Keto Meme Bread

I wonder if some cheese baked on top of the rolls would work. Seems to take a long time to bake. What's up with the boiling water? Does this activate the almonds, or make the laxative husks bind to the egg whites?

That's probably because most of it tries really hard to avoid eggs (as in, veganry). I think the albumin is what's holding the fiber particles together. The almond flour is giving it the mass.

>literally activating the almonds
kek, i think that is whats happening. don't know really. i think it took about 75 minutes to bake, i would use higher than 350F next time. cheese on top would definitely work. you could do an italian herb and cheese mix in the dough. sounds good.

thats true gluten free shit from cafes and restaurants are always vegan. fucking disgusting sawdust baked goods.

I wonder what would happen if you beat the shit out of some egg whites, then gently folded the dry ingredients in. Could you get an airier crumb?

thats an interesting idea but i'm not sure how well it would hold up.

Well, soufflé-like technique with soft peaks, yet with the almond flour and some husk for tooth. I think it could work.

guys i just farted and it was completely rancid

maybe i'll try it tomorrow. dump the whole mix into a small pan to make a loaf?

Yeah, I'd start with the loaf size experiment first.
This is why you're diarrhea-testing the recipe for us.

To be fair diarrhea can be a godsend on keto. Some people don't get the fiber they need and end up backed up.