Veeky Forums watchlist
And every episode about a shit hole country where people are amputating clits and burning witches alive Bourdain is all like "These people eat raw monkey flesh seasoned with Coca-Cola and human blood, wow how authentic and human, see all people are really the same, we can make world peace if only ppl knew all humans eat food, deep man"
None of you assholes said, "Eat Drink, Man Woman?"
This place is full of fucking morons.
I keep forgetting that you people live in abject poverty and a lack of access to media and television.
I'm sorry. Continue on.
Bizarre Foods and its spin offs
Cheese Chasers/Cheese Slices (same show different names)
the original Iron Chef
and seconding Good Eats
Chefs table is made by the same people and basically just a series of sequels about different restaurants
The Documentary Now! pisstake of Jiros; Juan Likes Rice & Chicken is fucking amazing