You ever just eating a steak or ham and realize that you're eating something that was once a living breathing conscious...

You ever just eating a steak or ham and realize that you're eating something that was once a living breathing conscious animal? One that had a mother it loved, it probably played or at least tried to, had likes, dislikes.
I realize this sometimes as I eat and it really makes me feel like a God. Cultured meat will never be an comparable alternative.

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World of Strength

>I realize this sometimes as I eat and it really makes me feel like a God.
that sounds unhealthy

i went vegetarian once, for a month. hardly any dairy even. then realized whats the point? this is a kill or be killed UNIVERSE. its not just earth. the system is set up where life feeds on life. if you arent eating something you are being eaten. fuck it.

We are all sausages frying in the pans of time.

yes it's natural for us to eat meat, but there are a lot of problems with modern farming. that's why people who don't want to go vegan still support things like cultured meat. op says he doesn't want that but unless he's just trying to be shocking or funny it sounds like he has some serious psychological issues.

t. false-flagging veganposter

>I realize this sometimes as I eat and it really makes me feel like a God.
I started reading your post expecting vegetarian preaching and was pleasantly surprised.

You ever just eating a dick or balls and realize that you're eating something that was once a living breathing conscious animal? One that had a mother it loved, it probably played or at least tried to, had likes, dislikes.
I realize this sometimes as I eat and it really makes me feel like a God. Cultured vagina will never be an comparable alternative.

I was going to use a pic of the sausage I was eating at the moment but the euphoria got the best of me and I finished eating it all before my thoughts could be put into actions

Vegetable farming machines grind up bunnies and squirrels into little bits of meat mash. You can’t escape it

Do you ever ponder the fact that you are more bacteria than human by number of cells, and that what you identify with currently too will will be swiftly consumed once your time is up?

All niggers are faggots

I feel bad about eating pork and avoid it when I can because pigs are so intelligent. But I still eat it. I don't give a fuck about cows and chickens, they're stupid. They have small souls. Fish and crustaceans even less so. There are just certain animal I would not eat because of their conciousness.

That's not a very good argument because it kills a smaller number of animals than how many animals are killed for meat. It'd be like saying if you kill 1 might as well kill 10 because you can't kill 0.

I buy my beef and pork from a local farmer. I go and check out his animals about 4 times a year. I select the animal that has the world under hoof... the chad cow or pig that pushes around the others and gets the best food.

Boltgun for you, you cocky arrogant fucker. I am what I eat.

I would make you pay extra

I like to think that by eating their meat I'm absorbing the animal's strength.

>One that had a mother it loved, it probably played or at least tried to, had likes, dislikes.
Spooked brainlet

Conscious is debatable.

The generally accepted, yet sort of hazy definition of consciousness is "aware of self and surroundings". This is sometimes expanded to mean awareness of the world and the existence of things you can't necessarily perceive.

Even with the smartest animals we know about, it's debatable.

Wait wait WAIT so you're telling me MEAT... is ANIMALS?

>Tfw our ancestors survived off of meat for thousands of years and butchered animals in barbaric ways to cook the meat in other barbaric ways
>mfw cucks think they can talk me out of doing the same thing that made my ancestors so strong and pass on their genes

This is the problem I've always had with vegans and the like. Our ancestors got where they are in large to meat and learning to cook it. Like fuck i'm going to look one of our biggest advantages in the eye and tell it to go to hell

>I'm a big strong self reliant cave man because I bought some packaged johnsonville brats from the local piggly-wiggly
You'd probably throw up if you saw a chicken being butchered let alone a pig

Perfect solution fallacy

I shot and killed a kid once

Yeah I do, but instead of baiting on 4shit I try not to eat meat

those wolves are such jerks for eating elk. they should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh and these bluefish are real jerks for feeding on juvenile fish

Did he swat you to get revenge?

damnnnn user

The alternative to factory farming is people going into the wild life and taking whatever. Or having their own less regulated farms. The fundamental problem of veganism is it's entirely contradictory to human nature, and used by a small group of people to feel morally superior while not offering any tenable solution.

I was in a play in high school and my first line of the play was something like "We are all frying in the American Hotpan" - something like what you are saying haha.

That play fucking sucked.

Oh shit - your ending totally caught me off gaurd haha.

Predator mode.

>The alternative to factory farming is people going into the wild life and taking whatever.
No it isn't, the alternative is people eat a reasonable amount of meat. The problem is we're dumping so much subsidies into meat farming that people think eating a normal healthy diet is a luxury for rich yuppies
>Or having their own less regulated farms
Right because "regulations" by definition means a CAFO with a half a million pigs drowning in their own feces and a continuous IV drip of last resort antibiotics
>The fundamental problem of veganism
Right because if you've ever so much as glanced in the general direction of a leaf of lettuce you're a vegan

sounds like a cool opening line though

>go vegan, eat plenty of mixed fiber, relax, exercise
>painful goopy sticky shits for the two months I try
>eat like garbage devouring animals and their mothers and their aborted bird periods, chips, boigas, bacon
>reasonable shits for the most part
I don't think I have a choice

I mean that probably only true if you hunted it.

Yes, i also let jammal fuck my wifes sons. You got a problem with that?

I would DEMAND to pay extra, because I can.



I've always wanted to slaughter and gut an animal to see if I had the fortitude to do it. I wish foreign, English-speaking cooking channels on YouTube would include at least the gutting process when they cook whole animals but they're smart to know that doing that would lose them mouth breathing viewers because most people don't want to think about the fact that their food was once alive and striving for survival itself.

Shame, really.

Did you actually read it dude?

Good on you for wanting to support local farmers. I'm legit jelly.

>I realize this sometimes as I eat and it really makes me feel like a God.

Humans have evolved to the top of the food chain pyramid for a reason. We are literally "Allah/Buddah/God" to animals.

>Did you actually read it dude?
It smelled like spam.

>makes me feel like a God

I thought so too until I read it haha.

It's called "field dressing" you absolute simpleton. Have you ever even walked on any surface but concrete and asphault?

>to see if I had the fortitude to do it.

"fortitude" isn't the right word because it implies you're doing something nasty that needs to be overcome. As a half native american, we're taught to be "at peace" and "patient" when cleaning the animal, to show respect and be one with your food.

What tribe?

can I ask you a question about native culture?

Are the computer screen slots really going to pay off as frequently and randomly as the old mechanical ones? Thanks in advance for your answer chief.

Half kiowa, half german.


Oh funky.

I grew up inbetween the Southern Utes and the Navajos.

Still just a savage.

You have corn. WTF do you have to gut innocent animals you ass-backwards, unevolved shitskin. Being "one" with nature doesn't mean skinning animals alive. It means eating vegan and living vegan.

>One that had a mother it loved, it probably played or at least tried to, had likes, dislikes.
I don't think there's much room for this kind of behaviour in a very small caged area

Who skins a live animal - wtf are you talking about?

Vegans destroy life too - its all just a transfer of energy my guy.

It's much bigger than plants vs animals.

fuck off & go back to shitting in holes, savage

My family are cenobites. I would thank you not to piss on our heritage.

>Single tear runs out of bloody eye socket with teeth in it.

Uh. I grew up in a culture that regards slaughter so disgusting that they hide the act from the eyes of the public. "Fortitude" is the right word, you entitled prick.

I apologize.

Right because whites were always a superior vegan culture... Lol

Nvm, disregard that i suck cocks
You're ok op.

I can tell the western fetishization of your savagery has gone to your head. Humble yourself.

at least we fucking try, unlike you backwards fucks

Thanks bro.

at least some of us don't fetisize, mystisize and celebrate the slaughtering of innocent animals.

you bring shame upon the white people. kys soyboy.

>t. Has never seen a wolf kill and eat a deer

Damn, I'm honored to speak to the official spokesman for the entire white race
I'm sure that quality is unique to only some white people

Still ignoring the fact that the more money people have the more meat they eat. What's the solution? Put meat limits on households? Good luck telling all the chinks and pajeets and Africans to stop eating meat. Vegans are delusional and neurotic, the coordinated sperg out on fit and ck is the perfect example of all your wasted energy.