Coworker says she wants to get into literature

>coworker says she wants to get into literature
>let her borrow The Wind-up Bird Chronicles by Murakami to ease her in
>6 months later she is only 103 pages in, says its too slow, this is the page where a penis first shows up, and gives it back

>she then goes out and buys Turtles All The Way Down by John Green

I thought this was a meme Veeky Forums

You didn't ease your co-worker into it, instead throwing her into a rather long and strange book by the standards of non-readers. She would have benefited from something like All the Pretty Horses which has an understandable narrative but plays with form and language in a more provocative yet accessible manner.

Should've given her colorless tsukuru tazaki bruh. Wind-Up is a tome.

Crazy how all the white girls are buying the new john green.

I understand that now, but at least a months ago anons would say that a Murakami book was a safe bet for a lit rec for a new female reader

I mean, sure, to us it is, but you have to consider that to a person who doesn't read at all and likely only consumes simple pop narratives, Murakami isn't exactly familiar territory. He juggles some strange material. Next time recommend The Road or Ishiguro or something similarly accessible yet interesting.

Yeah no worries dude, Murakami is good for chicks. All The Pretty Horses would be a fucking horrible suggestion.


>Girlfriend sees me reading Infinite Jest
>”Like what literally is that, user?”
>Tell her it’s good, she should feel free to borrow it
>”Like literally lol, not reading a book about tennis and drugs, seriously.”
>Three weeks later, comes home from work and tells me her cube buddy, cute guy at the office that she’s always rubbing in my face when I don’t give her attention, recommended she read Infinite Jest. Asks me if I’ve heard of it.
>Become enraged, say nothing.
>She reads Infinite Jest in the living room every day with a pumpkin spice latte in her hand
>Tells me how good it is, how I should like literally read it oh my gawd. Literally cannot even. Literally can’t. Can’t even. Can’t even articulate one thing she enjoy she about it.
>Break up with her, move to another state

My hatred for women knows no bounds.

This didnt happen, it couldnt have

Well unfortunately it did. My therapist didn’t believe it either.

I'm like that. Remind her that you recommended it first and repeat her comments about it, and then quote something from further in.

I love women, but this post made me hate them for a minute.

>Not starting with the Greeks

>loving women
How much of a cuck could you be? Just be real with yourself. They're goofy and unless you find goofy naivety endearing then they really just exist for inspiration, because of their beauty, which is really just an allusion to their sexuality, which is itself an expression of your own masculine preoccupation.

Wow. Literally can't even. Just can't. Even. Can't even. Literally. Just literally can't. Literally even what? Just can't. Can't. Can't even. Even just what? Literally. Wow.

all above and most following submissions were made by one teen

Good for her. Murakami is an overrated hack. At least Green is obvious tripe that will be forgotten in 10 years and his books are shorter.

Laughed out of frustration

>always rubbing in my face when I don’t give her attention

Assuming this actually happened, this part was a major RED FLAG. Anytime a woman keeps taunting you with other men she's insecure and/or wants to hurt you emotionally. Let her do that to someone else.

>goofy naivety endearing then they really just exist for inspiration, because of their beauty,
I feel this a lot. Whenever I see cute girls do girly things I feel a flush of happiness and want to poke them on the nose like a child or pet. But after a while the charm wears off and you're left with childish vanity and interest. Idk maybe I'm the problem
