>be depressed
>go on Veeky Forums for book suggestions in dealing with depression
>buy one of Veeky Forums‘s suggestions
>try to read it but can’t due to the depression
What a cruel twist of irony
Be depressed
Just put the audiobook on and then lie in bed. ez
Read Notes from Underground with the recognition that you're not supposed to empathize with the Underground Man, but with Liza. That's about a hundred pages, you should be able to get through it in no time if you read a handful of pages a day.
I did, what was i supposed to get from that? I guess the part where he lectures the girl was the most appealing.
The point is that Liza refuses his money. At the end of the novel, she is the one who undergoes moral change, not him. He remains the same miserable, lonely person, forever driving himself mad with worry and anxiety. She refuses his money, and in doing so, despise being a prostitute, becomes morally superior to him. His lecture to her isn't the high point of the novel. It's the low point. You are not supposed to like the Underground Man- he is sick, he is angry, he is spiteful. Liza, no matter how much of a bad person she is because of her prostitution, has the moral high ground, and is a happier, better person than he will ever be.
Idk, the stuff he says about the degradation of her life, i don't remember exactly, but it seemed quite true. How is a depressed person not supposed to consider that the high point when it's literally how their life is going.
You can't read because your a lazy millennial with a poor attention span, not because your depressed.
*loud farting noises*
He was in no position to judge her from the start. Or anyone else for that matter. Keep in mind that Dostoyevsky himself was an epileptic alcoholic and compulsive gambler so he was not trying to use the character as a foil to put forward his actual thoughts on anything. The great part about Dostoyevsky is that he could asses moral situations from all sides and never thought in absolutes like that. He had genuine empathy for people and their trails, because he knew how damaged he was personally and he probably didn't shy away from ruminating on that heavily. Whereas the foil he made up, this foil who thought himself an arbiter of morality, had none. He had none because lied to himself about how damaged he was so he never developed any real empathy for other damaged people. He thought himself above them.
If you're struggling to get your life together don't turn into a megalomaniac like the Underground Man to cope with it. Don't think yourself too woke for empathy. That should be the takeaway.
This hits close, but I'm the Underground Man.
lmao, nice meme
just get some sunlight, a decent sleep schedule and some physical exercise, retard
>buh buh! just do yoga! drink kale smoothies!
that's you. that's what you sound like. you sound like a middle class soccer mom.
I got a solution to depression, give me fifty bucks in your will and I'll pop you one right in the head
What book did you get? Was it pic related?
>boo hoo if i fix my pretend illness i will have nothing to complain about and no reason to feel sorry for myself
t. angrily larping as well-adjusted
w e w
It's all "secondary payoffs" this and "secondary payoffs" that. I cannot be sure of anything I do anymore.
at least they're happy, not just some useless scum throwing his tears at the screen waiting for validation from people he will never know
no it was this
Is it supposed to help?
apparently yes
What, is this how normaloids cope, it is truly revolting what intellectual midget you're
Can you tell anything about the book?
ah yes, the classic: "mental illness is just an attention grab"
excellent opinion, user. I'm impressed
Get a job.
>you're not supposed to feel apathy for the man
>you're supposed to feel apathy for the woman
Not even worth a (You)
>le sad
Be depressed all you want, but don't come here moaning like a bitch.
I cant tell if im depressed or just sad, but my mood been a rollercoaster for about 3 months. Mostly going downhill.
I´ve always been "sad/moody" and drawn to sad things. What helped me, is "sad stuffs", such movies, books, music etc.
Try reading some sad shit. Try reading "No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai.
If reading is hard, make it easier, and read a manga (inb4 all cryfags, "manga bla bla", w/e go fuck yourself) Read "oyasumi punpun" by asano inio. So far, still one of the best read i´ve read all my life. Just something with it that i love.