Why is shitty chocolate marketed to women as sexual?

Why is shitty chocolate marketed to women as sexual?

Because women are cattle and easy to market to.

>implying most men are any different


but women make the majority of purchases

>go to any mall
>90% chick stores

They definitely are. Men and women have different neurochemical and hormonal makeup, and the structures in the brain that control particular functions tend to operate at different strengths. There is no reason whatsoever to believe men and women inherently behave the same. Fuck off. Women don't go against the grain nearly as much as men.It's a phenomenon observable with nearly every species. Men have a widely varying range of intelligence and behavior whereas women usually fall within a shorter range.

women are driven by emotion
men are driven by logic

That's what silly little boys like to think.

yikes rofl

You're just a sexist woman-hating virgin. Go back to /pol/ so you can jerk off to your rapist lord drumpf.

Very coherent rebuttal

in advertising it just twerks

hillary clinton even tried to win an election by targeting women's emotions

sorry sweaty I save those for good posts :)

>"we hunted the mammoth"

I hope this is intentionally over-the-top sarcasm.



Only virgins think men and women are the same. There are very obviouse differences and being a snarky cunt doesnt change that.

if men and women are the same then i want to use the same public toilet and communal showers at the gym.

Fuck off Obama you lost that fight

Women just adapted into using emotions to make them more convincing.

They behave completely rationally, everything they do they consider how the social collective will respond (instinctually). They are not true individuals like men are, cannot be self-affirming and thus cannot understand certain concepts and actions. Men think rationally but behave irrationally, they will die for ideals and live their life in the pursuit of something impossible. It's also why they care more about hobbies, like cooking. Because their desires are internalized, and does not require a social element.

>Women just adapted into using emotions to make them more convincing.
Women have a thing inside their body that dumps hormones into their brain every twenty eight days that stimulates a thermonuclear reaction that not even proton torpedoes could destroy. May the force be with us all when that happens.

You are all fucking morons.
There have been numerous studies done, and while they haven't pinpointed it, the hypothoses and conclusions so far is that the flavenols and methylxanthines in chocolate enhance cognitive function and increases blood flow to the brain. But 2 squares of quality dark chocolate a day is all you need for those effects.

the post they replied to still was shitty pseudo science


Its not the chocolate, its the carbs.
Carbs, while they can have a negative effect on male libido, are vital to female libido. Many women who go on low carb diets start to have problems with a low sex drive.

The choice of chocolate is because chocolate can be good for your skin, and women love foods that are good for their skin.

I can speak from experience that eating a lot of carbs makes me horny as fuck.


the pseudo-science is strong with this one. pls touch my penis anyway.