Cain, the first SJW?

I've been researching the precursors of Marxism and I quickly realized that it's nothing new, just a new name for a much, much older phenomenon. For example the Munster Rebellion of 1534, centuries before Marx was born, still followed the inevitable trajectory of all Marxist movements to a T, the same blueprint as Jonestown or the Reign of Terror or the USSR.

But I soon realized that the prototype must be much older even than that. The various Medieval heresies, ancient slave revolts, and peasant uprisings hold true to the pattern to a degree, but I think I've found the ultimate source of them all, fittingly enough in Genesis.

Was Cain the first leftist?

>instead of being humble and doing God's will by offering an acceptable sacrifice, sought to inflict his own ego on everyone
>instead of doing as God asked, sought to glorify the product of himself, substituting what is God's for his own creation
>envious that God held more favor for others to the point where he was filled with murderous rage
>lied to the innocent, telling him that God was waiting in the field of labor, only in order to murder him

The archetype of Cain encapsulates the personality of every SJW I've ever known, and the basic narrative predicts every step and stage of every leftist revolution in history.

Of course Cain and Abel is a refiguration of the rebellion
of Satan, and you could say that the serpent's lie in the garden was the first instance of leftist discourse, but Cain and Abel is the oldest story I can find that is clearly a fully human prototype of leftism.

The idea of a self-aggrandizing, narcissistic blowhard being rejected by reality and reacting with callous manipulation
and murderous rage toward innocents I think is the very essence of radical psychology.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and it was problematic.

This is something we kinda all know on a base level but it's sweet to see it framed this way. Don't have much to add but that I agree with you and that I'm going to screencap this.

Blame it on Cain, right? Great song.

"the devil was the first whig" - samuel johnson

user, if you’re old enough to post on Veeky Forums and your grasp of marx, history, and the bible are all this poor...maybe it’s time to take honest stock of your abilities. I can tell you worked hard on this, but recognizing your limitations is important for your mental health going forward.

I know it’s lonely out there, and image boards really can help, but it could be that places like /a/ or /v/ might be a lot more ‘up your alley.’ Just give it some thought.

Vacuous non-response.

‘Abel was the first leftist’
>Recognized the need to dedicate part of what he created to a Greater Good in order to preserve a functioning society
>Trusted in the inherent goodness of man
>Built his worldview around the moral principles available him

It’s all mindless word games, which is fine, but you’re on a literature board, you can’t be surprised when people expect you to the literature.

Inferiority complex, wait for the rage and rebellion

Kekistan, this

Thanks for sharing your hot opinion, Cain.

Able made great sacrifices yet got murdered.

What the fuck?
I'm not reddit, I promise guys :(

Force yourself on me.
I know where my money comes from.
I'll do anything for you.
When your hands in my mouth I'll force it down.
I'll force it down in me.

>Recognized the need to dedicate part of what he created to a Greater Good in order to preserve a functioning society
Are you talking about the tool he used to cave in his brother's skull? I thought he just used a rock.

>Trusted in the inherent goodness of man
Until he murdered one out of butthurt.

>Built his worldview around the moral principles available him
He knew murder is wrong and did it anyway. That's why he hid from God, just like you're doing now.

Your mind is garbage.

Get it through your head, the entire exercise is useless. I don’t actually think Abel was the first leftist. What I’m saying is that if you come to a reading of the bible on these terms you might as well not read it at all.

Kinda like...Jesus.

You're illiterate lol

that post was about Abel you fucking retard

Yeah, good point. Except Jesus' sacrifice is supposed to be justification for eternal life, whereas Able died for nothing. So in the end, Able dedicated his life to sacrificing for... what? What actually were the sacrifices for? He got murdered by his brother.

And what you're saying is shit. Your reading is patently false. Actually engage with the text and present a feasible interpretetation, otherwise you're just blathering. Your argument reflects a degeneration of intellect and a base dishonesty. But what did I expect for one of Cain?

So anyways we all agree that Jesus was actually the first leftist, yeah?

Too bad that those qualities actually describe those in functioning, right-wing societies. You're trying to be clever and pretend that OP's post wasn't well thought out when it actually was. Stop being snarky and actually argue your point, if you are at all capable.

Notice how in every post, post after post, you react with nothing but emotion, with scorn and condescension. How many deathcamps have you built in your heart today, my little Marxist?

Abel died as a martyr to God.

>Nothing but emotion
Retarded social-babble. Thoughts and "logic" are literally nothing more than chemical reactions, the same as emotion.
Yeah, because you're a fucking illiterate retard.
Oh, it's babies first "nu-male!" brainwashing. Faggot illiterate retard.
And what does Heaven and Hell actually accomplish? Heaven is endless joy and fulfillment, except nothingness is nothing. Joy is not necessary, so it's basically equal. And Hell is horrific suffering forever, which is much worse than nothingness. If anything, the creation of heaven and hell is a net negative for life on earth.

>dude Jesus totally never existed but he was a socialist *rips bong*

>one of Cain
do you guys ever let up on the anime cosplay?

>People on Veeky Forums thinks it’s okay for the illiterate to post here
The absolute state of the right lmao

What does that even mean? Why does a perfect omnipotent being need frightened animals to die for him?

Jesus was real and there’s no reading of the bible that’s compatible with right wing thought

lol look at this guy. His reaction to being compared to Cain is to throw a tantrum. I'd hate to see how you'd react with narcissistic rage if you weren't utterly impotent, but only because I've seen it enough times in history that it would be boring. You're a born liar and a murderer.

>Jesus was real
Say it with me. "Jesus is my Lord and Savior and the only begotten Son of God."

>and there’s no reading of the bible that’s compatible with right wing thought
That depends on what you mean by "right wing thought." I imagine you mean "sanity."

Fuck off back to redit.

Yes, haha. And let's look at some of these literary "sacrifices" since I know you're a Peterson drone.
Shakespeare - Gave up writing plays and died syphylitic in his early 50s
Tolstoy - ran away from his home because his wife was insufferable, died a week later
Joyce - dirt poor, borderline blind, died in his 50s
Nietzsche - shunned his entire life and had a mental breakdown which turned him into a vegetable
Dostoevsky - dirt poor and epileptic

Wow, now I really see the foolproof genius behind making "sacrifices".

Bitter failure detected.

I would say the same thing to Nietzsche in the 1880s lol

Maybe I could really have a success story like Kafka who struggled with suicide his entire life and died in his 40s, completely unrecognized.

There's no reading of the Bible that's compatible with left-wing thought unless you pretend the OT never existed, which doesn't actually lead you to Left Wing thought, it's just easier to misinterpret the NT then.
Protip: if at any point you find a sentence in the NT that contradicts the OT, no, God isn't correcting himself.

>Was Cain the first leftist?
Of course not, it would be conflating concepts too alien to each other, it can't work.

"I base my judgement of existence on social trends"
Haha, real meaningful life you're living there.

This post gave me AIDS.

>precursors to Marxism
But who will till the soil?

Did you think of that yourself or did you get it from someone like Valentin Tomberg?

>...the story of Cain and Abel is a myth, i.e. it expresses, in a form narrated for a particular case, an "eternal" idea. Consequently, it refers to time, to history, and not to space and its structure. It shows us how brothers can become mortal enemies through the very fact that they worship the same God in the same way. The source of religious wars is revealed here; and it is not the difference in dogma nor that of cult or ritual which is the cause, but uniquely the pretention to equality or, if one prefers, the negation of hierarchy. Here also is the world's first revolution — the archetype (Goethe's Urphanomen) of all revolutions which have taken place and which will take place in the future of humanity. For the cause of all wars and revolutions —in a word, of all violence —is always the same: the negation of hierarchy. This cause is found already, germinally, at such a lofty level as that of the communal act of worship of the same God by two brothers —this is the staggering revelation of the story of Cain and Abel. And as murders, wars and revolutions continue, the story of Cain and Abel remains ever valid and relevant. Being always valid and relevant throughout the passage of centuries, this is a myth and, moreover, a myth of the first order.