Minimalist v. Maximalist

Which do you prefer and why? Don't bully people from the other side, because there are good parts about both camps. Just talk honestly about what you like.

I'll start.

>be a minimalist

Basically I feel it's a matter of "time". If you as an author can elicit your desired emotion from your audience, that is a real skill.

Veeky Forums hates minimalism like Rupi, Tao Lin, Hemmmingway


"Emotion from your audience in a short amount of time"

Also, the picture is not relevant at all. I just threw it up there.


there are more items in the picture on the left than the right

I like minimalism but I still hate rupi

Depends on how you individuate. Christ, do you even understand ontological relativity?

I like Tao Lin but he is not a great example of minimalism, he only has a few works I would consider minimalist.

Cormac McCarthy is also a minimalist and basically a lesser god. There's a difference between keeping to the essential because you can write something pure and just shitting out a doodle because you don't know how to do anything else and are too lazy to even color it.

is Suttree minimalist?

Calling him a minimalist is ignorant at best.

That pic bothers me Its another normines thinking minimalism = black white and grey.

>McCarthy a minimalist
i feel sad for you user

>In a shorter amount of time
Why? Sure, if you never do anything, then on average your work is kind of bad. But isn't an experience its whole time history? If so, this sounds to me limiting.

I feel like minimalism is a lot more 'safe'. The worst minimalist writing can be is a little underwhelming or dull. Whereas bad maximalist writing is tear-your-eyeballs-out bad.

>be a minimulist

What the hell? Either you or I have a very distorted idea of what minimalism is. And it's not me.

Minimalist in my opinion is having nothing superfluous. Everything that is there serves a purpose and there nothing more and nothing less on the page that needs to be. The prose can be a lot more vivid than in books where the author's just shovels it on to see what sticks and makes it overflow everywhere.

Same. It's not minimalist at all.


I like Hemmingway. Rupi is a fucking moron. Tao Lin is a hipster douche.

What if I hate both?

>Everything that is there serves a purpose
That's true of good maximalist writing, too. Maximalism isn't just "throw more shit in just because". It's the rejection of the idea that a story can be distilled down into some perfect essence that encapsulates all the relevant/necessary content. In fact it challenges the very idea that certain elements of a story can or should be called superfluous.