Any additions to the Veeky Forums starter kit?

Any additions to the Veeky Forums starter kit?

I want to cleanse my palate of shit taste after reading nothing but Nip/Kor/Chink novels for eight years straight.

First of all throw that in the thrash.
Now: Waiting for Godot, Death in Venice, Book of Disquiet, Germinal, Madame Bovary, The Sorrows of Young Werther and Jealousy should be a good starter pack. It's all easy, it's all good, and there's variety.

Actually good advice.

Makes me reee that Lolita is on there

Crime and Punishment (though to be fair, I also get sick of every reading list being full of pretentious didactic stuff so maybe this wouldn't change anything)

Also, 75% of that list is required high school reading, as if the original creator wanted to validate their own "choices" rather than to get a broad view of literature.

Thank you.

>the gay science
>as i lay dying
>the heart is a lonely hunter
>on certainty
>poe complete works
>Nichomachean ethics
>notes from underground
>sketches from a hunters album
>phenomenology of spirit
Wouldnt be a bad start if you could handle it

>75% of that list is required high school reading
That's because those books are entry-level in difficulty while still being thought provoking, which is exactly the type of book a "starter kit" should contain.

Is this for real? I came to this board looking to start reading again and the first thing I see is all of this highschooler shit

Hey for sure read the thread bashing this chart that you just posted in, I don't know how you could be here for more than a day and no hear the Greek meme, but it's not a meme you must start with the Greeks
-Orestria and Oedipus cycles
-Ovid, because it is Greek Myth, could be read at the beginning
Also, Homer translation either Fitzgerald or Pope, any Latin (Ovid) try and get Dryden, for plays Lattimore is alright but it can be terse.
After that you are ready to start reading the canon

Also after starting with the Greeks you MUST continue with Christianity. That means the Bible, KJV or Douey-Rheims only with a secondary source. I know it's a big scary book but at the least you must read: The Pentateuch (Genesis and Exodus are the most important), Samuel 1 and 2, Job, Jonah, Ecclesiastes, some Psalms/Proverbs, St. Mathew, St.John, Acts of Apostles, Revelations. That is the minimum, if you don't read that then don't bother starting Dante, Milton or all the other greats

it's a guide to people who've almost never read anything senpai
if you'd like some slightly more challenging books try anything in this chart
they're not very difficult but normies haven't read them
also don't read women and men because you're too stupid for that
Veeky Forums has very little overlap in general taste
I'm a big fan of authors like William H. Gass, William Gaddis, Joseph McElroy, and William Vollmann, they're all great and worth checking out

You fucking pseuds. The original starter kit is perfectly fine for getting noobs back into reading. They're all very easy and worthwhile. Their objective quality doesn't change just because you say it does.

Disregard this nonsense, OP. The pic you posted is a really solid foundation.

Lolita is the best american novel.

What book titled Jealousy are you referring to?

t. american high school grad

Alain Robbe-Grillet's


American Psycho got me into reading again. I'm basically on now so I think the OP image is accurate.

What Nip/Kor/Chink novels did you read? The Four Great Classical novels blows anything on that list out of the water.

>You must start with the Greeks
philosophical research and readings =/= reading for entertainment..

>Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Is this book well known outside Brazil?

add some 1L lawschool hornbooks in there

torts, property, and criminal should suffice. every adult in a western society should understand the basic rules of ownership and civil/criminal wrongdoing

Why Waiting for Godot?

Interesting. Care to elaborate?

in lawschool most of your ""'textbooks'""" are just case documents, and then in class the prof uses the case as a vehicle to explain a point of law

a 'hornbook' is more like a traditional undergrad textbook that uses plain language to explain a concept. it is like a condensed version of the course, and includes all the rudimentary points of law without any of the details.

the issue for actual law students is that sorting through the details of a case and discerning the implicit points of law is, in itself, a valuable and necessary process of education. furthermore, lawyers need specific knowledge of the cases, because their main job (in a nutshell) is to compare their client's case to previous cases in order to predict how the law will apply to their client's case.

but for the casual reader, a hornbook is the perfect tool to get a general understanding of fundamental legal principles.

property/torts/criminal are what apply most to the average joe. criminal wrongdoing you understand; a 'tort' is just a fancy word for civil wrongdoing; and since most people's lives are dedicated to acquiring things, basic property law is useful to understand. these three are both interesting to know and may prevent young adults from making silly mistakes. a cursory understanding of the law can even improve one's mediation skills in solving domestic or workplace disputes--when you know how things //really// work, you can remove emotion from the equation and make more persuasive arguments

i hope that wasnt too much of a rant

Not at all, you make an interesting point. I just don't see the connection with the books listed in OP's picture, and what you're talking about. What your saying could be said about any subject applicable to modern life (ie. finance).

We are studying the canon pleb if you want entertainment there is game of thrones

Oh and if you don't enjoy >studying the canon then yes you are a >pleb

I know you're just shit posting, but please refer to what someone above said:

" The original starter kit is perfectly fine for getting noobs back into reading. They're all very easy and worthwhile"

While you don't have to study the Greeks in order to appreciate literature, it does add to it. The books in OP's picture just might intrigue OP enough to pick up the Greeks on their own accord, and not because you called him a pleb.

i simply believe law (especially law concerning wrongdoing) is related to the philosophical themes commonly presented in Veeky Forums, therefore some contemporary legal nonfiction ought to be included in a 'Veeky Forums starter pack'

i would respond that the books in OPs picture are inconsequential, therefore the connection between my suggestion and the concept of a Veeky Forums starter pack is more important than the connection between my suggestion and the books in OPs picture.

i would also include Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell, and perhaps a contemporary political work. i would reason that, for most people, it's helpful to have a basic up-to-date understanding of a field before delving into it's philosophical roots (e.g through the greeks, etc). as far as finance or life skills are concerned, i think those with philosophical roots, such as law, economics, and politics are worth examining.

the REAL question that has yet to be addressed is: what is the purpose of the Veeky Forums starter pack? the answer is what would decide what should and what should not be included.

Would you recommend some contemporary legal nonfiction? I'm keen, I need some new nonfiction anyway.

The purpose of these Veeky Forums starter packs is that most people with an honest interest in getting into books don't know the right questions to find the good stuff that suits them at their current level. Those books listed would get people excited about literature, so they'd have that to go find the next lot of books to read.

I think what you're suggesting is fantastic, but to the average person who's getting into books, I don't think they would derive much value from cross-referencing other subjects (some do this naturally, others just want a good time)

In cold blood

It's threads like this with posts like that make me hate this forum.

95% of you are pretentious twats that should commit suicide for the sake of the world.

shitposting against shitposting is still shitposting

>so vain that he wants a person kill themselves "for the sake of the world" whenever he is made to feel under-read by comparison

He isn't the problem. You are. You don't even see how much pretentiousness was behind that statement either. I bet you seriously think yourself incapable of ever being pretentious, don't you?

That whole greentext is a bit of a stretch.

Norwegian Wood or After Dark (Haruki Murakami). Both of these are easy reads and would fit in the starter chart.

But that's exactly what this guu is about. He's new to reading, comes here, sees some christian fedora make a post that he's too new to realize is pretty standard around here for them and then gets all durrr kill yourselves because he feels like an insecure tard.

Imagine actually wanting people to die over something like this. It's pretentious as shit.

>game of thrones
>Veeky Forums
>studying the canon

I can't tell if you over-rationalized yourself into stupidity or if you were stupid at the outset and simply don't understand your limitations.

>KJV or Douey-Rheims only


Fuck you, I enjoy reading Jap light novels. It's a fresh taste of fantasy, as contrived as it gets sometimes.