

Women should all be gassed, But first imprisoned

and raped



that's just code for "helps with period cramps" you fucking retards

Stripped raped then strangled

>knowing the secret woman code


You people are all autistic. I really need to leave Veeky Forums, it's been a good 10 years I guess. lotta memes, lotta lost dreams...

See you tomorrow

Nah, that user's probably just a teafag. That brand of tea focuses on each blend having a "health benefit", so it's pretty obvious what the women's tea would do.

oh so because we're men we like chillies hhuhhh

Well, now you all know what your afterlife will be. Good luck, cucks.

Raises test breh
>he doesnt rub capsaicin on his prostate every morning

>17 teabags

I like how the 'not for women' thing was a joke but they still got buttmad over it.

> it's pretty obvious what the women's tea would do
it makes them shut the fuck up and learn how to operate a toilet seat all by themselves?

Will I become more girly if I drink this?

>only women get their period

>d-do my hemorrhoids count

more test = bald earlier

No, more DHT from test body conversion rate =earlier balding. (Depending on genetics)

You don't use all at once

>tfw probably low test
>tfw 24 and clearly balding anyway because literally every fucking man on both sides of my family has been bald (except for my lucky dad, who still has a nearly full head of hair at 58)