Is it better to cook while high to enhance your senses so you can taste it better?

is it better to cook while high to enhance your senses so you can taste it better?

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t. alcohol(h)ick swamp butt

No, it fucks with your perception and will fuck with your cooking accordingly.

You guys are two sides of the same gay coin.

No. You think everything tastes better when you’re high, but people who aren’t high won’t agree. Shitty food will taste better stoned than good food will taste better sober. It will only make you a worse cook if anything.

It's almost the only time I cook. The pleasure of eating is enough to make me make food

Weed is objectively less shitty than alcohol. It is still a drug tho.

Anecdotal, but I absolutely despise weed and love alcohol. I only smoke in the odd social setting because it makes me feel like a panic-stricken retard.

same here, and I used to love the shit, but moderate edibles for a lazy night seems the only way to go for me


See I never even had that. Weed was always godawful for me; it has actually had a permanent effect on my anxiety since I have a panic attack pretty much every time I consume it. Alcohol to me is serene though, unlike most people it doesn't make me nauseas, dizzy, or give me blurry vision. Never gotten close to vomiting from it. Shit's great.

Weed doesn't enhance anything, it gives you a heightened attention to your dulled senses

God edibles are convenient as fuck. Not super expensive either. Smoking is kind of whatever for me now.

A lot of weed strains allow me to passively observe layers in music in more detail, which is great if you're a music nerd/musician. Whereas with alcohol, I'm more likely to miss obvious details in music. But I guess the lowered inhibitions from being buzzed allow certain tracks to resonate with you more emotionally.

I know what you mean with weed and music, but more often than not it makes it sound like the song has no cohesion, it doesn't sound bad necessarily, just weird. Alcohol in contrast makes songs sound and feel so much more profound. I often tell people I experience alcohol the way I'm supposed to feel weed.

yes, just like you should take exams high because weed makes you smarter

jokes on you i don’t drink anything but water

Die of cirrhosis

if you want to develop a taste for something new, brush your teeth, swish with water, smoke a blunt, swish with water a couple times but dont swallow it will bring down your high, then get that food item you wanted to try. shit is cash

I really loved weed at first (17-18). Each time it felt like I was actually changing my perception of reality, it was cool as shit. Then after highschool I lost my only friend, and I started smoking it multiple times a day every single day for like 6 months. It’s been a few months since then and I still don’t feel right. My memory and interests feel off still and I can’t really explain how to my doctor. Have I been memed, could I have actually affected my brain permanently?

you definetly made yourself retarded for a few years

maybe youll get better but if it does itll take quite some time


protip: life threw you curve balls and you blamed it on the weed

smokelet detected

>drinking water will bring down your high
>after administering by inhalation

Were there any written recipes that used marijuana before it became illegal?

doesn't make me cook any better or worse, but it is more enjoyable when I go to eat my freshly made meal.
I've found the smoking isn't what fucked me, it was the circumstances that made me want to smoke so much.
I got stuck working a shitty nightshift job while in uni classes and I got blazed every time I had a few hours free. Even when I cut out smoking, I didn't feel right until I moved to a day shift and stopped staying up 20 hours at a time just to get all my studying and work in.
I started smoking daily again, but I feel better now than I did when not smoking under those shitty circumstances.

So cook sober, eat high

An edible preparation called "bhang" has been made in India for centuries. Prior to prohibition in the west, cannabis was used as medicine, usually in the form of extract or tincture. I don't know if any reference to something like a modern edible exists.

There's multiple sources from the late 19th/early 20th centuries that report cannabis as a remedy for opium and morphine addiction, especially among veterans of the US civil war. Pretty poignant considering the current discussions in the US.


this right here, whenever I cook high and eat the leftovers sober im just like wtf was I thinking when I made this shit.


Food won't taste as great as it normally does when you're sober if you turn this into a habit
Losing a friend doesn't turn you into a retard, moron

Yes. It was ubiquitous in 19th century patent medicines, for instance. Lots of parts of asia use cannabis and hemp as a flavoring herb in their food, notably azerbaijan, central asia and cambodia, but I've had a hard time researching actual recipes. For central asian stuff, I've heard that whenever a recipe calls for oregano, it would traditionally be hemp or cannabis instead.

I like to cook stoned, but only if I know what I'm doing and I've made the recipe before. Experimenting while stoned is a good way to make tragic inedible shit.

any sort of drugs numbs my senses. eating while high makes food more bland... not enhances the flavor...

I would like to add after living with stoners I have witnessed that your sense of smell will diminish over time. Some foods they would have to come to me to smell and see if they were spoiling.


>somebody your very close to in life dying doesnt effect your mental health
yea, maybe if youre a sociopath

>user decides to get high and cook
>zones out while doing something time dependent
>"whoa it would be so cool to add cheese to this"
>it isn't
>burns whatever is being cooked
>user's high brain freaks out at smoke alarm going off
>flips hot frying pan onto floor, burning foot
>can't figure out how to turn off stove because baked and panicked

Yeah just get a pizza. If you must get intoxicated and cook alcohol is more fun.