Statistically speaking, you will never get published. No one will ever read what you write...

Statistically speaking, you will never get published. No one will ever read what you write, so why do you continue to write?

Other urls found in this thread:

>le well-meaning cynic meme

Good Lord, no wonder this generation is so weak and uninspired.

because the normal person is basically mentally retarded and i already know that i am on the top row of people

i also do it to purge the bad thoughts out of me

If you don't enjoy it above all else, you won't do it.

Pic related, only the bubble cities might survive. who will live to read your works, Mr. Maslow?

>spend years conducting historical research in several archives in multiple countries
>nobody other than your grading professor will read your thesis

feels bad man

Turn it into historical fiction.

Because it's fun. And fuck it, maybe I'll get lucky. Yes, I apply the same logic to my writing as people with a gambling problem do to their addiction.

Statistically speaking, you are likely to be heterosexual. Empirical proof though leads to the conclusion that you are an insufferable faggot.

>go to work, get some money to buy some food and survive and watch game of thrones until you die
>haha what a succesful guy!! had a good job and bought some nice lampshades with his money

>truly trying to live life to the fullest and, change the world around you with the power of your mind, living true to yourself and not compromising
>haha what a loser

You can't change the world around you if no one reads what you write.

the strive to try is what's important. like i said, living true to yourself

Statistically speaking you will never live forever. No one will ever fuck what you point, so why do you continue to live?

>No one will ever fuck what you point,

i have non-confrontational charitable ascetic principles and people view me as a loser because of it all the time. i think people can only really respect someone withdrawn out of society if he's already been successful in it. if not, everyone feels like you're just coping.

Some stories need to be told. And you can get people to read what you write by posting it online somewhere. Getting PAID is the challenge. But if I change a mind,provoke a thought or birth a revelation in someone's life,I can be content with that small victory.

Too bad I'm a magazine editor, OP, so my writing gets read on a daily basis.

It's a shame that most of it's unimaginative drivel, though.

they are envious, you are superior to them and they can't stand that someone wouldn't waste time on the same trivial things as them

Statistically speaking, it's UNLIKELY that anyone here will ever get traditionally published.

Statistically speaking, it's guaranteed that anyone who even so much as makes a basic attempt can get self-published.

Statistically speaking, most who get traditionally published will make at least $5000 but it's not guaranteed that they'll ever make more than that.

Statistically speaking, most who get self-published will make less than $100 in their first year, but if they keep at it then they can make more and more over the years if they're not completely retarded and horrible at writing, eventually at least making decent supplemental income from like-minded people who become fans.

Statistically speaking, OP's a faggot, but we shouldn't hold it against him/her/xi.

>implying I write anything anymore
check and mate my friend


I tell the stories to my wife and daughters.

>Statistically speaking, OP's a faggot
No, I think that's a mathematical certainty.

>Statistically speaking, you are likely to be heterosexual. Empirical proof though leads to the conclusion that you are an insufferable faggot.

The barriers to publishing are lower than they've ever been. Sure, it might be difficult to go the "traditional" route, but at bare minimum, it's fairly easy to share works with your friends and family (including via the Internet).

If you're doing it for fame or money, then it might be tough. But if your goal is self-expression, it's never been easier to put yourself out there in a relatively polished form.

In many cases, showing publishers that you're willing to do whatever it takes to get published is a lot better than sitting on the same hidden-away manuscripts for your entire life.

>sitting on the same hidden-away manuscripts for your entire life

Ha ha that's exactly what I'm doing

>The barriers to publishing are lower than they've ever been
Tell that to all these Jewish agents in New York who won't give my manuscript the time of day because it isn't about some mulatto's sexual awakening in trendy Brooklyn coffee houses

>it's fairly easy to share works with your friends and family (including via the Internet).

What's a good platform for sharing long for work like novellas for free over the internet?

>doesn't want to know the market
>blames everyone and everything but his own work
>is already jaded and bitter over the rejection of his first MS

Don't quite your day job son, I don't think you're cut out for this business.

Because I'm my favorite author user.

How hard is it to be published online (but not self published)?

I had my first short story published by an online magazine a couple of months ago and I'm wondering how much of an achievement that is.

It clearly depends on the quality and reputation of the outlet.

Writing is something born within somebody. It isn't a question of success but of catharsis.

You say that, but I'm an editor for Penguin-Random House. Have you ever noticed a line that doesn't sit quite right, that one line doesn't seem to fit the author's voice? That one line per novel, that single sentence that's too ornate or too plain— it's all me.

I bet you get a weird sexual thrill from doing that.

You goddamn son of a bitch

sick fuck

Cause it's fun and good for your brain

Don't think this is worth creating a new bread for, so I'll use the "not gonna make it" one:

I'm making a small game, which is 50% simple gameplay, 50% short bits of rhyming text (see pic related).

Could one of you people, who likely know what is good writing, play it (takes no more than 5 min to complete without paying much attention) and tell me that the text is bad and it should be removed or suggest fundamental changes to make it work. Please?

>Statistically speaking, you will never get published.
This is the future, old man. I can copy pasty all my shitposts into a document, format it into whatever format Amazon wants and publish a book this evening. As for traditional publishing, it's honestly not that hard, I know tons of people who did get published personally and their works weren't overly amazing.

Majority of people who don't get published can't even do the very, very basics right like following the query guidelines. As long you got that covered, the chances are statistically speaking, better than with most other high risk-high reward activities, without any of the risk.

>No one will ever read what you write, so why do you continue to write?
Because it's the only thing I can do for hours while enjoying every second.

It's not really that bad, following big goals needs determination, if some user on 4chains is enough to discourage someone, they never had a chance in the first place.

forgot link #2

What's wrong with you?

I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain! One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night filled mountain, in itself forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

I already have had a short story published so there is that. Believe in a growth mindset bros. Keep reading, keep writing a ton, get lots of feedback and eventually you will create something worthwhile.

>Some stories need to be told
And your autistic, unsettling furry fantasy comic is not one of them

Small fanbases are comfy. Additionally, writing shit is fun, just don't do it purely because you want cash money and you should be golden.

I fucking love getting emails from the few fans I have. One of them are from the US, and he INSISTS on being the first person to buy my books as soon as they're released, no matter what they're about. Another is from Germany and insists that my stuff will result in TV shows or movies someday, and yet another is from Australia and is chill as fuck. Oddly enough, they're all over 50 years old if I recall correctly. Still waiting to get a fan from the UK for me to swap emails with, I'm certain I'll get one before much longer. There's 5 paperback books in Germany that I WROTE... they hold MY words, and on the cover is MY pen name. Every time I think about it, it's mindblowing in such a beautiful way, and makes it all the more tragic that I've yet to hold my own books. Money is tight, but if things keep going the way they're going then I think I'll have a paperback version of all my books before the end of 2017. Maybe it'll be a Christmas present to myself, though by Christmas I may very well have 9 or 10 books making it even more expensive to get them all.

I like to think that I'm within the margin of error

>their sisters wept
a little cheesy especially with the repeated phrase
also a lot of your lines are pretty questionable slant rhymes. try to match meter within couplets at least, and think about better rhyming

Trips are wasted on this.

It was me, Barry!

Anyone who made it big did this. Or just wrote for enjoyment and never gave a fuck about publishing. But really, if everybody has such a shit mentality, literature would die out.

to sort my mind. to form clearer thoughts


Well I tend to write a story rather for myself like making a panting over years and years. I started it when I was bored around 16, now I'm around 25 and the story has been like completely redone and rewritten.

Basically I do it for my own perfectionism. Every time I find something this dosn't appear flawless or logical so I take time and redo it to make everything make 100% sence.

Publishing imperfect story like this (I am pretty sure it can even be accepted by some publisher) and then finding a flaw later onwards will be terrible.

Dry your eyes with Benjamins, son.

Nice. I think it's a matter of momentum. Gradually, over time, the number of readers will grow. Although one of flaws of being self-published is that you need to do a lot of advertising essentially I.E. post wherever, get people looking at your shit, etcetera. I'm not gonna pretend I have even published anything propper, all my shit is on a website. But having 'fans' who appreciate your stuff is nice, especially ones who genuinely also like the person behind the words.

Nothing happens. You cover in a thousand words what needs maybe six hundred, if that. Is this a first draft?

Where to self-publish articles? I just want to get stuff out there

Except writing is good for you and you can't "lose" at it.

Yeah, first draft.

There's no point making the game if you're not gonna put it on Android.

>the sister site of

Isn't there something a bit more respectable?

Even if you get traditionally published you have to do a lot of advertising/marketing too. Things have changed big-time in the world of books, and traditional publishers/distributors will generally only put the money down for marketing if it's for a big name that is sure to catch eyes and sell well. Stephen King, J K Rowling, etc.

A great way to get more exposure, which is a big part of self-publishing since people can't decide if they like you or not if they've never heard of you or read your stuff, is by doing free promotions. I did one recently, several books for free and some on discount. Ended up with 105 free downloads in 2 days, which I consider a success. Not the best I've ever done, but that's quite good all the same. I do such promotions every 4-8 weeks, roughly. I've had over 500 free downloads, I think around 100 paid downloads, about 20 paperback sales, and I don't even know how many thousands of KENP page reads. Anyways, as more people read your stuff, some will inevitably end up liking what they're reading unless you just completely suck, and it'll result in more book sales, more reviews, and even the occasional fan you actually get in contact with. It's pretty great.

Unless you're some kind of wizard and manage to do EVERYTHING right, making your start in self-publishing will generally be a long, slow process. Such is somewhat the case for me, but less so than most who get self-published. Most don't make $100 in their first year, but I made that in sales/KENP within the span of 2 months before. When I include ghostwriting, I'm at over $100 each month, which if nothing else is a very welcome addition to income. I bought a cell phone at the start of the month, cost about $104 which includes the first month's service payment thing. So basically, my writings in September paid for it, and besides that also gave me some spending money on the side. Very pleasant way of looking at it.

What are the things you can do right if you just want to make money?

>Look to the market; what genres are selling best?
>In those genres, which books are selling best?
>What are some common themes in those books?
>Don't reinvent the wheel; write something similar.
>Got money? Invest in a good cover, and spend time on a good blurb.
>How are you at shilling? Get online, don't be obnoxious, and subtly try to get your book title and/or your pen name in people's minds.
>Start off at a VERY low price, or free. Keep it there for at least a month, if not longer.
>By the time you set the price to something reasonable that will make you some money, you should already have LOADS of downloads, a healthy amount of reviews (hopefully mostly positive), and people who are fans of the genre/settings already talking about it.

That's a few things, but personally, I just write about what interests me. Not the smartest thing for making money, but I still want writing to be fun.

Unsettling is good! Better than forgettable. Let's unsettle more...

Because I just write a bunch of dodgy Kindle erotica and it gets read/wanked to by a handful (heh) of people, which is enough for me.

what genre of erotica?

Hetero sex with a mild submissive element. Protagonists are various female professions with a uniform associated (policewoman, secretary, French maid, soccer player, military, etc). Usually they secretly want to be fucked by someone, so act provocative by not wearing panties, teasing, lewd jokes, etc until their crush/coworker/teammate/etc loses control and bends them over a desk or something like that. I'm thinking of branching out into impregnation stuff too, girlfriends hiding the condoms and whatnot.

Damn. That's vanilla as fuck. Disappointing.

>Statistically speaking, you will never get published.

I've been published. So...kind of blows your argument out of the water there.

Still...nobody will ever read what I write, yeah, but oh well.

Why do it? Why do anything? Statistically, you're never going to be rich. You're never going to find your soul mate. In our current economic climate, you're probably not going to find a job that will even pay enough money to do the things you want to do. So why do anything? Why bother? Why not just sit on your ass and do nothing?

The answer, btw, is that you'll be miserable if you do.

I really liked it, simple yet entertaining. Do you have more work like this?

I think it sounds pretty cool, I bet chicks eat it up.

For myself

t. porn addict

Because I enjoy writing you fucking cock mongler.

Because it's an ambition I can proud of when it's finished, published or not. Heck, I'd actually rather not sell it so I can keep the story the way I wanted it to be.
I'll admit that the story I'm writing is garbage, but it's something I've put a lot of effort into.

>there actually are people who write for other reasons other than enjoying the process of writing

I usually dont write, except for personal stuff, and some shitty short stories. I secretly. Hope historians find them

Man imagine how many birds die each day because they couldn't notice the glass

Literary fame is not based on technical perfection, but love. Your slander is the same as yawping in an attempt to interrupt a conversation between lovers. We, sir, preserve the right to go elsewhere, irrespective of your meddling

This 2bh

It's surprising how many people actually enjoy writing for writing's sake. Personally, I hate it. But since I can't draw, compose, or program it's the only creative outlet I have.

The more likely you are to be paid in a certain profession, the more of those people there are.

I think this is why most medical doctors I've met are so miserable. They're just in it for the steady cash by the time they manage to get into the workforce. It's devastating to realize that all the love for your craft has been drilled out of you

Because I read it, I enjoy it for the feeling of creation, and get better the more I write

Not him, but that is capitalism for you

I write because I will never get published and no one will ever read what I write.

Post some please.

Doctors are doubly fucked because not only do they have to compete viciously with one another, they also have to put up with a lot of legal interference in their profession. It's quite a reversal from how it used to be, when the writer's hands would be lopped off for writing sedition, but the doctor could bleed the king as he pleased, because he "knew what he was doing."

I enjoy creating regardless of its reception.

When I was in school, I had multiple teachers and professors tell me that something I wrote for class was worth publishing, both fiction and non-fiction. Both my high school and college are nationally regarded, and my profs included world experts on the subjects I was writing on. I never took any of them up on it, but I'm fairly certain that when I'm ready I can find a literary agent with standards at least as low as theirs.

>get bad grade
>appeal it
>double readership
f-feels great ...

Whats the topic of your thesis?

Because, statistically speaking, I'm far above average.

Dearest Anonymous on the fall of Friday of Year 2016 CE,

Neither tell me the odds nor get cocky. Get it? The reference that is. Tell me you got the reference. From a very, fairly famous film. Hint: Star Wars. Another hint: George Lucas, Jewish "director" who directed the film being referenced in this here reply.

From your friend,
anonymous (signed)
Anonymous, 4channer.

Post scriptum which includes the third hint: third hint: Han Solo. Well? Don't got all day.

Fuckin' eh. Based.

Capitalism allows the opportunity to make a living by doing what you love, provided you're good enough at it. If a writer writes books for 5 years, immediately getting into self-publishing but also hoping to get an agent to be traditionally published, but by the end of that half century hasn't come CLOSE to being approached by an agent for ANY of their books and hasn't even totaled $100 in royalties yet... then either they're just not good enough of a writer or they're writing what they want to write which although it MIGHT be good it might also not be what the people want to read.

You do well in Capitalism, by improving society. For doctors, it's improving people's health, and it's a VERY important job so they automatically get LOTS of money for it, as they should. For writers, it's by writing something people want to read. If they read it and like it, they might leave a good review, might tell others about it, and word will spread. People will get interested, they'll put down the money to check it out, and then when you release more books they'll know they like your stuff so they'll pay more money to read it. What you write, brings them happiness, or sadness, or horniness, or what have you. Maybe all of them in different ways, but by making people feel whatever wanted emotion it is, you are improving society, and thus you earn their money.

Making burgers at McDonald's? A lot of people like burgers, but it's a very low-skill trade that almost anyone can do and the burgers themselves are at a low, affordable price so you won't get paid much for it. However, if you love doing it, you can keep at it. As the years tick by you gain more and more influence in that restaurant. You'll learn the ins and outs, and soon you'll become an assistant manager or maybe even a manager. As you earn more and more money, eventually you'll buy some of the restaurants to be the one getting most of the money from sales. In time, you'll even have a brand new restaurant built, hiring the staff, and perhaps some day buying stock for the chain itself. You could make decisions, trying new sandwiches, or maybe even something totally different; McDonald's brand potato chips flavoured EXACTLY like McDonald's burgers.

It doesn't matter your race, gender, or whether you were born to a poor family or a rich one. There is equal opportunity, and if a doctor wastes 5 years of their life in medical school only to find out they hate their job, the they could work for a few years to make that money back and then some, then try something new once they're in their 30s. Capitalism rewards those who benefit society, and those who strive for what they love.

Also in capitalism, wealth isn't guaranteed. Poor parents birth a child, that child when grown up makes an invention that lots of people love and the grown child makes an assload of money. They get married, continue to invent, have children, and all is well. This 3rd generation might have one or two of the kids take part in the family business, but it doesn't go well, sales dwindle, and the company and rights are sold off. They live lazily on the money for decades while a 4th generation comes about. By the time the 3rd generation has died, the 4th are left with maybe a hundred thousand dollars or so instead of millions upon millions. Instead of investing it towards something, they use it to coast for as long as possible until they run out, and get shitty basic jobs in restaurant or retail.

Just like that, a family line went from poor, to rich, to somewhat wealthy, to poor. These things happen, as they should. You only do well in capitalism by working, innovating, and in general improving society in some way or another. If you just sit on your lazy ass idly, someone will make a better invention, a better method, a better product, a cheaper method of making the product but at the same or better quality, and so on and so forth. A company can develop an awesome product that people love, but if another company comes up with a better way of making that product that the earlier company can't keep up with then they'll go out of business, as they should, because capitalism rewards those who contribute the most. Netflix made the transition into going online, because that's where the future is. Blockbuster did not. Blockbuster is gone now. The Thompson SMG was revolutionary in the 1920s-30s, but by the 1940s there were SMGs coming about that were smaller, lighter, simpler, cheaper, without sacrificing overly much in functionality. The M3 "Grease Gun" had those qualities and thus it replaced the Thompson. The Soviet Union, though Communist, likewise came up with different SMG designs through the war. PPD-40 by Degtryarov, PPSh-41 by Shpagin, and the PPS-43 by the guy who's name I can't recall... except to my knowledge even though Degtyarov had made designs for the USSR since the 20s or so none of the individuals who created these fantastic SMGs made money.

Just like after WWII Mikhail Kalashnikov made VARIOUS amazing designs for the USSR but he made little to no money out of it, however he became world renown. On an interesting flip side, Eugene Stoner made lots of money but for the most part very few people know of him. Who is he? Eugene Stoner designed the AR15 which lead to the M16 and M4 which are still in use today, not to mention the AR15 is widely owned and loved in America with so damn many having been produced the prices have dropped to a very affordable $400 or so in some cases.

Also, America has toilet paper. Venezuela does not.

This sounds terrible

I am apublished. I write in my penname and write smut on Amazon

200 buckaroos a month