Stendhal Syndrome

Has anyone else here ever experienced Stendhal Syndrome before? I was reading Les Miserables earlier (in the original french) and I nearly swooned out of my armchair after reading one of the passages, my heart was beating like crazy and I had to get a glass of water and pace around for a while before I could continue reading. What's the most powerful emotional or physiological reaction you've ever had to a book Veeky Forums? Have you cried after reading Tolstoy, become manic after Nietzsche? I'm of the opinion that this aspect of reading is underrated and I am particularly interested in the "higher" states of mind art can take us to.

>What's the most powerful emotional or physiological reaction you've ever had to a book Veeky Forums? Have you cried after reading Tolstoy, become manic after Nietzsche?

I wanted to kill myself after Joyce, because I forced myself through more than 200 pages of his shit and that's time I'll never get back.

Children of Hurin makes you feel like Oppenheimer in that interview.


No need to be rude user. I doubt you have French either.

Imagine being the grandchild of that retard, asking for "pictures of grandma!" becuse you wanna how how she looked like and seeing this shit.

>t. shut-in virgin who sucks the fun out of any social interaction

She probably has pictures in which doesn't look like a massive whore. Don't think your mom didn't spread her arse cheeks on a pic or two in her life

i wanna fuck a girl like that holy shit

its not fair

Pretty much all of my female relatives are promiscuous. It's not that bad.

You are looking at a potential grandfather, not mother.

I wish.

Now imagine having grandchildren. It's the closest you're going to get to them, shut-in virgin.

I'm basically a fag. I get teary reading Nabokov, TS Eliot, and Keats. I'm ashamed that I cried more reading Ode to a Nightingale for the first time than at my uncle's funeral.

Imagine being so naive that you think even "good girls" never have moments in their lives when they act slutty. What a total sweetie you are.

>Pretty much all of my female relatives are promiscuous
Isn't that a little sad? You don't miss the stability of two-parent monogamous families? I couldn't imagine growing up in an environment where my mom went out clubbing every couple weeks.


If my grandmother showed us pics of her in her late teens that were like this we'd laugh our asses off. They're not that bad. It's not like she's being DPed by dragon dildos.

>You don't miss the stability of two-parent monogamous families?
My mom has been monogamous with a guy since I was ~12.
>I couldn't imagine growing up in an environment where my mom went out clubbing every couple weeks.
Well I suffer from a personality disorder and issues common in people who were neglected as kids, and it makes sense since my mom was a teenage mom and was either in school or out all day everyday for the first decade of my life, and I was cared for mostly by my alcoholic grandfather and wheelchair grandmother.

Two of my cousins and one of my aunts also had teenage pregnancies, and several ''stepdads'' for each. And they all abuse substances in some way. I don't know what the fuck is it with this family.

>I'm so immature that I can't imagine my own mother as a thinking and feeling human being with her own wants and needs, especially if they be sexual, regardless of the fact that humans are sexual beings

>My mom has been monogamous with a guy since I was ~12.


All those whore-defenders ITT, s m h

The sex isn't the issue. Children generally don't perceive their parents as sexual, but logically I don't have a problem knowing that she fucked guys when she was young. The issue is the lack of a stable two-parent household. I couldn't imagine growing up in a home where my "father" ended up changing depending on who my mom was dating at the time. I couldn't take that.

Do you think you're mom's a virgin too? Women are allowed to have fun, user. Clubbing doesn't mean she has to return home with mascara running on her cheeks, or throwing up because of a hangover. Get a grip.

This is why monogamy is important. I grew up with 5 siblings, and we're all perfectly normal despite growing up poor. I credit that to growing up in stable family with a stay-at-home mom.

Did you get triggered, user? Not everyone here was raised by a whore.

Women are whores by nature. Inb4
>"shut-in virgin hehe xD"

Don't you have a fucking father? Did everyone on this board grow up with a single mom? No one's saying that women can't have fun. What I'm saying is that if you're a kid your mom should be married to your dad and be past that point in her life. Women leaving their children with babysitters in order to go clubbing is fucking gross.

>No one's saying that women can't have fun.
Actually, this is a reasonable position considering the consequences of "fun".

Women are whores selectively. They aren't whores by nature because they are never whores for you. For you they are chaste and platonic by nature.

>Isn't that a little sad?
No? You're a little sad.

The nuclear family is a recent American meme and not to be taken seriously.

I literally can't even imagine what it would be like knowing that my mom was getting fucked by anyone other than my dad. I'd probably beat the fuck out of the guy. How do children of single moms stay sane?

>monogamy was invented in 1950
Are you fucking retarded?

By not going on /r9k/

>Don't you have a fucking father?
I do, the fuck is wrong with you? I never had a babysitter either, parents weren't into clubbing as well. What does this have to do with anything? Were you sleeping in your parents' bedroom until you were 12 or something? Or did you need a babysitter so they could leave the house for a couple of hours? Are you some kind of sheltered faggot?

This board needs Islam badly.

Monogamy in the modern age is just sexual insecurity manifesting itself through social norms. You want women to not "cheat" on others since it sets a standard that they might "cheat" on you and because you're afraid of your own inadequacies that could mean they won't come back to you. I refuse to enter a romantic relationship with anyone who demands exclusivity.

>I'd probably beat the fuck out of the guy
Jej. Try climbing some stairs first, mongrel.

At this stage I can't even call modern leftist rhetoric "degeneracy" because it's clear they never had principles to begin with.

You can have fun and a drink without looking to get dicked, user. Why are you throwing a fit over this? Was mommy getting dicked on the regular?

>someone will reply seriously to this


You want to call it degeneracy though. That's why you're wrong.

I hated drugs, before I got high. You can hate sex, but I think I know what it means.

The origins of monogamy are the agricultural revolution, thousands of years ago. Once people started accumulating wealth couples started practicing monogamy to ensure the legitimacy of the offspring in order to pass on said wealth.

>I refuse to enter a romantic relationship with anyone who demands exclusivity.

This is a LARP. You'll drop this edgy nonsense too when you're ready to settle down and be an actual adult. Until then I hope you have fun "refusing" it.

The only really valid part about this is the matter of possessiveness, however open relationships are a meme and incredibly toxic. Only young people with no real life experience and people who never grew out of their sex obsession make a big deal out of it.

>I literally can't even imagine what it would be like knowing that my mom was getting fucked by anyone other than my dad
But that's because you've got an attachment to your dad and you vicariously feel his jealousy, or want to protect him from being cheated on. But I barely care about my dad beyond the bare minimum, so my mom's boyfriends never bothered me that much. Might be also that I didn't grow up religious so it didn't cross my mind that sex was something to be ashamed of. It only started to be a problem when I was a preteen and the boys started making mom jokes and shit.

Which really isn't a concern today, self evidently, the way we continue on this tradition isn't to ensure the "legitimacy" of our offspring, most people don't obsess over genetics.

I will never accept an abusive relationship because Veeky Forums said it's moral, no.

Who would you consider more obsessed with sex, the slut who thinks nothing of their actions, or the robot who thinks everything of them?

Both have destructive fixations, next.

The thought of my 12 year old self seeing a stranger who wasn't my father sitting in the living room watching tv while my mother was resting her head on his chest makes me sick to my stomach.

You've really thought this through haven't you...

Given the guys upbringing it's obvs he never grew up with even a basic conception of a committed relationship that was rooted in love and not pettiness, so honestly this argument is gonna go nowhere.

>I will never accept an abusive relationship because Veeky Forums said it's moral, no.

Ah, so you are playing a ruse on me, monsieur! Most underhanded! A pity you showed that hand too soon!

I miss monsieur dude.. wish he posted more.

Accepting something isn't your life isn't a fixation, I'm not fixated on alcohol but I'm drinking right now.

Sounds like a personal problem.

>most people don't obsess over genetics.
Paternity fraud destroys men. What the fuck are you talking about? It's why tests are so important when determining who's finically responsible. I'd rather kill myself than be forced to raise another man's kid.

>But I barely care about my dad beyond the bare minimum
Saddest thing posted in this thread so far. It also explains a lot about Veeky Forums's demographic. My dad taught me almost everything I know.

We're the butchers.

My hypothetical significant other trying to take authority over my genitals with the threat of emotional abuse, neglect, or abandonment, is in fact abusive in both directions if I do it too it's mutual abuse but abuse nonetheless.

I'd be happy to raise an orphan, I always tell people to adopt, better to save the life of an already existing child than allow them to suffer because you're self-obsessed enough to need a little clone of yourself running around.

>My dad taught me almost everything I know.

Considering the type of posts we constantly get from you he must be the biggest fuckwit on the planet then.

Are you retarded? No one's arguing against the concept of your parents going out together. The point was about promiscuity

>isn't your life
into your life
I did say I'm drinking

Promiscuity has been a leading cause of broken families, unwanted births, emotional distress, and the spread of disease.

>tfw the so-called sexual liberation only chained people even more to confused desires
>tfw every overly sexual person I've met is always clearly trying to compensate for something

kinda disturbing desu

Your lack of masculine influencers might explain your virginity

Fear and rejection of promiscuity has lead to that, an emotional or violent reaction to promiscuity, not the act itself.

I cried for the predicaments of the protagonists in one of my favourite fanfictions.

Except disease and unwanted births, I'll give you that.
Use protection though my dude.

What explains yours?

Are you a robot? Do you not feel the territorial part of your male brain tell you that you have to fight off fellow competitors in order to ensure the survival of your genes? Is that part of your brain dead?

>What explains yours?
It's too big to fit

I didn't mention about the parents going out together. I didn't mention anything about promiscuity either. Going clubbing doesn't mean you'll spend the night grinding on a hoe's ass, you can get a fucking drink, dance for an hour or just bump your head like a virgin. I can't tell if you're a basement-dwelling spastic or a party animal, but your concept of clubbing seems way extreme regardless.

That "part of your brain" you hold onto so dearly is called insecurity.

Are you competing with middle-aged bald men on who gets to fuck your mother? You disgusting mongrel trip fag. Neck yourself.

"Clubbing" is irrelevant. It's short-hand for "go out, get drunk, and get laid."

If his mother is allowed to slut it up, so is the future partner he promised himself, it opens up the possibility they'll "find something better and leave me" but that ignores the emotional aspect of romance, angry sexually frustrated men always ignore the emotional aspect.

Promiscuity itself also has it's basis in insecurity. You'd be surprised of all the things people try to fulfill unconsciously through sex. Validation being a very huge one.

And who wants someone like that in their life - someone who'd fly out on a whim just to feel wanted for a moment?

>guy who gets as catty as a woman trying to lecture user on masculinity


The best part is the more you post the more evident it is that you're just as emotionally unhinged as the rest. Keep LARPing, mate.

To me it's a simple pleasure, I can just look in a mirror if I want to feel validated in my attractiveness, spend time with friends if I want to feel wanted. Sex though, what it offers uniquely that other things can not offer is sexual pleasure. Similarly I don't drink to be cool, I drink to get buzzed.
>someone who'd fly out on a whim
Here is the core of the anti-slut mentality. Fear of abandonment.

It's called having a perfectly normal emotional profile. Why the fuck are you even on a board dedicated to literature? Like half of world's lit is dedicated to the vicissitudes of love and the pain that it's capable of causing, and your autistic ass is pretending that all of that is just the result of crippling insecurity.

>Here is the core of the anti-slut mentality. Fear of abandonment.
It's a perfectly rational fear. Describing it doesn't make it wrong.

>It's called having a perfectly normal emotional profile.

This coming from a person who is still tripfag posting in 2017 on a board where we don't even really have them anymore. Yet you still defiantly keep trucking along. You really do think you're well-balanced, don't you? D e l u s i o n a l.

You only feel like you're normal because everyone feels normal. Besides, what is normal is not guaranteed to be what is right. Your appeal to how normal you are makes me feel like I'm right about the insecurity bit.

It's not rational at all. Give your partner emotional satisfaction some time, it does wonders.

>I can just look in a mirror if I want to feel validated in my attractiveness

I'm very pretty, yes. Do you not feel attractive?

When I said "fly out on a whim" I really should have said "waste time with dubious social connections risk and disease and other troubles to satisfy a need they're not even handling correctly"

Your conception of love hasn't evolved from teenage infatuation. Sharing a life with someone and actually growing together is a fundamentally more fulfilling process than following subjective whims based on hormonal reactions.

Why is it a waste of time? What better things should they be spending time on? It's not like you can fuck all day every day, and it's not like you need more than very temporary social connections to enjoy sex, though personally I prefer to do it with friends I've known a long time.
Again, wear a condom.

To answer the question, all the time but obviously it's a personal matter. Also, I tend to sob like a babby at movies, actually LOL, though both these behaviors are entirely absent in the what's left of 'life.'
At first by 'Stendhal Syndrome' I thought the reference was to Lucien's condition in Rouge et Noir, a kind of nostalgia for times NOT either really or fully experienced. Actually, in an off sort of way, this still fits. Is this the reference?

>It's not rational at all. Give your partner emotional satisfaction some time, it does wonders.
Emotional satisfaction relies on sexual satisfaction for men. If a woman leaves you, you're not going to receive either. Hence the rational fear.

>Your appeal to how normal you are makes me feel like I'm right about the insecurity bit.

He's keeps shouting at random anonymous strangers on Veeky Forums that he is perfectly normal. If that doesn't red flag a neurosis or two I don't know what does.

>Your conception of love hasn't evolved from teenage infatuation
I would say the exact same thing to you. Love is emotional, comes from a long time spent with someone, I love my closest friends like I've loved my previous romantic partners, each connection is its own unique and beautiful thing. You can share a life and grow with people without trying to control them and treat them like something you have some sort of authority over.

Sounds like being a slut would benefit men then.

>What better things should they be spending time on?
Living the examined life and removing said insecurities that drive them to that unstable lifestyle.

>You only feel like you're normal because everyone feels normal.
Jealousy proceeds from the psychological structures that are meant to ensure that your genes get passed on. That's the reason it's ubiquitous among all cultures. It's not something that can be logically expunged from the human psyche. Attraction isn't rational like that.

And I wouldn't say it's rational to fear a woman leaving you simply because she fucks other people. You would have to be very below average both sexually and emotionally for that.
Hell, I wouldn't say it's rational to fear a woman leaving you anyways, remain friends, find new connections, love sometimes just dies, it's a part of life you need to accept because you could force yourselves to stay with someone you don't love but then, would that make you happy?

It's one activity, not a lifestyle. The beer in my hand is not a lifestyle. I do not define myself by my sexuality as others define themselves by their rejection of sexuality.

You can grow out of those desires. Those learned desires. Many people have.

>Sounds like being a slut would benefit men then.
Now I know what you're defending this, you're a woman. Let me explain something to you about men: getting laid is way harder to us than it is for you. Very few men can just go out and fuck people. Tinder statistics prove this (a small percentage of men get all of the dates). So for 80% of men, a woman leaving them usually means a long period of loneliness. Hence it being a rational fear.

Remember, we're talking about promiscuity, not (relatively) judicious handling of the sexual act.

The people who jump from partner to partner and are on a constant search for the next bodily thrill are very obviously trying to fill a hole, but that hole will never be filled by those actions, which is something many of those people only realize much later after a full string of mishaps.

Not if you go gay, or if you spend your time with slutty women. It's not impossible to find a girl who fetishizes /r9k/-types, it's rare but that's a result of the attitudes held by society.

Don't act like all slutty behaviour is jumping from partner to partner. I tend to be lewd with my friends, who I've known for years now. You have this already established thought of how my life is, based on, what, infographs? There's always a third option here, to embrace yourself and your desires without needing them, to accept love without trying to control it.

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (French: Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise)

I've been stuck in this book the last week or so. did anyone else read it ? the end completely broke me down. everytime i see the cover i start to tear up so now i have to hide the book. fuck me im such an emotional little kid....

>And I wouldn't say it's rational to fear a woman leaving you simply because she fucks other people.
I'm gobsmacked that anyone would be okay with this. I understand relationships that are open from the start (i've been in a couple), but when someone's your girlfriend and you actually use the term "girlfriend" to refer to them, that should absolutely come with an expectation of fidelity.