does knowing literature make me better than hot girls ?
Does knowing literature make me better than hot girls ?
no there are hot girls who know lit and they won't even be your domme gf because it is below them. write a book about it, it's what most authors do.
no. 'youth! youth! there is absolutely nothing in this world but youth!' literature, and frankly everything intellectual, is a recourse for those who are not naturally beautiful.
Read notes from the underground.
Hot girls > everything else
What does 'knowing literature' mean in your case?
No. Girls, especially hot ones are worth more than 10 of the best males.
Ok Dorian
You guys ever think about what it'd be like to be a hot girl?
It really must be a different level of existence. I realized some time ago that hot girls don't have sex with others or feel attraction to others. When they have sex they don't enjoy another person's body, they enjoy being observed and observing themselves performing. They're attracted to themselves, and their lives are radically changed by this because it turns into a spectacle about themselves for themselves to watch. Men are always yearning for something exterior, they're always obsessed with the other, so they're oriented by that and their lives is seeking something. But when you're a hot girl you already have the greatest thing you could possibly want and you goal is to enjoy it and preserve it and enhance it.
Wow, you got it 100% wrong. Congratulations.
i browse Veeky Forums so I know about all the best books and their general plots
>reading for plot
you're filth
>t. Ugly gril
Hot girls age and become ugly anyway.
I actually feel bad for them, they have inherent value because of their looks, but it's a vain, surface level lust. They're more of an object, and I'm sure they notice it. The fact is no one really cares about their interests, ability or success. I can imagine that would cause insecurity that no amount of easy sex could cure. But at the same time it's a lot easier than failing as a man, but I'd rather have the chance, so to speak
Just like with men, great women are rare. For extremely attractive women it takes a especially cynical and clever personality to not be content; in general the more friction and discomfort there is, the higher the capacity to transcend ordinariness.
Too bad they can't just hang with straight women.
who is this semen demon
This better be bait.
It doesn't even make you better than a hot man.
People will value an illiterate moron who is 8/10 in looks 100x more than an ugly person even if that ugly person is literally the smartest person to ever exist.
NOTHING matters in life other than looks.
Not even slightly true.
People generally don't care at all if a man is ugly or handsome, barring of course dating prospects (but even those, not all that much).
For women, however, looks is probably the most decisive factor in their lives. I'm not even sexist, it's just how it unfortunately works for them.
Ugly women can have occasionally have sex with men they're attracted to, but ugly men can never have sex with women they're attracted to.
Men are judged more harshly on their looks. An ugly man will be more socially outcast than an ugly woman.
You would have to be incredibly naive to believe that a man's physical appearance doesn't have a major impact on sexual and romantic prospects. It has MUCH more of an impact than it does for a woman.
You can see this is true just by how people believe that ugly women have it worse, even though anyone familiar with reality knows ugly men have it work.
Ugly women are treated with sympathy; ugly men are treated with disgust and disdain.
Please, you're surprised to find out that most people on this board don't actually read and just get vague summaries of books that they use to spout their pseudointellectual opinions?
ugly people have no value
Yes but ugly men can become successful at something or wealthy and suddenly "climb the ladder", an ugly girl will have more sex all things being equal, but there is a lot more to life than sex
This. It's not gender specific.