Any books about characters with no friends, no romantic relationships, a poor relationships with their broken family...

Any books about characters with no friends, no romantic relationships, a poor relationships with their broken family, a shitty job and on the verge of suicide?

No diaries please.

Snow Crash? He's not suicidal and his family is not really mentioned, as far as I remember.

Tampa is a novel about a female sexual predator, also not suicidal and her interest in boys is not romantic. Otherwise it fits. I guess.

I mean it's really hard to fail THAT much at life and still be readable.

>Snow Crash
It's a shit book, fuck off.

Not relevant at all, fuck off.


hunger - knut hamsun

Normies know nothing of suffering

Well you really elevated the discourse

no longer human - osamu dazai, maybe?
from his perspective he has none, but from outside he might have friends

Why does Veeky Forums constantly re-post the same old entry-level books? It's really disappointing.

How's it treating you?

Consider the caliber of the average poster on this website.

Consider what the fastest-moving boards are

You have your answer. Only plebs post here.

"Welcome to the NHK" the lightnovel, watch the anime first if you haven't already then read the book. It can seriously change your life ( i know weeb waa waa ). If you want old school read Bukowski's favourite book ( Ask the dust - John Fante ).

Toussaint's "Monsieur"

Bartleby the Scrivener by Melville.


is "entry-level" meant to mean bad?
a book's obscurity doesn't make it any better
>why u post book that fit category of what OP ask 4 u dum retard >:(

That's the thing about humanities and social sciences. Credibility of an idea isn't based upon the actual merit of the idea or the scrutiny it can endure, and credibility of the person isn't based on his ideas. Credibility of the idea is synonymous with credibility of the person which is just the degree on the paper and the amount of esoteric references he can drop.

Notes from Underground. Guy doesn't even have relations with his family

Fug I hadn't even considered this.

most of houellebecq, céline, levé, beckett

not really of "what" you asking, but its still close to what you asked. its good eitherway.

ruth ozeki a tale for the time being

and, havent read yet, but Édouard Levé - suicide

My journal desu

>no diaries
n-not even my own one?

That would make for a really boring book.

Beneath the Wheel, Hesse
The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger
The Metamorphosis, Kafka
The Idiot, Dostoyevsky

>"Welcome to the NHK" the lightnovel, watch the anime first if you haven't already then read the book. It can seriously change your life
tell us you are story anone

Later Akutagawa Ryunosuke.

Why would someone want to read a book like that?


my diarrhea dasu

hehehe I know one...
>No diaries please.
oh nvm

Although in this case "on the verge of suicide" might be an understatement.
He has a wife but their relashionship is loveless and completely broken.

what about books that are about recovering from deep failures?

Seems more substantial of a story. Moping endlessly sounds like a tiring read.