Essential McLuhan reading?

Essential McLuhan reading?

Other urls found in this thread:

The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects (1967)

Undetstanding Media, The Gutenberg Galaxy.

Don't read this crap. It's a stupid book for stupid people who didn't understand Understanding Media because they're stupid.

This is kinda true, to be honest. It's fun to look at though.

Just don't. Understanding Media is the worst piece of shit I've ever read.


That part in Understanding Media where he says things only become sources of beauty when they're obsolecized by new ways of life was interesting. Made me think of how we're surrounded by Jetsons-tier technology but it all seems mundane and boring for us.

I have a hard time believing preindustrial people had zero appreciation for nature like he says they do though.

Just read it, it's prophetic

I have, I wanted to know why user thinks it's the worst piece of shit he's ever read. It's just a shitpost, probably.

True, plus deyz tittiez in it.

I don't know much about McLuhan, but I happened to pick up an inexpensive copy of The Gutenberg Galaxy somewhere, and it was a very interesting and persuasive read. It set forth a bunch of ideas that are outside the scope of the standard McLuhan memes (the book appears to lay the intellectual background/foundation for M's later, more famous works).

It's top-tier stuff, and a very good read to boot. I don't see how it couldn't be considered essential McLuhan reading.

McLuhan famously foresaw the internet. Ironically the internet and the way it's used today brilliantly undermines his entire theory of media.

no that would Vannevar Bush

I asked my gf for a McLuhan book for Christmas, should she get The Mechanical Bride or Gutenberg Galaxy?


Start backwards with Laws of Media, then From Cliche to Archetype AND then Understanding Media, then move to Harold Innis' The Bias of Communication, then go back to Take Today the executive as dropout written by Mcluhan and Barry Nevitt

And before any of this, GOTO YouTube and listen to the Medium is the Massage LP, also, find YouTube user, mywebcowtube, lots of seminar and lecture recordings and watch your life change as you begin to comprehend technologies as environments.

don't do that OP

What classification addiction are you succumbing too?

Please elaborate on this if you don't mind.

>Marshall McLuhan
>essential reading.


/communications grad

>asking for more superficial clichés


>things only become sources of beauty when they're obsolecized by new ways of life
Beauty often springs from uselesness.

He didn't even write this book. This may have been the first copypasta book. Quentin Fiore and the editor just excerpted his other work. His involvement was minimal. His name was used to market it largely.