason, but because of circumstances,

>Mentioning sausages in a thread about cereal

Okay, I'll bite. Why is skipping breakfast a sign of a manchild?


Everyday for breakfast I eat a bowl of granola, berries, milk, a scoop of peanut butter, and various seeds and a cup of coffee with whiskey. I couldn't imagine going a day without it anymore. I used to skip breakfast daily in my twenties and always felt like shit.

manchild detected

what about skipping dinner?

>go to bed really hungry, mouth watering while i go to bed thinking about food
>think about exactly what I'm going to make for breakfast in the morning and go to sleep happy
>wake up with a stomach ache and feel nauseous at the thought of eating
>get hungry again around noon

Shit sucks. I usually just have coffee and a glass of water in the morning.

Guess I walked right into that one

I usually can't eat until around 3-4 hours after I've woken up. Sometimes I'll just skip breakfeast and eat an early lunch, then a late dinner, having only two meals in a day.

I can't east food in the morning it makes me nauseous and it throws my poopin' schedule off

Breaking your fast in the morning is pointless if you're gonna sit on your ass after

the bitter underlying salt of fp is completely understandavle

I eat "breakfast" at 2 PM

I skip breakfast because I am not that hungry in the morning since that all I need is coffee, and so I can enjoy a real lunch rather than just enjoying some salad and sandwich.

This is unironically true.

In the early part of the 20th Century the great Freudian psychologist Edward Bernays was tasked by food corporations to convince the average American Joe to have bigger breakfasts. Before this time the typical American breakfast was perhaps a simple bread roll and a coffee. Edward Bernays successfully convinced American citizens that bacon and eggs was healthy and beneficial. It is probably he who was instrumental in setting America down the path of chronic obesity we see today. But he made a killing for the food corporations.

3 eggs over easy, toast, AND oatmeal my doods

Also for those Veeky Forums among us isIn so fucking hungry the morning.... need to eat.. didn’t need someone to tell me to do it

Mild acid reflux. Triggered by lying down for a while.... get it checked

Im not hungry in the morning. Im not going to force myself to eat, fuck off.

>pooping schedule
my sides are dead

>Work graveyard shift
>Wake up and its dinner time
>make dinner
>don't eat for the rest of the day

Basically my one meal per day counts as breakfast and dinner.

gotta be regular bruh, don't let your colon buy into the counter culture narrative of low fiber high fat diets.

This. I eat Hefty dinner/breakfast and then won't eat again for another 24 hours. Hunter gatherer style, bitch.

Are you a fucking retard?

I'm in my early 30's and could probably count on one hand the number of times I've eaten a meal before 11 AM.

Cup of coffee, black.

A real man subsists on nothing but coffee and cigarettes in the morning

I am OMAD, and I like eating in the middle of the day.

This "only real men eat breakfast" meme is dumb and should stop.

Same, drink more water when you wake up.

>"Could you pass the worcester sauce, user?"