post your shelfs
Post your shelfs
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Based on that pic, /pol/ may just beat anything reddit has to offer in terms of being pathetic
Imagine being that woke
no playstation?
/pol/ hates mike cernovich
This shelf is more like /r/the_donald
same thing
Even the fucking 360 games are pathetically bad.
Pic related
would be a "great thing"
Post the B&N tacky hardcovers shelf, please.
imagine taking this picture and unironically thinking that you're showing off by posting it on twitter
I imagine the guy saying "I've never learned so much as I have in 2016"
It is not enough to vote Trump, you must live it
that's "shelves" you absolute dunce
le hendricks
I once found das kapital at my town library
spooky to find communist literature in my own sleepy hamlet
Kek. I remember seeing this as bait on /pol/ ages ago.
guess every library has it. at least in ger
fine gin, but too expensive for it's taste.
I'm actually more into cognac. love the taste of wood
Fuck I wish I knew German to read Freddy and Schoppy in their original language.
Not bad thought user, I've been reading a lot of Sophocles lately.
>hendricks is ""fine""
>into cognac
>drinks the alain de botton of cognacs
You sound like a fedoratipping undergrad.
is that really a dvd-lesson on how to use swords?
schoppy and sophocles bad combination.
>infinite pity
>tfw beeing king creon
it's a blue ray lesson on breaking your chains and find the secret of steel
>ate] [Auto] No new posts
>all your manga is harem shit or softcore hentai
Are those Halo books somewhat decent these days? It's been around a decade since I last read one. I used to be really into the Halo games but after Reach came out and 343 took the reigns I gradually lost interest in the franchise. I think the last book I read was Halo: Evolutions? Was that the one with the short stories? Some of those were ok.
The rest of the set is on the way
>that one copy of yotsuba& in japanese
It's not much, but it's mine.
No, thedonald is more civnat while pol is more natsoc and ancap and other more edgy meme ideologies
Some of those would be neat to have as ornate books, but you're meme-ing yourself, friendo.
no one ever notices my two copies of endymion :(
>he doesn't have any rick and morty season blurays
This pic has lost all its humour. Stop spamming it.
This is also mine as well
And mine...
This reminds me of what rich people do in their libraries, just stuff it full of shit they never touch.
In terms of brandy, pic related is the best I've ever had (I like it better than Louis XIII desu senpai). I'm down to only this much left in my last bottle, and I doubt I'll be able to find another bottle since they don't make it anymore. It's a shame.
As far as gin goes, I'm a Plymouth man.
Dad's a doctor and celular biologist, mom is an epistomologitm and marine biologist, they both teach at college so many books are field related.
Have two more like this one upstairs.
absolute plebian
Do you think anyone gives a fuck
I was just about to comment on it. it was the first thing noticed
>Assume you mean the Keats poem or the greek myth
>It's some bullshit scifi genregarbage
Never change Veeky Forums
>implying that keats is above genreshit
I agree with Nietzsche on Shoppy, in that he was an extraordinary man with a decadent ideal.
>Implying he is
>Comparing Romantic poets to contemporary scifi writers in any capacity
>people that use books as decorations
i wrote a master's thesis on Keats user im sure I know Keats way better than you but that doesn't mean I can't read some sci-fi Keats namedrop
don't be a faggot
>Keats namedrop
It has to do with one of his most popular poems hardly a namedrop KIDDO
Also are you in Seattle because I know someone who wrote their thesis on Keats
>trying to save face this hard
>Saving face
>On an anonymous shitposting site
What are you on about fellow scholar
>"omg I love Dante's Inferno"
>Oh nice you're into Dante Alighieri?
>"Ugh, no the videogame stop namedropping"
I didn't even realize they made that many wrestling games wtf
Whats wrong with the collection? I enjoy books with a good spine.
>such a brainlet he cant conceive people owning and reading more than a couple dozen books
> 2 copies of gorilla mindset
das it mane
>Dude redpill lmao tier books
Stick to gayming retard.
>falling for the meme
yu must be new
>woah, sometimes i'm totes so random! like, it's just how i am you know.. leaving books around, picking one up randomly, take a photo for the f a m at random, you know.. this kind of stuff! :3
No Zaku, Boy. NO ZAKU!
i'd post my shelves but they might be too patrician for you guys, i don't want to make anyone feel bad about themselves
t. book pro
no one cares faggot
They're on the TV cabinet for easy access.
He posted a picture of his bookshelf, you don't need to bring your autism in this user
How big is the font on Catch-22?
The Scott Adams book is kinda out of place, isn't it?
Haven't read it, but I didn't think it was at all political.
Main shelf, top: Opera (CD & VHS), fiction, poetry, drama, music scores/guitar tablature
Main shelf, bottom: Fiction overflow (Folio hardbacks), biography, history, philosophy/critical theory, anthropology, music theory, cookery, religious texts, the New Grove Dictionary, music journalism, RPG sourcebooks
Bedside/"on the go" shelf
I also have a shelf of Discworld novels out in the living room
you actually use those dictionaries don't you. you faggot?
well to be fair the story gets kinda hard to follow after vol 2
Maybe for sub-120 IQ babies like you. If you had an IQ of 357.9 like me then you'd realize the true political side of books. My favorite are the progressive masterpieces such as "Harry Potter" and the Marxist criticisms of "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"
B&N Pleather bound books are hit or miss. I have their Poe and Lovecraft collections. The Poe one is nice (Its a newer version tho not the same as in that pic) but the Lovecraft one uses this really shitty fake plastic leather that has an awful chemical smell that still hasn't gone away after a couple of years.
as opposed to what? pol's rational and well thought out meme ideologies?
>putting books 8 feet up on a shelf
>putting books behind picture frames and the monitor
Yeah, no
It won't be bad to get the collector's edition for a personal few favorites, but if you just get the most expensive version for literally ever meme book, then you're a meme
I've unironically read every part of it user
>iron cross
>nigger tier cognac
>conan the barbarian on blue ray in german
these jokes write themselves
>Every idealogy that isn't my own is not well thought out
as opposed to /pol/'s natsoc, ancap and other edgy meme ideologies.
did you even read my post, my child?
You masturbate to comic books dude
normie-tier shelfie 10/10
Check these poor people shelves Veeky Forums
The book on top of house of leaves is Gravity's Rainbow btw, thought you should know
>infinite jest sitting right in front of taipei
>all of the other meme books too
you have at least one tattoo.
We don't give a shit about Gravity's Rainbow, but that Rilke, Sebald, Peake, and O'Connor I spot are good
I don't have any tatoo's; Infinite Jest I borrowed from a friend and haven't read.
Fucking Australians.
Those Barnes and Nobel "leather" bounds aren't that expensive. Sometimes they're actually pretty cheap. I got the Starship Troopers one for like $10 bucks.
What the heck are those crates
it makes me sad to see, because state kept my great great grandfather's cross
Here is my bookshelf.