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Literature #101
Tfw another Saturday spent wandering aimlessly around the city alone
My professor says that Dostoevsky was actually a nihilist...
What will i get out of reading this?
Lives in a First world country with countless resourceful libraries
Any books about characters with no friends, no romantic relationships, a poor relationships with their broken family...
What's your favorite branch of philosophy, Veeky Forums?
What's the most nihilistic Jean Baudrillard book
Should I major in English? Don't know what to do with my life
Gods telling me too write this book
In honor of Spanish Civil War pt. 2 coming soon to theaters near you, what is your favorite OG Spanish Civil War lit
Requests to friend that all literary work be destroyed posthumously
When was the last philosopher born?
Kevin MacDonald on Philip Roth
Wisdom thread
Another week of studying literature here at the University of Sarajevo, the very spot where WW1 began
He doesn't savor every word
Coworker is bored by videogames, TV, film and wants to try reading
Finnegans Wake
What are some examples of Man vs. Reality?
Tfw not even close to finishing my novel
So I'm taking my psych class for two weeks and I do have some questions for this book...
Is it ok to start with Gass and postmodern lit in general from here? It's the only thing im interested in reading
What's the last book that made you feel actual emotions reading it?
So i just joined a book club with a few co-workers at my new job so i can connect with them better...
Where is a good place to pirate books?
What does it mean to be really human?
Shits on academia throughout entire book
Great writers are empathetic, sensitive beings who care about humanity rather than merely themselves...
Where do you write?
Pynchon BTFOing Ayn Randists and Capitalism Worshipers
Do you go to book clubs with your GF?
Rec me some books by women, about women. I want to understand them better
Petition to replace the big four (infinite jest, ulysses, gravity's rainbow...
This kills the Petersonfag
Would you guys read this comic?
Am I the only one who irrationally hates people who say 1984/Brave New World/Fahrenheit 451 is their favourite book?
Huxley, Orwell, Bradbury. Who was right?
Ywn be a part of the K'Chain Che'Malle noble race
You guys meme a lot about how you shouldn't be reading for the plot. What should I pay attention to when I'm reading?
You don't understand Traditionalism
Love letter/suicide note thread
Is Stocism just a mask ?
Life is Strange
Just read this 'lil novella and thought it was really witty and significant. What are your takes on it?
ITT: books that give a good overview of the significant thinkers and ideas of western civilization
Just saw bladerunner and it was pure kino. JOI wants k to read pale fire to her...
Many anons say Atlas Shrugged has "shit prose" but I have yet to see an in depth explanation as to why...
The absolute state of literary journals
What novels challenge Moby Dick for the title of best English language novel?
Page 44 of 1984 does it get better? holy shit its fucking boring
Name a more iconic duo
Why is Veeky Forums so anti-scientific...
Im hoping to find the single most horrifying novel you know about
Capital as Lovecraftian Entity
Looking for anti globalism writings. Any recs?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Drug Literature
Post some Veeky Forums-approved lyricists
How does one start with the greeks exactly?
What do you guys think about (the philosophically relevant thus literature related) Simulation Theory?
An abyss can stare at you?
Cure for insomnia, the book
Unabomber's Manifesto
How did you get started writing?
St. Augustine's Confessions
Dubs decides which philsophy I dedicate my life too. I can't fix myself so hopefully a philospher can fix me
Do you still read during the semester?
When you realise civilisation isn't a good thing and even seemingly contrarian reactionaries are actually just...
Brutal Critique
How do you stop yourself from buying new books?
How do i read this book?
Have you read any good books on schizophrenia? Either, for instance...
Why the hell is japanese literature so poorly written?
This just came in the mail. Time to turn my life around
Charles... This is... *sips water*... *smacks lips*... The school of... *shakes head* resentment...
Can you tell the gender of an author from reading their work?
Why doesn't Veeky Forums enjoy Pynchon anymore?
/ehg/ - Erotic Literature General
Post a fictional character and others list off books they'd read
He believes in Sapir–Whorf hypothesis
Is "good omens" by Neil Gaimann and Terry pratchett the best book ever written?
Finally got myself an ebook reader, what should be my first book?
Has there ever been a prettier writer?
What is the greatest book you have read that you believe very few others have read as well
Why does Veeky Forums dislike analytic philosophy so much? No memes please
Classic american literature
Can we get a ww1-lit thread going on?
Is there any surer way to tell if somebody's a simpleton or brain-damaged than if they say this book is a worthwhile...
Veeky Forums for this feel please
Tfw you have slowly shifted the tone of Veeky Forums from advocacy of Modernity to its rejection
Just picked up this as my first book...
So... where can i learn literature in a level similar to a uni course?
Music Theory and Composition Book Collection
Reading is Gay
/stack/ recent purchases
He wrote some pretty good fan-fiction, compact, terse verse. Somewhat enjoyable, but why he is considered so great...
Lost and depressed? Looking to get into a career that's actually somewhat Veeky Forums-related?
Want to have Homer in book form. What's the recommended version to get? Thinking about Lattimore
Wait... jesus had siblings?
Anyone here read Maps of Meaning? Is it any good?
Thinks he's well-read
Write what's on your mind
Have you read any works of the great LRH?
State of the publishing industry general thread. What are your thoughts?
Why Trump Deserves Trust, Respect and Admiration Paperback
Stephen King has done more for the horror genre than Memecraft. Prove me wrong, kids
Most Chad author?
Laszlo Krasznahorkai Praise Thread
Any good maritime book recommendations?
Was Gatsby even that great?
Post an artwork, get a book recommendation
How many hours a day do you read on average?
So Veeky Forums recommended me this translation of 'Notes from Underground' as the best...
Every character in a contemporary model will have to have a cellphone
I've made it a lifetime goal to never read a single page of Stephen King. Who wants to join me?
Intro to psych class
Books about disabled ppl
First sentence
Imagine that determinism proved to be true, and free will was just an illusion. How do you feel about that possibility?
What's Veeky Forums's stance on books from Everyman's Library? Are they worth buying...
The masterpieces of 2017
NYC Fall Meetup
Be a polymath and student undergraduate at Harvard University...
Anyone want to collaborate on a novel?
Logos as Anthropos
Why did Joyce write Finnegans Wake after he had already made himself a legend by writing Ulysses?
Is there a book that can help me stop hating hot women for not being attracted to me?
Engages in a thorough and honest investigation of the psychology of women
What is the best font for reading?
Pierre Bezukhov
I tried reading the Iliad and got bored during the second book...
Are there any decent arguments for the divinity of Christ...
How many languages do you know?
Is this the best way to learn a language?
What are some books where every character talks like a philosopher, themes of grief...
Does literature need decolonization?
Richard Dawkins and his Atheism
Tfw early start to the day here at the ancient and universally renowned University of Oxford
Is any user here the voice of our generation?
Lord of the flies
My German engineer very argumentative & tiresome...
How can creativity even be real? The amount of things that can be achieved are within a set...
/clg/ - Catholic Literature General
What does everyone think of milk and honey by rupi kaur?
This is literally the comfiest book of all time
Is all this necessary?
He reads multiple books at a time
Wow that was bad
Should I read Paradise Lost before reading Moby Dick...
Arguments against traditionalism that don't boil down to "iPhones are cool though"?
What do you think of Ayn Rand's literature Veeky Forums...
Tfw they cut funding for the religion and philosophy department at school
Contemporary Non-Plebian Tier Sci-Fi
What books would you suggest for someone who grew up isolated with no friends...
Why does anyone prefer the postmodernist philosophers to Nietzsche?
Was anyone else like this in high school?
Another calm...
Reccomendations please
What do lit graduates do for a living? That seems to be neglected here
Hi I’m 19 And Made Living This Summer Off Of Poetry
Books that were once insanely popular, but now no one knows about them
Poetry on demand?
Why are normie writers so fucking retarded?
Writing as a job
Is there any good fiction to jerk off to?
Convince me of the existance of god / books or philosophers that could convince you of the existance of god
ITT: Books women can't understand
German Poems
the board(s) you visited frequently before coming to Veeky Forums
Woke up this morning in an ancient University of Oxford dormitory previously inhabited by renowned thinkers...
Why does Veeky Forums care so much about picking certain translations of books over another(or sometimes even advocates...
How many of these have you read Veeky Forums
How to Read 100 Books a Year?
If I learn German today, will I be able to read and understand Kant and Goethe?
What's the difference between the following sentences:
Anyone else have a bad habit of buying too many books instead of using the library?
ITT - Books that changed your life
Essential Arthurian Texts
Sexual improvment books
Poetry critique thread
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What if... per chance...
Which translation of the Iliad do you prefer...
Recommend me some poets that are as raw and exciting as Bukowski
Can someone please point this brainlet in the direction of some good short stories and short story authors...
It's not funny anymore. Just explain what this guy said already...
Why aren't you a Sowellian?
It would have pleased Lord Byron to know that, having been the most renowned, imitated...
Should I read Hemingway?
Trying to keep an open mind
ITT: films that wouldn't translate well to literature
Thoughts about Tolkien ?
How many books do you read per month?
The humanity is collapsing and civilization will break down, but before you go with everything else...
Popular authors you hate
If you could erase one book and its content from the surface of the Earth and the mind of the people...
Is originality the essence of good poetry?
My favorite musician
The best words in the English language
Woaahh dude, like, postmodernists are just dumb. also, like, clean your room dude
Warning: Purest reddit-tier fucking cancer inside
Am I the only one who browses this board with an open notepad so I can jot down random notes from anons who talk about...
Explain Baudrillard to me, please
I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. Post a book, author, philosophy etc...
Has anyone read this yet? It's titled "The Stars Don't Get Lost at Night"
Just read the abridged Moby Dick unless you want to know everything about 19th century whaling
Fanged Noumena - Discussion Thread
Which one is best?
Tips on how to not crack or crease a spine?
If Veeky Forums is so lit how come we never talk about comic books?
What are the flaws with philosophical writing? Where does philosophy meet its limits? Is philosophy even valid?
Do you guys know modern writers who view the world throw a densely metaphorical lens?
Tim Wise
Was he really a great writer?
What books do cute girls like?
How can fashies claim to draw from Nietzsche when they advocate for what he considered most decadent...
Space is literally the most stupid thing there is
Tfw started studying at Oxford recently (Jesus college)
Post the most sublime sentence or paragraph you've ever read. Where is it from? Who wrote it?
I've created a new chart for /r9k/ lit since the other one is mostly pleb garbage or filler
Who's gonna get your book collection after you die?
Bought an E-Reader but reading is STILL not fun!
go into WH Smiths, UK franchise book-store
What are some redpilled books about the banking system, economy, politics, markets, trading, etc..?
Free will thread
What are some great books/short stories about incest? Asking for my sister
Let's have a thread, not about the contents of the book, but how it's bound
Please rip this thought of mine to shreds. I want to learn
Is there any refutation or good life philosophy to adopt against Nihilism?
Summarize a classic, monumental book, with just a one line shitpost, and other anons try to guess which book is it
Can a joke be regarded as a short story?
Wore my "So it goes" shirt to a party
Lets have a nice thread, Veeky Forums. Post your objectively mediocre books that mean the world to you
What's your favorite romance?
Veeky Forums audio
What happened to this? It was "finished" but I never heard anything about it since
Cursive?, Print? Post your handwriting
What are some books to read if I'm horribly obsessed with the magic of childhood to the point of near depression and am...
Why do people who are not well read tend to be left wing?
Who is the airport novel author of your country?
Literature for samurai
If you aren't Orthodox, does church do much for you? I'm Orthodox and I have been to many Christian services...
Bob Dylan
Is this worth reading? I'm from Europe so I am not Clinton or Trump supporter
Is the internet the enemy of literature?
Girard vs. Guenon
I’ve tried to make friends here, and I’ve really put effort in...
The Tale Of Genji, and other classic Japanese/Asian lit
No god, no state, depression
Hey Veeky Forums how the fuck is it going?
Hello Veeky Forums, what do you all think of my poetry so far? thinking of starting up a book of poems
Do you write a journal?
So is he actually right or is he wrong in the end...
Walk in
Hey lit, would you support my youtube channel?
What do you anons think of Osama bin Laden's ''letter to America''?
Am I missing something, or was this book just plain bad?
Is it me or is there something incredibly creepy about this book?
Big 5 Personality Test Results
The Brothers Karamazov
Best philosophy boks
You fags will argue about anything
Why is he such a FAG
Thoughts on Cioran?
Is hypersexualization the reification of the human being?
Tfw can't read
Penguin Classics
Does Veeky Forums own any first editions?
Ten Little Niggers
Longest works of fiction
Home library/reading room pron. comfy edition
Write what's on your mind
Can anyone redpill me on camus's absurdism?
Reading on the train
Which book captures "everyday life" the best?
Stack Thread
Recommended reading for single fathers?
Is there a more overrated writer?
Is stockhausen the greatest modern example of the ubermensch?
What is the most beautiful English prose that you have ever read...
Why do so many people on this board sound like they watch Rick and Morty unironically?
I miss her videos and book reviews
Alright Veeky Forums, I need some perpective...
Books like Dark Souls?
The only unforgivable sin is to believe that you are beyond redemption
Would having some kind of weekly/monthly readings Veeky Forums direct the discussion away from memes and shitposts...
ITT: Irrefutable philosophers
"There is literally nothing to be said, scientifically or therapeutically...
Tfw you grew out of your cringey Abrahamic phase and embraced the superiority of Hinduism
So I know you have to read Anti-Oedipus before Nick Land, but what do you read before Deleuze and Guattari...
Ligotti Thread
The Bible, Intro To God
Do you believe that German is better than English for artistic literary expression? As of right now...
Essential McLuhan reading?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Dear Atheists:
12 They left the Desert of Sin and camped at Dophkah. 13 They left Dophkah and camped at Alush...
Why aren't you a polymath?
Veeky Forums tattoo thread
Have you had the experience of seeing through the illusion of your own identity?
What are the best / most interesting books of the bible from a literary standpoint?
Graphic Novels
Why have intellectual communities become so confused on the matters of beauty, art, and the ideal...
"Stop reading philosophy"
Kant Thread
What book converted you to your current faith and what book would you now use to convert someone
What are some of the quotes that changed your life and thinking forever?
Is this graphic correct Veeky Forums? Should we tolerate intolerance? If so, why?
How butthurt are you at never going to Oxbridge for undergrad and knowing people will see you as mentally deficient for...
Superstition is the belief in the causal nexus
So I know it's a meme but has anyone read it and what did you think?
Freud was wrong about sexuality
Shakespeare is supposed to be watched, not read
Drop the book and stop wasting time on something that:
James Franco
What's the deal with people LARPing as Roman Catholics?
I turn 26 years old October 21st 2017 12:00am (EST) and since I have about 45 min to kill can you guys give me some...
When you invent postmodernism before modernism has even been invented
Le if i give the history of something, it discredits it
Biggest spoilers in literary history
/crit/ - Writing Critique
This is the worst board on Veeky Forums. Holy shit. Anyways read this book you fuckoffs
The worst words in the English language
What do you think Shakespeare's personality was like?
He reads physical books
What do ya'll think of DH Lawrence?
Existencial Crisis book recomendations?
Does Harry Potter have any redeeming qualities as literature?
I just wanted to recommend Jordan Peterson's reading lists for any newfags...
Why do you still believe in free will, Veeky Forums...
What are some books like Oyasumi Punpun? Particularly in the depressed creep part. I've read Whatever, No Longer Human...
Anybody else get very Jewish vibes from this guy's books?
Fiction dealing with religion
What are some good books on music theory and history? I'd ask /mu/ but they're normies
Who had the best story?
Has there been any worthwhile epic poetry written in the last 100 years?
Hey Veeky Forums, Is foundation still a good read like it was many decades ago? It aged well...
What is the best wanderer literature? So far I've got Kerouac, Hesse, and Che down, I need some more...
Books were a mistake
Anglos can't pronounce shit
Besides a cringy fanbase of redditors and kids, and his meme nuances of speech...
Why are you guys such a buzzkill?
Best translation?
Veeky Forums's ultimate job as a writer
Your son is applying for english lit at a top tier univerity (cambridge / oxford) in two years time...
Explain to me this guy in one sentence
Any recommendations on what order to read Philip K. Dick?
Daily reminder Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, not politics/history/philosophy/"general humanities."
Why are reddit's philosophy boards so terrible?
So due to a recent trauma in my life I am looking to better understand sexuality and the human libido
Do you read on public transportation?
How do you cope with death
American Literature
Beginner to philosophy and classic literature here...
>top 3 books >job>major
Wait, guenon became a sufi? lol
Some people actually prefer Crime & Punishment to The Brothers Karamazov?
1. Since getting his PhD, he has conducted no scientific research
It's disappointing that I can't find contemporary books bound like this
How do you stay sharp during an allnighter?
Veeky Forums, recommend good homosex book
So did anyone like this?
I have never read a book in my life where should i start
Cyberpunks shit now right?
Have you ever horribly embarrassed yourself in an academic setting?
ITT: we laugh at people who bought this translation of plato's republic
Is there a more reductionist and retarded thinker than him?
Why did he include an underage gangbang?
Is the hero, by necessity, a collectivist figure?
“Napoleon, the greatest of the conquerors, is a sufficient proof that great men of action are criminals...
Is western culture (not civilization) dead?
Leave being wrong about everything to me
Does it get better after this one?
Veeky Forums poll
Rereading Foucault's College de France lectures
Hello Veeky Forums, I have a big writing problem and don't know where else to discuss this...
How can anyone believe in phallogocentrism, am I missing something? It's comoletely retarded
It's time to take the test, Veeky Forums, I want to know what you are
Best 21st century novels
This shit sucks. It better start getting good
Anyone such a creative genius to the point of getting misunderstood...
Books that made you physically ill
Hey guys, It's one of those meta-threads. I know everyone here is fucking tired of these /pol/tards...
Do girls talk about literature when guys are not around?
I got memed by blade runner into picking this
What are the "must-reads" in the realm of political philosophy?
What are some good books on about crime life in New York City?
One of the greatest minds of his generation
Fagles Box
My Kobo Glo HD comes in the mail today. What's the first thing I should do with it?
What is /lit's/ view on Slam Poetry
Best opening of a novel
Im not sure of anything anymore
What is the best short horror story collection in your opinion?
Can someone recommend me japanese literature...
Why is French post-War philosophy so pretentious and pointless?
Ci sono boards di letteratura più specificatamente orientate a un pubblico europeo...
What am I in for?
A publishing company wants to publish my first novel and intends to split the costs of production with me 50/50
Hey guys let me make massive sweeping historical statements with no knowledge of classical antiquity!
Write about people sharing and working together
I've collected a few common Bible misquotes, here they are if you're interested
So the first page of Ulysses makes me feel like I had a fucking stroke. How do I read this book...
Intro to lit
What's UP MY SECOND FAVOURITE BOARD! I JUst wrote a song I want you to tell me what, I want to know what you think...
Who is the lil pump of literature?
What's your favourite example of a philosopher or cognitive scientist BTFO'ing the computational theory of mind and...
Holy kek. The Soviet Union was a fucking comedy show
If I were starting a digital media magazine covering American pop culture (specifically literature, music, films...
Which language is worth learning Veeky Forums?
You could have saved her
The best words in the English language
Is Evola actually not based?
Is Stephen King trash?
What books do I need to read to have a basic understanding of philosophy without actually spending a decade reading...
Did the Greeks just rip off Indian philosophy? There were Buddhists monks walking the streets of Ancient Greece...
Help me create my pen name, Veeky Forums
He called Dostoevsky "a rather mediocre writer." I mean if you read purely for prose quality...
Does an inability to control desires really absolve the human species of any wrong...
2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666 2666
Anyone here able to read on their computer? Or is having a web browser one click away always too distracting
Who did you fundamentally agree with more?
Anyone want to collaborate on a novel?
Weeeeeeew just finished reading this pamphlet. What a stupid delusional bitch...
Just woke from what might be the worst nightmare of my life...
Do you consider yourself superior to others because you read books and they dont? do you look down on them?
What is Veeky Forumss take on ereaders?
Once I'm /donewiththegreeks/, how do I into the western canon?
Do we like him and why or why not?
"For the Age has itself become vulgar, and most people have no idea to what extent they are themselves tainted...
Can we get a horror thread?
Matriarchal Society
/SFFG/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Coworker says she wants to get into literature
Post your shelfs
ITT: Biographies
What does Veeky Forums think of the Tunnels series?
Veeky Forums, when did you grow out of nihilism?
Hey faggots, have you ever felt that you really don't have any power over anything...
Achilles, famous hero of the Illiad
The great Canadian poet gord downie died today
A fucking 11yo boy recriated IJ with lego figures while you guys played viedeogames and browsed on Veeky Forums
What is the edgiest thing ever written? I might post some of my edgy writings if there is interest
How many books do you guys read per month or per year?
Guess how much Amara's Rose has made now? $35k. Who said you can't be a successful self-publisher?
Who /beyondredemption/ here?
Philosophy of Blade Runner 2049
How many syllables does "fire" have?
/clg/ - Catholic Literature General
If a wise philosopher can't or won't develop good writing skills and becomes infamous for being difficult to read as a...
Had had
Short bus story
Post a name
So have any of you read this stuff or not...
Christian Literature General
Nabokov on Don Quixote: A cruel and crude old book
Thought Pollution
Imagine how much more advanced our world would be if pic related had never been written...
I would really like to read some Marx and was wondering if I should start with Kapital, Communist manifesto...
Run-on sentences before the 18th century
Is there a literary movement that Michel Houellebecq is a part of and if so what is it called and what defines it?
What do you think of the marquis de sade?
Why is so much of literature so miserable and depressing? is it because writers generally sad people?
Give me a quick rundown of all the highlights of John's newest book. His first since 2012, I'm sure it's good
Is it possible to have freedom, be good, and be happy? Or can I only choose two?
How can i stop being nihilistic?
Read this thinking it's going to be some scathing attack on the jews from a more right-wing/esoteric perspective
Is there any reason to believe we're not just self-aware animals?
Veeky Forums BTFO
In intro philosophy class
Who's the most pretentious writer you've read? Mine is Nabokov hands down
Do you have any strategy to get the creative juices flowing?
George saunders won the man booker prize
Ayn Rand Reading Order
Thoughts on jane eyre? Read it last year and it's one of my favorites, it was touching...
What is the cringiest thing you've ever written?
Tfw I have dramatically shifted the tone of this board by posting quotations from more intellectual right-wingers
What is the Veeky Forums equivalent of pure mathematics?
How can you know if you've really made it out?
What's your method for outlining your story?
Ethical thought experiment for anti-homosex Christians:
At what age did you grow out of post modernism?
What's the socio / political or philosophical term for the idea that we are removed from the past...
Write what's on your mind
If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood...
Anyone else have a Brave New World inspired lifestyle?
"No one ever knew how to write a novel better than Turgenev."
Could we have one of these threads?
What does Veeky Forums think of her
How do you meet and date a Veeky Forums girl?
How do I find more time to read? What should I cut out of my life to use the time for reading?
Relativists BTFO
Why he won
Comment, or in-depth analysis about a book you haven't read, or even haven't heard name of
Is this cut enough for a competition?
Why do you read?
APOLOGIZE Veeky Forums
Why arent you wearing the philosopher's jumper, Veeky Forums?
What does Veeky Forums think of Haruki Murakami's works?
Actually visualizing the characters and setting
Have you ever argued with a professor? How'd it go?
Meet girl who likes books
Anyone got more of these?
Book is released
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
Are visual novels literature?
Would you rather be a knight of faith or an ubermensch? Why?
Is there a point in reading and philosophizing if you're a 110 IQ brainlet...
What happened?
How do you describe a book like this?
ITT: How you imagine a fictional character in literature
"the very sound of the word "sex" with it's hissing vulgarity and the "ks,ks" catcall at the end...
Is there any specific book you read that turned you into a believer, not counting the Bible?
What's your pseudonym Veeky Forums?
Chart thread
"Our age is not only the most Jewish...
Have you read him? What do you think of his work? and why is that The Magic Mountain is completely trash
Wanna become a politician
There are many college students who know, certainly by the time they get their bachelor's degree...
Thoughts on my stack..?
Read for 2 hours
Got pic related today. What should I expect?
Fuck poetry in it's entirety
Any soul crushing love stories written by men for men?
Why isn't Marx revered by /r9k/?
What is the greatest argument against monism?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Be honest, do you consider duolingo (app) a useful tool to learn a new language??????????????
What's the darkest, bleakest book you ever read?
I've tried and tried but I can't find a character in literature that can beat James from Silent Hill 2...
Tfw undergrad american literature classes
Read this recently, was very entertaining, what other book can you recommend for me that is like this...
What music does Veeky Forums listen to? Pic related - my current comfy mode artist
Tfw you realize Goethe was a selfish, inconsiderate, immoral, narcissistic...
How does one become "sexually" patrician?
What is the single greatest poem ever written Veeky Forums?
Tfw best emma
Break out of my NEET shackles and get a job
We need brain power
What book has impacted your life the most?
"Student please read the next passage of the novel to the class"
Philosophical Power Level
Reminder that cyberpunk grew out of white anxiety that the same kind of suffering that contemporary blacks were going...
How big is your backlog?
Words You Thought Meant Other Words
What do if he is actually right?
ITT: Literary QTs only
Le I'm too stupid to read William Gaddis man
Where do intellectual elites hang out? It certainly isn't at universities
What are your thoughts on the Bhagavad Gita or the Vedas? Are they worth a read?
Is downloading ebooks that aren't in public domain a sin? What if they're expensive textbooks?
The capitalism of social justice
Does a traumatic life/pain really lead to greater art, or art that cannot be reproduced by wholesome people...
"Every man for himself"
Would Veeky Forums be interested in starting its own pulp magazine? I know /co/ has their own for comics...
Few communists have ever read this book
Any books with crazy/sociopathic/psychopathic/femme fatale female protagonists?
It's your time to shine user
I'm sick of hearing people say that philosophy has no real-life application...
This is the most pretentious and over-dramatic book I have ever read. How is it taken seriously?
Is there anything more terrifying than solipsism? I think I'm going to cry
I'd like to know which Veeky Forums considers to be the essential (non-poetic) works of the spanish Siglo de Oro...
Is stealing food to survive morally wrong Veeky Forums?
Poetry thread. Post poems you like, poems you don't like, and/or poems you've written. Others read, comment...
Tl;Dr: WTF do?
ITT: Veeky Forums humor
Poetry Critique
Why don't normies like philosophy?
Where to start with Nietzsche? Reading Order Thread
What does your reading space look like, Veeky Forums?
Start reading the society of the Spectacle
One of these threads?
ITT: words that you always tend to misspell and have to go back and correct them
Tfw i don't care about politics
Worst ending lines in literature?
Veeky Forums satires
Nietzsche never married. Nietzsche proposed to Lou Salomé three times, but his proposal was rejected each time
"Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beauty." H L Mencken
Tfw 200 pages in
Why does Veeky Forums despise women? I thought literature exercised one's ability to empathise with other people?
Sad times
The Elder Scrolls as literature
Does knowing literature make me better than hot girls ?
Excerpt from John Green's latest novel
How do write more emotionally honestly like Kanye West?
ITT: Words that do not belong in books
What are some really complex books that have a great pay off once understanding them?
Should Paradise Lost be considered a failure?
Hi, I'm user and I just ordered Madame Bovary and Fanged Noumena. Say something nice about me
Veeky Forums meta thread
Shell Silverstein
Will someone explain to me what the fuck that epilogue was?
Immigration is bad because it causes a net loss in education, policing etc
Is being rejected by women the biggest spark of western philosophy?
Books or ebooks Veeky Forums?
Are there any novels that are written from the perspective of a terrorist?
Stack Thread
Is anime actually the antidote for postmodernism? I mean, anime often extols things like tradition and honor...
So I've been learning to read French for 18 months or so and it's definitely not easy like everyone says
Veeky Forums careers? I am disillusioned with my current career path. pic unrelated
So, is that it for Europe?
Write the cringiest opening sentence you can
Recc books that capture the lives of those early 90's lost "generation x" type grunge fuckups
Why have Christians dragged down the world's culture so much?
What is the difference between plot and narrative?
Redpill me on this guy Veeky Forums
What is the Dark Souls of literature?
A title for my novel about Jesus returning in present times. I have 2 ideas. 1. The return of the king and 2...
Post your favourite art, lit
Do you use any websites, apps or computer software to keep track of what books you've read or want to read?
Is pic related what reading Goethe in translation is like...
Truth doesn't exist
He hadn't read all of our top 100 before coming here
Important PSA: Do not start with the Greeks
/clg/ Catholic literature general
/crit/ - Writing Critique
Is there anywhere I can get a physical copy of this?
A sad state of affairs
Alright, get me started on Cormac McCarthy...
Hegelian dialectic
I picked this up recently. Did I read it?
This isn't some sort of shocking contrast. The one leads to the other, the latter is implicitly contained in the former...
Tfw I like fascism
Why climb'st thou not the Mount Delectable? Which is the source and cause of every joy?
Who is your favorite russian author?
Did we just witness the greatest poem of the 21st century?
ITT: Books that aged really badly
Do you believe in censorship?
Is he the greatest philosopher of our time?
Which boards are e/lit/e (except for Veeky Forums, of course)?
Is this book the cultural marxist manifesto?
Poetry Thread
Is he the Kurt Cobain of literature?
From a Nietzschean-Stirnerist perspective, is it justifiable to use your power to sexually exploit hot women?
Books you were forced to read in school
"I prefer the Greeks to the Romans!"
What voice do you use when reading comments on this website?
This gets published and you don't
Tfw I like communism
Can you be a qt and a good writer at the same time?
Explain Hegelian dialectics as concisely and precisely as possible in a way that can be comprehended even to someone...
Have you guys ever been extensively reading an author and then dreamed of him?
Rank the Big Four thread
ITT: Veeky Forums’s Favorite YouTube Channels
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Why do people call her mother of God?
Original haiku thread
God, I can't wait for this decadent Modernity to collapse
Post a video, get a book rec
What is some /centrist/ core literature?
Does Veeky Forums read the greatest living author?
Honestly it's really really good. His Magnus opum
Between Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein
Favorite philosopher
Grab the nearest Nietzsche book you have, open a random page, and type out a random aphorism
Books with good violence
Can anyone here refute antinatalism, I can't seem to find a fault in it
I enjoy his podcast, am I a pseud?
Does any language come close to Italian in its aesthetics and rhythm?
Literature for this feel please, fellow anons
Just finished reading this, it was great. Did he actually do all the killings...
What happened?
ITT: the top 3 20th century writers
Go to a shakespeare play
Where were you when Strauss explained /pol/ once and for all?
Tfw you realize he was right about everything
Making references
Is philosophy any good in general?
We should talk about this
What would your suicide note say?
Never lost a debate on Veeky Forums
Why were the Romans and Greeks so gay?
Pynchon just posted on our Mongolian basket weaving board
"America ... has created a 'civilization' that represents an exact contradiction of the ancient European tradition...
Post you're favourite book
So is evil simply a result of chaos we're doomed to be powerless against or is it a force we must always be ready to...
What should one read before attempting to read Kierkegaard?
Who was in the right here?
Get home, feeling demoralised after seeing so many Staceys on the train home and during my lunch break
The aim of rap is the mechanical reproduction of a regressive moment, a castration symbolism...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA have you guys actually read this edgelord?
Book to improve myself
Is this shit for real? Or is it just a giant meme? It sounds like it was written by a chuuni anime character
The Gay Science
What are the best biographies ever written?
Is there anything I should read before dante's divine comedy except the bible?
Who are Nietzsche's strongest critics?
Journey to the End of the Night
Who is the edgiest philosopher
Does Veeky Forums have a fun side?
Why is Marxism so appealing to college/university students?
Why do so many young left-wingers miss the point of this book? They seem to not realise that it is about the left...
I would like to start reading psychology, any advice on where to begin
Chart thread bois!
Can we have a chart thread
Chapters have names
Who is America's foremost prose stylist?
I am in my twenties and i'm having an existential crisis and i wanna kms
"Remember, the brain and consciousness also evolved with survival in mind, to the exclusion of all else. Thus...
Post art and get suggestions based on what you posted
Nobels BTFO
Book of Job
ITT: We describe books for others to guess
Visualizing LotR
When told by a critic Ulysses was trivial, Joyce responded that at least it wasnt quadrivial
Is Mao worth reading? Did he contribute anything worthwhile to Marxism?
Why shouldn't I do law Veeky Forums?
Imagine being this guy
Suggestions & Recommendations General
How'd he get pass the age line Veeky Forums?
Is it pretentious to read at bars?
Deskilling is a fucking disease. In cultural production today (Art, Design, Music etc...
Minimalist v. Maximalist
Leave this board and never return if any one of these apply to you:
“Nothing is more evident than that modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism...
Which one is worse, a pretentious pseud or a plain normalfag?
Write a poem
Can you please read to me user? :3
I want my money back
I think I'm dumb Veeky Forums
Who else has read the entire thing and what are your thoughts on it?
How should one go about drafting a letter to a pornstar?
With all these sexual abuse scandals coming out and more and more examples of shitty men...
Considering the way the average online moron fawns over guys like Peterson, Molyneux, Sam Harris, etc...
What's your dissertation on Veeky Forums?
Honor your favorite Greek God with a poem
R8 h8 and deb8 my bookshelf
What's the worst advice or recommendation you've ever gotten from somebody on Veeky Forums?
/ccg/ - Classical Conservative General
What did he mean by this?
“To preach anything is to give it away. First, the egoist calls life war without mercy...
What does Veeky Forums think of this guy
Do any of you own more than one e-reader...
How come I didn't read pic related in primary school?
Pynchon is a litmus test for pseuds. If you like Pynchon, you're a pseud. Deep down, you know this...
Write what's on your mind
She was a 19 yo blue eyed blonde haired goddess who I peeked at the gym for over two years...
Is there such a thing as chad literature? Surely chads read something!
Every very successful person I've read about believes in free will. If I start believing in free will...
"I'm an existentialist, utilitarian and marxist"
Write the cringiest poem you can
Pablo Neuruda really fucken sucks and my "love poetry" is a million times better (I've been told so)
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
How good are you at writing nonsense? That is, several paragraphs full of nothing...
Before the Law (Derrida)
Audiobook general
Can someone give me real reasons why female authors suck?
Tfw you sell out your own gender to write an essay because you know the professor is liberal hippy feminist
I love this book so much that just thinking about it almost makes me cry. It's the only Vonnegut book I've read so far...
Be depressed
What is the best version of the Qur'an to read? I want one that typical Muslims consider accurate...
Read "Good Old Neon" some years ago
Have you guys read this yet?
I never quite fully realized until today, walking around on campus, how alienated we are as American citizens...
Which is better, The Odyssey, or Gilgamesh, and why?
Pale Fire
Explain to me what this faggot is all about. What does he say and why is he important for the history of philosophy?
The creation of slang is speeding up
What is the best way to start off a story?
Curb your Sexual Market
Things that make you immediately drop a book
Fellow writers, what is the best way to write genderless characters without falling for dumb pronouns meme games?
I am ugly, prospectless, friendless, will never experience romantic love, and have no real skill
What is your favourite novel?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games