Why did he include an underage gangbang?
Why did he include an underage gangbang?
is this the infamous "two years worth of semen" quote?
Because he doesn't care about your sensibility
To make an omelet, you first have to break some hymen.
Because a galaxy far far away is actually hell.
Because he can get away with it
He can't keep getting away with it
He can as long as people don't care to read anymore, which seems to be the direction we're going.
The book has multiple usages of the N word. It should be purged for that reason alone. It's not 1988 anymore.
you're right its 1984
any sources on that?
Mike Hanlon is called nigger a lot and that crazy kid kills his "nigger dog".
To act like any moral peer pressure in the modern world comes close to 1984 levels of surveillance is absurd. You can't just point to everything and scream "muh thought police." The fact that we are discussing this right now shows how wrong you are to make this comparison.
North Korea is an example of a real Orwellian party.
Getting close to the end and shit, shit is getting pretty real.
It doesn't need to North Korea levels to be noticeable. You won't go to prison for having conservative views in public, but you can sure as hell be ostracized and barred from working in certain fields like universities
I just imagined a pop up version of this book.
>waiting for an honest critical reply to op because I've never read or seen It and I want to know what King meant by this
No one is feeding you a false reality in your situation. You may be oppressed (doubt it), but not in an Orwellian sense.
Have you read 1984?
>black/trans student walks in
I have, I get what you're saying, we are nowhere near the level presented in the book. I guess I'm guilty of what you're saying, stretching the meaning.
Just finished reading IT.
I liked the plot and the characters generally, the details and the 1950's nostalgia, but it was disappointing in a lot of ways.
The nonlinear timeline removed the tension over and over again about something horrible, especially in the line level. Within each chapter there would be a part opening with a summary of what happened and then the next five pages would lead up to it.
Bill was too perfect. The tallest, strongest, smartest, etc. The stutter didn't even impede him. Everyone fellated him. He was less a person and more an ideal. He was a terrible MC.
Why was Beverly shitted on constantly in childhood and adulthood? None of the other Losers who left got screwed over like her with her abuse.
I liked Mike but he should have been introduced to the group way earlier.
Stan was superfluous. Fodder just to die (and I actually liked him).
>The Ending
What was the deal with the ending? They left Eddie's corpse and never called his wife? What's she going to do? Why are Bev and Ben together now? Kid Ben loved Kid Bev, and she was fond of him, but clearly loved Kid Bill. Adult Bev still loved Adult Bill, and Adult Ben sorta liked her? Richie left asap? Feels like the last interlude/epilogue were missing three POVS.
Also, honestly, I liked the miniseries ending better. It streamlines things easier with Eddie's corpse being recovered (though now he died pointlessly), Bev and Ben's relationship, Bill not cheating on his wife, Bev not catching the #6 train to poundtown, and even if it's schmaltzy, their memories remain.
The biggest question for me is: what happened when Bev eventually went home? Did her father have no memory of trying to murder her after It's spell faded? Did she forgive him and the abuse stopped? Did she run away?
I heard a critique of Stephen King by this philosopher talking about how King portrays America as this weird place where fucked up shit is constantly going on just under the surface.
I agree. But I also wonder if King is wrong to portray the US this way.
We're being fed false realities daily. There's alternative media to counteract it, but the vast majority of people still look to mainstream media for objective news and they're fed lie after lie to push a political agenda. I actually don't believe anyone living in America is oppressed, which makes me the enemy according to these people and their divisive rhetoric. It goes beyond the government. Before you tell me to go back to /pol/, yes, I've read 1984, and we're living in the beginning stages of it right now.
talentless hacks turn to deppravity and degeneracy when they can conjure up meaning and emotion
the more vulgar and violent the work is, the less of an artist it's author is
>real art is warm and fuzzy
>there is no in between
God you're so dumb.
Because everything has to be neutral and homogeneous? You first, dumb fag.
It's possible for a story to have violence, and warm moments, and situations that are just meant to make you think, no?
Coke's a hell of a drug.
What shit editor allowed this naming convention, three kids names starting with B? Someanon should repost this thread daily until we all agree It is the worst King book ever.
That's from Sword Art Online.
I stopped watching because someone told me it gets a little incestuous
but that's the best part, Sam
You should have stopped watching because it's trash.
Wanna hit me up with a few of those alternative media sources? Jeepers, do I fucking hate the MSM.
When you use the words "objective truths", is that to suggest that there are no such things, and that your alternative sources do not push them?
That's a good question. I can't recall her gap outside of Tom. IIRC Henry was the only character influenced by IT whose POV we're in, and he remembered everything that happened, so there's a good chance Bev's dad did too.
Do you remember if Bill and his parents ever made up?
Interesting. Was it an article or part of a book?
You know, this didn't strike me until a specific moment in the novel. I think it's to emphasis the love triangle? There are the two Eddies in the book, who both ended up dying.
The editor needed to cut back a few hundred pages although I wonder what it would have been like if King split it into two books.
Seriously, they all would have died for Big Bill. Crazy kids. Their friendship unintentionally seems so manufactured and forced when you learn some extra-dimensional God was partly behind it.
words are constantly redefined to not resemble their original intentions, this is the reality, you can choose to cover your eyes, it might not hurt so much when you reach your end
underrated as fuck
it is a great book
I feel like America does fucked up shit in the open but nobody cares, which is scarier imo
>It's possible for a story to have violence, and warm moments, and situations that are just meant to make you think, no?
So you think Stephen King's novels are just hyper-violent degeneracy? Page after page with no "in between" as you say?
>Do you remember if Bill and his parents ever made up?
I don't think they did. There was little catharsis among the young losers' story line, he saved it all for the present day ending.
Which is fine, because being left hanging can be okay; it can be more interesting to think about what possibly happened than be spoon fed everything in a tightly wrapped package. But in the case of what happened between Bev and her father, for example, it bothered me. Presumably he had amnesia about what happened, or maybe the family left him finally? Who knows.
If I recall correctly, The Gods Themselves by Asimov basically left one of the main story arcs unresolved. The triad alien things were basically not visited at the end, which was really weird and surprising that no editor picked this up.
iirc he has said before that was their crossing into adulthood but damn it's so edgy and shocking just for the sake of it.
The Gods Themselves is basically three different short novellas where the first and third happen to share some characters but apart from that it's all over the place.
I actually loled when he said he may be a nigger but his dog wasn't.
I said nothing about Stephen King in particular, that was the other user. I've never even read anything by him since he's I'm of the opinion that he's a hack
He got the story by talking to your mom and she told him about the many underage inter racial sewer gangboffs she'd experienced.
Why WOULDN'T he include an underage gangbang?
>The Gods Themselves is basically three different short novellas where the first and third happen to share some characters but apart from that it's all over the place.
I thought it had so much potential, but the fragmented narrative kind of killed it. Still enjoyable though.
I thought I made myself perfectly clear the last time. Think for yourself, why do you think he chose to include it? You ask this every day.
I've been watching you. And I think you lead a sad existence. Answer me.
>has children being murdered, dismembered and eaten alive
>but man oh man this sex scene really offends my christian sensibilities
fuck off idiot
because women like sex