Recc books that capture the lives of those early 90's lost "generation x" type grunge fuckups

recc books that capture the lives of those early 90's lost "generation x" type grunge fuckups.

generation x by douglas coupland, for starters

Infinite Jest

not ivy-league tennis playing fucks.....i mean the slacker generation.

I refuse to read anything by dfw

DFW is awful


don't try and be funny. its not working

It's not a joke user, it's a bullseye answer to the OP.

All of Daniel Clowes' Eightball comics

Love this movie

lol the ivy league tennis playing fucks created the subculture that the slacker archetype of the 90s consumed

Bukowski, Kerouac, Gene Wolfe, Salinger

what? I don't see it

Infinite Jest is the epitome of that vibe though

genx is also a good suggestion

>the quintessence of the type OP asked about
>a joke
Sure smells like brainlet spirit here.

Calling gen X lost is laughable.

Poster is a jew. Only kikes rep the shit writer Salinger.

I don't think that attitude translated as well to literature as it did to music and films. Most popular 90s 'contemporary' writing was extremely edgy, narcissistic, and overly sincere. I'm thinking of stuff like Trainspotting, Prozac Nation, JT LeRoy, Bret Easton Ellis. All driven by this overwhelming need to share personal information in a really caustic and obnoxious sort of way

But if you want losers working part-time jobs in Shithole, USA, then you want 'dirty realism' like Richard Ford and Raymond Carver. This is really more 80s than 90s but better captures the mood I think you're asking for. I especially recommend Richard Ford's Rock Springs

How so? I think they capitalized on it and maybe some were sincere participants, but they didn't create 90s slacker culture. They weren't making movies at the convenience store they worked at or passing out home recordings during their shift at McDonald's. They didn't have the DIY attitude that really defined what I think OP is talking about

Why? Because overachievers like DFW didn't have to. They had easy access to elite cultural firms and financial resources and made use of them

t.born post 1990

>don't try and be funny
>try and be
What? Don't you mean, "Don't try to be funny"? What is your socio-economic status and highest level of education?

Unironically Infinite Jest

fun fact: Coupland wrote the introduction to the companion book to the movie Slacker, which is a book you ought to check for, OP.

>revisionist history

fuck off you servile cunt...

As someone who loves Infinite Jest, who read it twice and wrote his college dissertation on it:

No, it isn't. Like, not at all. Not in any way, shape or form. Have you even read it?

in what way am I being servile? answering OP's question hardly crosses into servility, and if you think it does, why single me out?

>As someone who loves Infinite Jest, who read it twice and wrote his college dissertation on it:
These are words on the internet.
So are these: I am David Foster Wallace.
Who is to be believed? Do you have proof?

>Have you even read it?
Have you?

Tomine was compared to Raymond Carver

couldn't get into it personally

what OP really wants is zines, that was the written output of the slacker ethos.

oops, is a book of essays, meant to post this pic.
this was like the NYTRB of zines

RE/search catalogs were born out of the Search and Destroy zine