
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on Thoreau?
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Fantastic all around. Begin with the week he spent with his brother on the Concord and Merrimac rivers.

Walden is one of the only things that I've ever realized while reading it "...this is changing me"

Really good.

Veeky Forums has swung somewhat recently from deriding his lack of complete autonomy toward admiring his independent spirit
So that's what I think too

i like the adaptation, into the wide

I've only read 2/3 of Walden and it's pretentious af but he does have an enjoyable writing style.

Walden is absolute GOAT.


He's a pretentious cunt but when you spend a lot of time living in the wilderness you begin to realize he's fucking right about almost everything he says.

thats cool

Walden is one of the few books that actually changed my perspective on life.

He's annoyingly cryptic and dabbles in too much riddle-making, smirking and eye-winking.

He's also absolutely lovable; an annoying, great friend with a sincere heart and a light laugh. He was in love with the particular. He had a good nose for sniffing beauty out in nature.

I've read this before. In what way did it change you lads? Did it make you less materialistic?

Yeah i felt the same way when reading walden as well

I didnt know it yet, but Walden (as well as civil disobedience) later inspired anarchist tendencies i possess

I amFor me I was just starting to explore psychedelics, becoming gradually more disillusioned with the hum drum mechanized routine of western culture (born>college/work>wage slaving>die)

It especially spoke to me when he wrote that people are born and die on the farms of their family, they dont change they just rot. And i saw how most of the people in my life do this and are generally really unhappy and helpless yet espouse this way of life as the way things have to be

Also Walden spends most of the book noticing how things change where. At the time i was starting to get into meditation and pay more attention to my present experience

It wasnt like walden hit a switch inside and now im enlightened; more like it made my path internally a bit easier to understand, to recognize what really was important to me, and know what i am working towards

Civil disobedience taught me the important of rebelling against authoritarian nutjobs

I've lived in he wilderness before for months on end. If anything, it only reinforced what I already believed about society and nature.

>but I heard his mommy still ironed his jimmies and periodically renewed his Netflix subscription, that's not living innawoods lmao
Even if it turns out he made up the whole thing from his garrett room in downtown Cleveland, I couldn't care less.

Is this post a reddit copypasta?

Walden is the only book I have ever put down, I couldn't get into it.

thoreau is a hack fraud who people have taken to be some mystical figure of self-reliance, when in reality he barely lived outside of town, and had his mom do his laundry for him.


This. He's a bit of an ass, but means well and is entertaining.

Walden is Tarkovsky's favorite book.

Yeah I absolutely agree. There are several times throughout his writing where I've just burst out laughing because he's being a snide motherfucker about something and I love him for it.

He very well could be one of us. A step above, yes, but still one of us.

Read civil disobedience--it's literally correct in every single axiom of its assertions.

Care to tell us some more?

fucking this

This man in my country he is everything