They walked

>they walked
>they were cold
>they walked more
>they were even more cold
>the end
>"""""""""masterpiece""""""""" this is the power....of Amerilard literature..

Obvious bait. It's supposed to show us how cruel we are by nature.

No, he's right, is just a bad and boring book.
McCarthy has written better novels.

Then why was I enraptured by it?

Stockholm Syndrome

McCarthy is da booooomb

A gross misreading of a rather simple text.

>No, he's right, is just a bad and boring book.
>McCarthy has written better novels.
false, all his novels are this way.

t. someone who is not a brainlet

Try reading his novels, pal. The Road is his most accessible book for normies, a lot of his fans don't rate it. Blood Meridian and Suttree are masterpieces entirely because nothing much happens and the novels develop thematically.

mccarthy is pleb author

the dude needs to learn how to break up his sentences its like fuck man ever heard of a period and how to use it like come on are you for real and also he uses too many conjunctions and they arent even actual conjunctions he just uses and over and over and its so tiring too read and he doesnt know how to use quotation marks which is so annoying because i always get lost in his run on sentences and forget who is talking and have to put the book down and think about the half page of run on sentence that just mind fucked me and sometimes read over it again and again

No Country For Old Men is way more mainstream.

That being said, McCarthy is brilliant and those who don't his work probably lack the sort of Weltanschauung that is needed. Certainly he ain't for everyone. Nor does he want to be.

Fuck you in advance to everyone who's going to comment on that missing verb

“Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing which could not be put back. Not be made right again. In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery.”

McCarthy is the greatest living writer

Makes me shiver even so ripped out of context. He has his flaws, sometimes doing things a little strained, but he is one of the greatest men we got, no doubt

It's honestly not that hard to read him. Much easier than Faulkner or Proust.

>Proust hard to read


American literature, like our history is desperately boring.

it's better than the nonsensical musings you read in a lot of books (delillo being a prime example).

Veeky Forums itself is a better example than the road

Is this bait? You don't actually defend this right?

Wow, assonance and laboured rhythms. Poetical prose indeed, if we go with what average undergraduate imagines under the word poetry.

McCarthy is the greatest prose writer currently living in the English language.

"He watched the fire and if he saw portents there it was much the same to him. He would live to look upon the western sea and he was equal to whatever might follow for he was complete at every hour. Whether his history should run concomitant with men and nations, whether it should cease. He’d long forsworn all weighing of consequence and allowing as he did that men’s destinies are given yet he usurped to contain within him all that he would ever be in the world and all that the world would be to him and be his charter written in the urstone itself he claimed agency and said so and he’d drive the remorseless sun on to its final endarkenment as if he’d ordered it all ages since, before there were paths anywhere, before there were men or suns to go upon them."

literal redditor tier analysis
which makes sense since corncobs yecarthy is a pure reddit author

It's actually better out of context as a piece of prose poetry.

Especially after that surprisingly optimistic ending, it feels kind of cheap to finish the book with 'muh nature is timeless'

This reads like Hemingway if he had been a giant flaming fairy

I'm sorry you're autistic and can't grasp the subtitles of human emotions

yecarthy has about as much human emotion as a, fittingly, corncob

Someone break this down for me, what am I looking for here

you're looking at s delusional autist who thinks his genre fic writer is good

Wtf. I get much of the criticism he gets but this is utter bull. His prose brims with emotion.


this reads like r/writingprompts or GRRM

(this is not a compliment)

But that's not Blood Meridian, Child of God or Suttree

>a, fittingly, corncob

Top post user. McCarhy blows ass and is only highly regarded by morons who mistake grim settings for authenticity. Blood Meridian was the biggest heap of melodramatic shit ever. You wanna see the west then read Flashman and the Redskins, you wanna look cool in a starbucks, read Mcsharty

I also was disappointed by "The Road." I found the idea of baby-raping, baby-eating devil raper cults a bit difficult to swallow. I didn't think it was bad; I just couldn't take it as seriously as I felt like I was expected to.

Meh, it's not as memey as you think. It actually serves the imagery and themes, and isn't just him showing off.

Why? That's basically what goes on in some parts of Africa in the real world.

There are people in Indiana that raped a baby to death just this year iirc

There's a difference between something happening IRL and an author presenting it poorly. What do you think melodrama is?

There is literally nothing left to eat, so of course some individuals would eat babies. I don't recall any raping of infants, though. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

You are the problem, not him.
