Realistically, does it matter if I refrigerate my eggs?

Realistically, does it matter if I refrigerate my eggs?

Does what matter? Thats not a compelete setence my brother.

If you buy them refrigerated, keep them refrigerated.

If you buy them unrefrigerated, keep them unrefirgerated.

It has something to do with how laws of the area govern how to care for the eggs from between them being collected and you eating them. Mixing processes will spoil them but keeping them consistent will be fine ether way.

There is a video on it but I'm too tired to care to look it up.

Ketchup in the fridge, eggs in the pantry

Why? I buy my eggs unrefrigerated but as soon as I get home I put them in the fridge. Does that make me a bigger faggot than you? I wouldn't have thought so, but anything is possible.

Your logic is gay and I hate you

In the US, the shells are cleaned of the oils that protect them, so refrigerate.

In Europe, they don't clean anything, so leave them out.

if you buy them unrefrigerated, that means they don't wash the protective layer (egg bloom) off, and they won't spoil if you leave them out
if you buy them refrigerated, that means they DO wash that protective layer off. eggshells are porous and so outside air will penetrate into the air, introduce outside microbes, and the eggs will spoil if you don't refrigerate them.
>durr your gay
You're definitely a bigger faggot than anyone else here, that's for fucking sure.

I guess uk isn't Europe anymore (soon™) but all the store bought egg containers here say to keep them refrigerated


I buy my eggs unrefridgerated then put them in the fridge and they last ages. What are you talking about and why should I keep them unrefridgerated? Faggot retard

>eggshells are porous and so outside air will penetrate into the air, introduce outside microbes

No, you idiot.
Cold egg + warm air = condensation.
Moisture from condensation will permeate the shell, giving salmonella a vector into the egg.

EU != Europe

It will certainly make them colder. Believe me, I've tried it once.

Who is eating cold eggs? Disgusting imho

>I buy my eggs unrefrigerated
If you buy them unrefrigerated that means you can keep them unrefrigerated at home.
Do you get it now?

>don't you know, user? bacteria can't travel through the air!
This is you.

I'm not American you passportless faggot. You have no idea what my countries egg processes are. Stop talking shit.

>If you buy them unrefrigerated, keep them unrefirgerated.
Why? Retard

Dude... I'm pretty sure that if anyone here is a retard, it's you. What he's saying is, if you buying them unrefrigerated, then you can leave them unrefrigerated. He's not calling anyone who leaves unrefrigerated eggs refrigerated gay. Honestly, you're too much of an autist to even be on Veeky Forums. Just leave.

OP i am neither a scientist nor an alarmist...all i can tell you is what i do.
My eggs are bought so theyre probably old and shittly already. I leave my giant 60ct box on the counter until i get through it which takes anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks.
These eggs are never overcooked...always runny yolks, sometimes runny whites and omeletes are always wet and custard-like. If boiled i always go for soft. I have never washed an egg before cracking.

In three years of doing this i have never incountered a bad egg nor been made sick by eating the eggs.

My kitchen does stay fairly cool.
I think some of these precautions are heared towards old people living in the jungle without air-conditioning. If your living conditions are not completely savage and youre halfway healthy im guessing youre eggs are fine unrefridgerated.

If it just came out of the hen or you're buying them from someone who can guarantee they're fresh, it's probably fine to leave em unrefrigerated. if you get em from the store id be cautious and just refrigerate them.

You're potentially putting fecal matter in your fridge. Congrats.

>Because you eat the shell.

You fucking dummy.

Oh you just wait, the UK are moving continent once the bags are packed

Food safety man. You put other food in your refrigerator, do you not?

it. does IT matter.

Make pickled eggs OP and fuck off

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
