Most people are pricks after enough digging.
This is amazing
He posts interesting pictures and links sometimes, but it's getting harder to ignore his retard politics.
wtf I love death of the author now.
>please, please validate me and my armchair psychoanalysis
This almost pissed me off more than OP's stupid thread
Tries to hard
The tweeter () should try and have this make him think about the relationship between "toxic" masculinity and historically great figures
>why didn't people of the past conform with modern day morals and social norms?
My lad was pumping and dumping girls on the reg
I wonder who he had in mind. None of my favorite writers were sex offenders
>Non of my favorite writers were sex offenders
Spotted the numale feminist
um, women's liberation was all about breaking the chains of faithful and monogamous relationships in which two people love and care about each other so that women could be fucked and discarded like cheap whores.
Yeah, that's why no one is romantically interested in you.
ive read tropic of cancer and everything is totally consensual
women are just fannyflustered that men they consent to have sex with hold a low opinion of them.
nice meme, faggot
omg epic MEME! 9gag army! xD
i was doing my best impression of a /pol/ brainlet. also, i'm not this guy:
How long did it take you to write this? I think you could spend your free time more productively.