Stack Thread

Any recent acquisitions Veeky Forums? Rummaged through a library sale recently, got this for $20. Lots of biographies mainly, I found the fiction section to be awfully lacking.

>For one good author
>and it's Solz

that's some expensive kindling OP


>You Can Trust the Communists

Full title is You Can Trust the Communists (To be Communists), seems like a bit of a meme but I had room in the bag.

>I had room in the bag
Was this at the Friends of the Library sale in Ithaca?


No you, commie scum

I'd post a pic of a bunch of books I got from this booksale my school just had, but I don't want anybody from school to know I browse Veeky Forums.

How bout my stack?

My latest purchases.

Haven't read Heart of Darkness or Kafkas Metamorphosis before.


lol hi jacob

Stop posting fucking textbooks people
If you have a physical copy instead of pdf you are paying $100+ for a book.
And Biology is such a meme field

Nice two good stories that are similar in a lot of ways. Dense, dark, oppressive prose and themes.
Machiavelli is a complete meme unless you are reading him for historical purpose
The ww1 book is comfy in a weird way.

Some new, some old.

What does the phrase "meme field" even mean?


I got the complete works of lenin for 60 bucks at a bookstore.

>What does the phrase "meme field" even mean?
Ask me how I know you got memed

Read Machiavelli to find out what the fuss was about.

Will be fun seeing how similar Heart of Darkness is to the movie.

So are you capable of explaining it? I have a feeling you just put meme on things and have no idea what you're saying.

The Shining is dull.

Just got these for $1 at a garage sale, r8?

Probably above your reading level.
1/10 for making me reply

>the only author I recognize is the only author of quality

>Napoleon as Military Commander
>Written by an anglo

Flowers for Algernon was a pretty good read. Doby Mick wins merit for its mere literary presence.
The rest look like random textbooks that won't see much use.


Fucking GOAT

why did the us senate do an investigation into a british steamliner
was titanic false flag, you ask yourself

>Ecce Homo
Ayy lmao.

Im a math teacher


Recent adds ;)

Recent books.

Oh. What are the good authors you recognize from OP pic?