Veeky Forums BTFO
Veeky Forums BTFO
>author of "THE JOY OF HATE"
wow who peed in his cereal
What a terrible font for a book cover. It's like something you'd see in an advertisement for a sports drink.
>Hipster elite
Is this the most American thing to get mad about? What makes these people so insecure?
>hipster elite
this is not Veeky Forums, nice try
It's a diversion. Get people to focus their hate on ivory tower academics and liberal hipsters with their organic fair trade espresso while multinational corporations continue to fuck us over.
It is an ad for a sports drink. What made you think this was for a book?
>It's a "Jew tries to pretend he's white" episode
>multinational corporations continue to fuck us over.
Can you briefly explain how they are doing that?
just go back to /pol/ we /leftists/ here
>corporations will do the right thing if nobody's watching, right?
to be fair, up until about a year or two ago Greg was an actual rebel
>ignoring the relationship between ivory tower academics and the business elite that runs multinational corporations.
>We leftists here
This. This country has always had a colossal fear of intellectualism
Yeah because "intellectualism" is vapid masturbatory BS that only "intellectuals" find precious or important
t. hipster elite
You're thinking of universities themselves. Most academics just research and teach.
>Its another American conservative with a boomer ideology promoting anti-intellectualism and resentment episode
So they support the institutions which empower the business and governmental elite. I know that's not the reason most Americans resent them, but some of the resentment is perfectly legitimate.
>and liberal hipsters with their organic fair trade espresso
made by multinationals
Exactly, the 'liberal hipster' or whatever as a lifestyle is totally commodified by the multinationals fucking us over
is this gutfled another edgy yootoober.