This was great. What Veeky Forums films do you recommend?
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give me money
Parts Unknown/No reservations/LAyover are a must.
Also Good Eats.
paul liebrandt docu was my favorite, it gives a real insight into restaurant business with its ups and downs
Check out Babette's Feast and Eat Drink Man Woman, 2 certified food KINOs. Also mostly Martha which is less about food but still good, they made a shitty American version where they turned it into a straight romcom called kitchen confidential I think, avoid that shit.
does tampopo count
I just watched 42 grams on netflix, it was decent. for Grace on netflix is also good.
I much preferred the sequel, Jiro Nightmares of Assrape
The birth of sake on Netflix is pretty good.
Your mom getting BLACKEd.
French chef by julia child is an actual classic, chef's table is good if but overproduced and much more focused on image than method than an ordinary culinary show. A taste of china as well as china on the tongue are both good and factual, china on the tongue being more about location and ingredient than technique.
As for movies, Soul of a banquette is more personal documentary about the introduction of authentic chinese cooking to the united states. The raw and the cooked is another good one describing the culinary culture of taiwan.
Literally lmaoing at this
>binging parts unknown a year or two ago
>get to russia episode
>always been interested in russia, excited to see anthony explore st petersberg
>episode immediately turns into CNN political doctrine
still annoys me, pretty good show otherwise
Yeah, too bad someone has different ideas from the alt-right yet still produces informative content about food and cultures in a whimsical and witty manner using coherent english instead of gutter babble.
I just finished the new Netflix series ‘Ugly Delicious’. It got a little preachy and SJW at times, but it was good. 7/10.
yeah except the episode spent no time on actual travel or cultural things, it was literally just him interviewing political dissidents
give me your fucking money for this fish you fat fucking American shit
Pay me.
The best couple movie. Are there any better full length films about ramen?
Ultimate japanese Veeky Forumsino coming through
And every episode about a shit hole country where people are amputating clits and burning witches alive Bourdain is all like "These people eat raw monkey flesh seasoned with Coca-Cola and human blood, wow how authentic and human, see all people are really the same, we can make world peace if only ppl knew all humans eat food, deep man"
None of you assholes said, "Eat Drink, Man Woman?"
This place is full of fucking morons.
I keep forgetting that you people live in abject poverty and a lack of access to media and television.
I'm sorry. Continue on.
Bizarre Foods and its spin offs
Cheese Chasers/Cheese Slices (same show different names)
the original Iron Chef
and seconding Good Eats
Chefs table is made by the same people and basically just a series of sequels about different restaurants
The Documentary Now! pisstake of Jiros; Juan Likes Rice & Chicken is fucking amazing