Who are Nietzsche's strongest critics?
Who are Nietzsche's strongest critics?
People who realize Nietzsche had no conception of what the next 200 years would actually hold for the human experience.
Heidegger's criticism of Nietzsche (that he went all the way except for the final step, and remained in metaphysics) is the most important to grapple with. There are good arguments that Heidegger is wrong about this.
Nietzsche benefits most from interlocutors, not direct critics. Actually that's most things. A good critic is just an interlocutor that is aware he's an interlocutor.
Unironically this.
Cioran took a few pleasant jabs at him as well. I guess his critique can be summed up as 'why so serious after all Freddy?'.
He was right about everything so just him
Spengler even though he was indebted to him. By strongest you mean best articulated, right?
What was Spengler's critique of Nietzsche?
Something about Nietzsche being gay or retarded or something. It was a different time.
Trash tier philosophy. Preemptively btfo by Schoppy
>what are The Last Men
Nietzsche made predictions
"Last Men" have always existed
>essentially too romanticist, which was in keeping with his century, although apparently less so in unpublished work
He still valued him for his deep scepticism, though. Him and Goethe were his two main influences.
His sister.
>what are The Last Men
A made up insult trying to make fun of lazy people because they don't abide by Nietzsche's autistic, impossible philosophy.
I'm talking about actual shit, like nuclear annihilation, 12 hour work days, and technology which can compose better music than Nietzsche ever did.
Not an argument, brocacho
Predictions like that get interpreted by everyone differently. I already get sick enough from all those fuckers saying we are living in 1984. And I get it, surveillance is heavy and so on and so on.
This meme needs to die so hard
>Make ambitious claim
>Get asked to support it
You can't write this. Joyce couldn't write this.
No you are right: Joyce taught me that the herb orbed as shitposting riverran past the garden of not an argument
Well, Aristotle side-steps him completely.
Rene Girard has a very strong critique of Nietzsche. And it's not that critical of him, Girard is correct to say that the greatness of Nietzsche lies not in his being right but in his paying such a high cost for being wrong.
Nietzsche in his autistic way wanted to be crucified for being wrong about Christianity and then have Christianity either re-invent itself or something replace it.
"Christianity is still and all the best piece of ideal life that I have really known. I have followed it since I was a child into many nooks and I think that in my heart I have never been scornful against it . 1891
"The way in which reverence for the Bible has been maintained in Europe is perhaps the best cultivation and refinement of morals that Europe owes to Christianity. Such books of death and of ultimate meaning need to be protected by an external tyranny of authority in order to secure the duration of millenia, which are necessary for their exhaustive interpretation."
"Christianity has perhaps chiseled the finest specimen of human society of all time: the specimens of the higher and highest Catholic clergy."
"If I wage war against Christianity then I am entitled to this only because I have neither experienced gloom and sadness from this direction, conversely the most estimable people i know where Christians without any falsehood in them."
"My own ancestors were Protestant clerics. Had they not given me a noble and pure sense I would not know whence my right to a war against Christianity. My formula for that: the anti-christ is himself the necessary step in the logic of the development of a true Christian. in me Christianity overcomes itself."
>"Last Men" have always existed
Impossible, else how are they last? The concept of the last men is not like a social version of the heat death of the universe, progress stops after them, becomes impossible, the world is spent of its agents capable of change.
Yeah, you're a few waltz steps away from seeing how stupid it is.
>the world is spent of its agents capable of change
Freud BTFOd this
not unlike*
whoa so reminds me of something Jordan Peterson said about Nietschke
what could replace Christianity, perhaps Niestschke would have preferred widespread study of the classics?
Another religion. Heidegger tried to address this re Germanic neopaganism and National Socialism. Even if it sometimes borrowed from Christianity, it is always more Lutheran and rather anti-Catholic in a way.
But neither were successful in turning the tide of nihilism.
This chick
Damn, she was a qt
Cuter than August
The Holy Spirit.