Popular authors you hate

Go on, say their names


Take that back you pleb

Neil Gayman, the hack





This + Joyce.



A lot of Joyce (why wouldhe not explore more his poetical side, like the one used in The Dead and in parts of Ulysses)


Hemingway (but Old Man and the Sea is good)


Bukowski. A prurient drab. Awful really




Why people think his prose is like poetry?



Corncob "Tortilla" Memecarthy

Veeky Forums doesn't really talk that much about him and the only ones that seem to read his works are underaged girls

So I guess that I can agree with you

phillip k. dick

lol you literally hate the best of 3 worlds...what the fuck do you like, seriously?


Balzac, Honoré de. Mediocre. Fakes realism with easy platitudes.
Camus, Albert. Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.
Faulkner, William. Dislike him. Writer of corncobby chronicles. To consider them masterpieces is an absurd delusion. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me.
Mann, Thomas. Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up.
Pound, Ezra. Definitely second-rate. A total fake. A venerable fraud.

>Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.

you copied this from somewhere almost word for word because i've read it before. either nabokov or bunin


b-but why

You probably smell like flowers, faggot

Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Tchecov.

>he likes hemmmmmmingay
>calls others gay

Is this your first day on Veeky Forums?

They're all from Nabokov.

Honestly he was really good technically but someone should have punched Nabokov.

Oh, right. Youre a Nazi.


Nabokov was an excellent writer but holy shit was he punchable.

Dostoyevsky. I like him as a storyteller, but the christian / moralistic stuff is annoying. He deliberately constructed his works to suit his pro-religious argument. Count me out.


interesting, I also generally hate religion and its lies but Dostoyevsky is one of the few religious writers I've thought were great and didn't embarrass themselves in writing about god and religious themes

This. I mean,

>I don’t know what I am. I don’t know if I am or not. Jewel knows he is, because he does not know that he does not know whether he is or not. He cannot empty himself for sleep because he is not what he is and he is what he is not. Beyond the unlamped wall I can hear the rain shaping the wagon that is ours, the load that is no longer theirs that felled and sawed it nor yet theirs that bought it and which is not ours either, lie on our wagon though it does, since only the wind and the rain shape it only to Jewel and me, that are not asleep. And since sleep is is-not and rain and wind are was, it is not. Yet the wagon is, because when the wagon is was, Addie Bundren will not be. And Jewel is, so Addie Bundren must be. And then I must be, or I could not empty myself for sleep in a strange room. And so if I am not emptied yet, I am is.

What on earth is there what one could not like about this great man? Serious question.

>He deliberately constructed his works to suit his pro-religious argument.
No shit idiot he's an author they're allowed to write their own stories

Kafka is depressing

I don't want to read about how fucked your brain is
The world is already fucked
What is the purpose of inhabiting fantastical nightmares
We're already living in one
Pointless fucking author

Hemingway. Every time I try to pick up a book by him, I can only read 20 or 30 pages before I get bored. I even tried his short fiction and couldn't get into it.

lol, you're retarded. just because you're a sissy bich doesn't mean kafka is pointless.

I cannot struggle through his text. He begins dedicating his text to the shitty fucking portuguese people and he doesn't stop for too fucking long.
Look at Dante. Dante dedicates his work to no fucking body.
Look at Homer. Homer has no idea why he's even writing.


Also, his metaphors and similes are all clichés taken from Petrarch and his school.

Neither the poetical texture, nor the characters - they are merely names, they are less than shadows - and the story are interesting in Camões.

I like the fact that this has been posted a billion times and yet there's still some Dostoplebskij fanboy who manages to get triggered.
