So I've been learning to read French for 18 months or so and it's definitely not easy like everyone says

So I've been learning to read French for 18 months or so and it's definitely not easy like everyone says.

I would let this cutie smother me with her cheeks even if she had gastroenteritis.

french - a ridiculous, overrated language of a once great, but dying nation. absolutely detestable.

just read Houellebecq in translation.

Who says French is easy?

si tu as des questions n'hésite surtout pas

Nothing is easy when you're a brainlet. That said, you'd have to be really fucking dim to find French difficult.

t. brainlet

good post

omelette du fromage

He doesn't write that well from what I have seen from him, meaning that his message is more important than his style, so you really wouldn't lose much reading him in translation. That said French can be incredibly powerful when it's well used. Still, probably every language is.

18 months doesn’t say anything about your motivation. Learning a language is measured in hours dedicated to the language.

C'est une langue "facile à apprendre" pour un anglophone par le fait qu'elle a beaucoup de ressemblances avec l'anglais au niveau du vocabulaire, surtout par rapport à d'autres langues. Mais la "facilité" relative s'arrête là.

I don't speak any French nor have I taken a French class. This is what I understand:

"It is an easy-to-comprehend language for an English-speaker having a resemblance to English in terms of vocabulary compared with other languages. Easiness ???"

ça rend le français plus difficile pour moi. les mots se ressemblent mais seulement 'rassembler'. il y a au moins 5 possibilités de sens pour chaque mot dans ma tête. (l'anglais, français, la confusion)

Get this book.

>tfw reading a paragraph confidently and feeling great
>ten sentences in a row with clear and english-like syntax
>"Holy shit, I KNOW French!! I did it!"
>sentence #11
>"Me s'en y par s'a eu-t-il s'en on l'en pour de m'i'e-t'u'en-s'va-il prenir mettre pu va en s'a l'on va."

"It's a language that is "easy to learn" for an English speaker because it has many similarities to English vocabulary-wise, especially compared to other languages. But the relative "easiness" stops there.

Je comprends ce que tu veux dire, j'ai la même chose pour l'allemand en ce moment. C'est toujours utile d'avoir une application dictionnaire sur son téléphone pour vérifier le sens de certains mots, car il y a des nuances très subtiles.

>But the relative "easiness" stops there.
What the fuck would even be "easy", you fucking hopeless brainlet? French and English have largely similar sentence structure and conjugation system. Barring Dutch, Norwegian and their dialects it's literally as close and easy as it gets.

It's so expensive

nobody said anything about paying for it

It's the worth the money. Go around and read some reviews about it if you're not sure.

Post a PDF pls

>French and English have largely similar sentence structure and conjugation system

Are you fucking retarded? English is a Germanic language. Obviously French is easier to learn than Vietnamese in regards to sentence structure but verb conjugation is possibly the worst aspect you could have brought up to defend your point. There are dozens of European languages closer to English than French from that standpoint.

He's translating what the other person said, not espousing his own opinion.

I think he meant that barring Dutch and Norwegian French is the easiest language to learn, not that of those that French is closes to English in conjugation.

French-canadians. Do not forget these retarded rednecks.

So true. It’s always the little words like “en” and “y” that fuck me up.

I know, I meant English was a Germanic language and not a romance one. But I could have formulated that a bit more clearly, sorry for the confusion.

I don't find it that hard, but maybe thats because my mother language is spanish and both are romance languages. I think italian is underrated.

>English is a Germanic language
>verb conjugation is possibly the worst aspect you could have brought up
Spare me your Wikipedia-tier revelations, retard. I speak all three languages. English has largely lost inflection, so the difference to German and French grammar is largely same size. Not to mention apart from a single archaic past tense nobody uses and distinctive conditional and subjunctive forms overall conjugation structure is the same in French and German themselves. Fucking stop trying to engage in big boy discussion and kill yourself, subhuman monolingual trash.

es-tu français?? sinon je salut ton écriture

va te faire foutre mon tabarnak

Of course it isn't. Any second language is hard. They say French is easier because its so closely related and similar to English. Just like learning Japanese would be easier for a Chinese speaker.

French for reading. Look it up libgen

C'est un de mes regrets de ne pas savoir bien parler. Je n'ai jamais su utiliser le subjonctif. Et puis ça fou la honte dans les classes moyennes.

Pretty much this. Probably a good half of the tenses and moods in French have an almost exact equivalent to English (plus-que-parfait = past perfect) or are less complicated than their English equivalent (présent = simple present and present continuous). Getting a good grasp on French grammar is not hard.

Maybe we're retarded, but Quebecois French is to French was American English is to English. It's different but it's not worse.

ce sentiment quand on a appris le francais pendant cinq ans mais il reste difficile a comprendre en tant que la litterature. mon visage quand je resterai un pleb jusqu'au bout de mes jours.

I don't normally do this but SHE IS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL WHO IS SHE?


How much money do you think it would cost to get her to jump ass first onto that shark?


Fuck the shark, I want to know how much for her to jump ass first on my face.

I am still learning French, but isn't it 'hésiter' instead of 'hésite'? If not, why is it 'hésite'?

exactly. he does write kind of well and he can get poetic at times, but his insights into human nature and such remain almost the same no matter the language.

La grammaire française est d'une complexité absurde, beaucoup de phrases s'éloignent de la structure habituelle que les anglophones ont l'habitude de voir, il n'y a pas un sujet un verbe et un prédicat mais plusieurs phrases enchassées dont la compréhension s'apparente plus à un raisonnement logique qu'à une analyse littéraire.

Same, that and stuff like reflexive verbs. It's just those little one and two-letter words scattered through sentences that trip me up, but I guess it just takes getting used to.


it's imperative

En deux mots : le bordel.