ITT: Food facts that blew your mind when you first heard them

>ITT: Food facts that blew your mind when you first heard them

For me, it was learning that all fruit loops are the same flavor

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Some foods look like slops of shit.

>all fruit loops are the same flavor

this someone bring in a food scientist with a PHD in breakfest

source for image please

I still cant believe its not butter

drawn together if I had to guess

I always knew British food was bad, but then I learned just how bad it really is.

"meat" is actually animal muscle tissue.

Pork comes from a pig

Just buy meat from a grocery store where no animals were harmed.
Don't support hunting and murdering innocent animals.

Fuck you

As revenge for slavery black fast food workers will never provide a white patron with silverware

t. Nigel Thornberry

Thats a lie, yous just a bitch.

I get free shit all the time at midnight at Checkers and my food is always on point

Australians spread yeast on their morning toast. What the fuck.

>t. Trequantay Jackson
>I get free shit all the time
Yes we know, just like how you get free bikes from the middle school and free cigarellos from the gas station

What the fuck did you think it was?

There is no "chicken from a cow" or "chicken from a pig."
Granted, I picked up on this when I was young, but it's still sad.

The Rocky Mountains have a large ocean on top of them and the locals gather oysters there and deep fry and eat them.

If you take 100 apple seeds from apples that all came from the same tree, you will get 100 different apple trees and none will be like the apple tree it came from.

It's a scene from Ren & Stimpy, but they've been drawn as qts.

I have an insatiable appetite for tiddies drawn in this style, preferably animated.

I went in knowing this was nonsensical but you still got me to chuckle after googling.

Unfortunately I do not know where it's from. I just recognized the scene.

What? Why would you ever think there was?

Not the same poster but....

and they don't taste like chicken either

There is literal chicken on these crackers. Your mouth must be retarded

I don't think our version has the same recipe as the American.

I wonder why Nabisco gave it this name when they started the range? Wouldn't Americans think of them as crackers?

Ketchup didn't include tomatoes until the 19th century because England is fucking retarded and wouldn't stop giving themselves lead poisoning. The citric acid would cause their utensils to put lead in the food.

Yeast extract, seppo cunt.

That sounds like bullshit.

Did I hear something about scientifically-grounded breakfast facts?!

>Is a food scientist
>Has breakfast food SKU's

Yep. All the times they were making other types of sauces and calling it ketchup they were saying "this stuff is supposed to be dominantly tomato! I wish we could try tomatoes, but we simply can't!"

Surely the true curiosity is that ketchup came to refer to the tomato variety only when that was only created relatively late.

I saw it on Food: fact or fiction. It was hilarious. Current season. Either episode 13 or 14. Season 3.

Yes, it was the citric acid in the tomatoes, but the vinegar they used in their alternative ketchup recipes was absolutely fine.

Still sounds like bullshit.

I don't care. That's facts, faggot. England is retarded.


If that's not bait, why does it master bait?

Ham doesn't mean pork. A ham is a cut of meat.

If you put roughly 20 apple cores in a food processor and drink it, you will give yourself cyanide poisoning and probably die.

Sounds like a half trush. Ketchup started as a fish based sauce and then developed into other shit such as tomato ketchup more recently, the lead poisoning likely retarded the popularity of the superior ketchup version.

I dont get it

Then what the fuck was “ketchup” back then? Vinegar and salt?

Lots of different things. A mushroom base was common, for instance. Duckduckgo it for yourself.

Not that guy but I think it's one of those things you know but you don't ever really think about until it's put right in your face. Like how there's a skeleton inside you. You know you have bones and you know you have skeleton but there's a kind of disconnect. Same with meat being muscle tissue probably because most people don't raise and kill their own food.

When I was a little kid about 6 years old (in the United States), I used to think that hamburgers came from cows but steaks came from horses. This was because horses were like the fast, beautiful version of cows, and steaks were the sleek, expensive version of burger

also you can make a pie with the apples you decored, eat some apple pie with icecream and then drink your cyanide paste

they're testicles

Margarine has nothing to do with butter.

No different from eating pussy, really. Puts hair on your chest.

That's not where eating pussy puts hair.

are you retarded that looks nothing like drawn together

>Buy a chicken
>Look at it
>I wonder where this comes from
And what did you think a skeleton was if not the bones keeping us upright?

Money can be exchanged for goods and services, including but not limited to, food and food services.

I think you missed their point

Then what is the point?

The relationship between cucumber and pickle

you’re too far gone at this point. It’s not that complicated, you just don’t get it.

If it means I don't get how people don't understand that meat is muscle I don't even mind.

>it's one of those things you know but you don't ever really think about
Don't generalize, you're just a little slow.

That's not how grammar fucking works. Fuck off to reddit.

Thats a blatant lie

Wierd al's close but no cigar video has some if I'm not mistaken.

Usually, if something is "instant" to fix, that quick preparation also means that the food is more likely to pass quickly through your body without providing as many nutrients or as much satiation.

Bananas are categorized as a berry

i think they're pointing out that we're meat as well
and could be eaten, as such

That's not really a food fact, that's more Biology.

That is why apple trees and other fruit trees are cloned.

All Red Delicious Apples came from the same tree.

i lol'd at this kidlogic

You can thank "Berry" Obama for that one.

iirc, Worcestershire sauce is fermented sardines

according to my grandmother, ceasar salad dressing also contains ground sardines

>momscience master degree
you are a moron.

Worcestershire is made with anchovies, not sardines.

Fanta was originally called Fantasie and was invented in Nazi Germany as a replacement for Coke after the Coca-Cola Company stopped exporting the syrup to Germany

Doritos were invented in Disney World.

Heres another interesting food fact

mushroom or squash

I understand that, and the only difference between my cats and my food is that one has been killed and prepared into deliciousness. It's not such a strange concept for me at least.

It failed because it was a lower quality burger at a higher price. Not everyone is obsessed with shoving as much meat into their gullet as physically possible in the shortest span of time.

This artwork is awful to look at.

>I thought treacle was mined from the ground because of something I misheard as a child
>Myoglobin aint blood
>Brussel Sprout=Cauliflower=cabbage=kale=brocoli
>Lime =/= lemons (I grew up in India, all "lemons" there are yellow limes)

>Brussel sprout=Cauliflower=cabbage=kale=brocoli

That is wrong though. They are very different things.

they are all cultivars of the same species.
Brassica Something
It's like they are different dog breeds.

Shit he's fucking right you know

>Turkey, Chicken, and Duck all taste the exact same
>They are all birbs.

That is not how things work.
They are all structured differently, and taste different from each other. They are in no way the same thing.

Different dog breeds don't taste the same, and I assume black people taste different from white people.
Different subspecies taste different from one another.

I'm not saying they taste the same, I learned in my teens that a bunch of very different looking plants were the same species and it impressed me.
Cool your jets hot shot.

That's like saying all apples come from the same plant though.

>not shoving 17% more burger at the same or lower price down their throats
no americans are so stupid that they saw the 3 in the denominator and figured that 3 is less than 4 so a third is less than a quarter

I was kinda surprised that "sweetbread" refers to a bunch of different glands, not just the thymus, although that is typical

you're ignorant but I forgive you

Why does this remind me of the "art" of that overrated faggot Vimhomeless?


Pee is stored in the balls

sounds like a dirty book about a older guy and a youth

japanese people are so healthy because their cuisine sucks

You are only correct in the sense that most processed foods have a lot of sugar.

>I thought treacle was mined from the ground because of something I misheard as a child

I think you probably read that one on a Discworld novel, user.

Raw beans are apparently fucking poisonous. Nobody eats raw beans, so hardly anyone is aware and there are no warnings on packages.

have you ever tired to eat a raw bean? it's like eating a little rock

One terrible, terrible tree