I think I'm dumb Veeky Forums

I think I'm dumb Veeky Forums.

>takes me multiple readings to understand what a text is trying to say
>difficulty concentrating, analyzing, thinking critically
>horrible memory
>incapable of storing a catalog of ideas in my head and saying "let's think about this idea for a while" or "let's compare and contrast these two ideas"

I'm worried I fucked my brain's development from never working diligently toward anything as a kid/teenager

dumb frogposter

Brother you just have to keep at it and you'll improve. You might be dumb forever but you can at least become a smarter version of that dumb guy.

don't blame it on yourself, you were just born stupid

You're like the Socrates of frogposters :^)

I'm sorry user. There's nothing I can do.

Let me tell you a secret
We’re all stupid. Humans are stupid. The ones who make it just don’t let it get in the way of getting shit done. Now stop posting and try harder, this time without failing like a little bitch

Keep doing it. Is the only way to get good. After to years of reading, I think just recently I have improved my insight capacities. Try to associate everything you read with something else.

Meant to type "two". See? I'm still a retard. Probably you will be better than me.

I don't know. I'm kinda in the same boat. I'm not dumb, but I feel like I'm stagnating out of bad habits of intellectual discipline.

I'm gonna try learning maths.

Dumb, but smart enough to know you’re dumb. There’s still hope for you desu.

Nothing about this really points to you being dumb. It's more like you're inexperienced.
And even if you're dumb, at least you're trying to understand things and you're reflecting on yourself, which might as well mean you're a genious compared to proper jersey shore style dumb people.

There are no dumb questions user, only stupid people

Take an iq test, a real one from mensa. If you score high, see a dr an talk about your problems.

Take notes when reading. Make annotations. Helped me immensely, especially when reading theory.

>tfw you get headaches when reading
>tfw so much of a brainlet even taxing the brain slightly causes physical discomfort

>takes me multiple readings to understand what a text is trying to say
says more about the text than it does about you, unless you're having trouble reading "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" or something

take drugs

It's like chess. At the beginning, the quickest way to improve is to play bullet/blitz, no matter what people tell you. It trains you to not blunder and to get into the correct mode of thinking. Like in go with their proverb of losing your first 1000 games ASAP. If you still want more, that's when you practice sitting your butt down and thinking through the situation.

>At the beginning, the quickest way to improve is to play bullet/blitz
are you trolling or just retarded?

he is right though.

Concentrating, analysing, critical thinking... That shit's hard. And as for not "getting" a book on your first reading, Well, I forget who it was but a major figure in critical theory was being interviewed and was asked of his library; "How many of these have you read?"

He answered "Five." It's doubtful he'd only read five of his books. It's more likely he meant that of his books he had only *read* read five. Getting a book *demands* several readings.

What you're saying, user, doesn't sound like It's coming from a dumb guy. A dumb normie dismisses e.g. books offhand as meaningless because he can't conceive of meaning. A dumb pseud thinks that their prefunctory, shallow interpretation of a work is the "solution" to that work. That they've cracked it. That you recognize that *reading* reading is difficult tells me that you're *doing* it.

Were you ever a pothead?