i have never read a book in my life where should i start
I have never read a book in my life where should i start
Always aim in the mouth, never at the temple.
what means this
The Organon
Titus Groan :>
my diary desu
the greeks
Moby Dick
Short stories, probably Poe's
The Agricola by Tacitus
1.The Epic of Gilgamesh
2. Some of Shakespeare's best, like The Tempest and Hamlet., etc.
A Folio Anthology of Poetry
The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Writings
Dante's Inferno (You don't have to read the other two.)
Now you can read Iliad and Odysseus, if you wish, then, Roman and Greek plays like Juvenal and Persius, Virgil, or Sappho, then, whichever of the "classics" that you wish.
I recommend 'A Canticle for Leibowitz'
i like you sir.
why do you want him to kill himself
The Catcher in the Rye
Animal Farm. It's a classic that's short and easily digestible.
Start with the greeks
I suggest reading the Iliad.
Why would anyone ever start with Illiad as their first book?
Don't start with no fucking classics, those are for when you know you enjoy reading or benefit from it. Trying something more easily immersive and fun for a start, my personal suggestions would be:
A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruku Mukamuku
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Book of Illusions by Paul Auster
Start with the greeks