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Literature #102
Brainlet mistake thread
How was she such a good writer for her age?
Existential Comics
Should I bother with a translation or should I just get to learning Arabic?
How old were you when you realised that reading doesn't make you smart?
Who is best girl in the classics canon?
What is the best textbook to get for an intro to the logic of philosophy?
Books to teach me how to be a man?
Anyone know any advanced argumentative books? Any books that try to persuade you into thinking something?
The bible is a book
Top 100 books
Finnegans Wake
You like dungeons and dragons, right /lit?
How do i stay motivated to write my book
Poetry, where do I start?
Contemporary Literature
Bundle theory
Your favourite Bible quotes?
Good books on economics?
Beg mummy to buy me a typewriter since I can't write highbrow fiction longhand or on a laptop
Post Lovely single lines
Literally the Dark Souls of fantasy novels
Id rather live in the Russian serf system than this industrialized irony laden capitalistic machine...
>this is what leftypol actually believes
Stream your Consciousness
Svenska författare
How old where you when you grew out of your edgy atheist phase? What made you do it? What did you read after?
How much time did it take you to end with the starting with the Greeks tho?
Why is learning a language so hard?????
Write for 3 months
Planning on reading it once I finish what I am reading now, does anybody have thoughts on the book?
ITT: We post memes that we fell for
Net neutrality is about to destroy humanity lmao GOOD THING ALL I DO IS READ BOOKS HAHAJAJAJAHAHAHAHAHA...
Is it possible to have a thread about Swedish literature?
Non-Philosophical BS Thread
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Who is the most Chad intellectual of the modern era and why is it pic related?
Is this book worth reading?
Norwegian lit? Anyone interested?
Conciousness is the crux of reality. Everybody's experience is effectively a different reality...
So what's the consensus on this guy?
Author's Corner
Sexual Personae
What's the longest book you've ever read? (pages)
Why does this book feel so much more modern and less dated than American literature from the same era?
Do you have any full sets Veeky Forums?
Things that male academics said to me
Morality without God
Which philosophers would agree with this image?
Confess your sins Veeky Forums
Europe Central
Write what's on your mind
Has anyone else here read Up From Slavery by Booker T Washington...
So, who else read "The Metamorphosis", an proceeded to become even more massively depressed...
Rate my nightstand, Veeky Forums
Is 26 too old to start learning philosophy?
Will this book ever be topped? It's the greatest piece of philosophical work I've ever read...
Holy FUCK he literally is Reddit in human form
Is having knickknacks on your shelf acceptable?
Religion BTFO
Look, let's face it Veeky Forums. You need to be NEET, either literally or mentally, to write a great novel...
Oh, fuck, I suddenly think I get one of the things Joyce is going for in Ulysses
Unknown philosophers thread
Has anyone read this? Are there any valuable ideas here? Is it anything other than relabelled fascism...
What are some Alt-Right books?
Book uses two columns instead of one
How does Veeky Forums look at masturbation? Does it take its toll on the creative process?
Recent Purchases/Stack Thread
Has anyone here ACTUALLY read Zettels Traum (Bottom's Dream)? Is it worth reading...
Read book
Is it worth reading? How does it compare to the movie?
Modern Catholic Novel
Picked this up, what are the best H.P Lovecraft stories? I'm reading Shadow Over Innsmouth right now
The other foot thread (>>10288221) made me wonder; what book has the best descriptions of feet?
Best Italian Edition of Divina Commedia?
Did orcs and goblins rape humans and elves in middle earth?
Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies...
What is your favorite non-fiction book?
Why are you a Traditionalist?
Last month I saw a guy jump In Front of a subway...
Woke up at 6AM
Why does he hate women so much? As a girl I can't stand him blaming all women for every little thing
Dude just like break out of the Samsara lmao
What are some good books on Cooking?
Could someone please recommend me a good e-reader? A big screen and an option to take notes in it are highly preferable
Ok, so have any of you ever read pic related?
Reading silently
He starts with the Greeks
Social media and the internet have given the right to talk to legionaries of imbeciles who first talked only at the bar...
ITT: The most disappointing work from the classics that you have read
At university
Your age
Blade Runner 2049
Recently this book was translate completed in my Thai language . Should I read this...
How does one cure suicidal depression?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
So I was reading Debord's Commentary on the Society of Spectacle and Agamben's Homo Sacer and a lot of it sounds very...
Cover thread
Mfw you interpret Jordan Peterson as a philosopher rather than a psychologist
Why does Veeky Forums hate him again?
What podcasts do you listen to Veeky Forums?
What are some books that deal with that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach?
Is he really pro-justice kinda guy?
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Why are there little to no black philosophers in respected journals?
What are some must have -yet- illegal books?
Are there any books or passages that do well at describing the way people act when they're arguing with each other...
195 countries
I want to learn a new language. What language will yield the best reading?
I literally can't understand why people think death is a bad thing. Can you guys explain it to me Veeky Forums...
How do we stop the booktuber?
Start with the Greeks
Atheist Literature Thread
Any good literary fiction written by POC authors?
BEST English bible version
So Veeky Forums, am I rich? It's not mint by any stretch, but it's not in terrible condition either
Which of his songs has the best lyrics?
Why is Crime and Punishment a great book?
Veeky Forums's drink
You guys are pretty wise
ITT we post our /goodreads/
Post a journal entry
Tfw oldfag
Who is the coolest looking writer?
A novel
The entire universe was created so God could make one planet with a race of biped sentient mammals, then way later...
Boston Veeky Forums Meetup Group
I don't get philosophy at all
Thoughts on this?
Does Truth really exist?
Totalitarianism is bad
Why do so many writers have foot fetishes? Dostoyevsky, obviously, but even Joyce spent paragraphs in Ulysses...
What is Veeky Forums's stance on comic books, graphic novels, bande dessinée, comic strips and Disney comics?
Wow Da Vinci's arguing skills were not even on par with the average Veeky Forums shitposter
Can we judge a book or a work of art without the knowledge of the author?
When I read Tolkien, no matter how incredibly drudging, painfully boring his work is...
I'm finished this recently. Wtf! I HATE the EU even more now
ITT post famous/classic works/writers you have no interest in reading and probably will never do
Max Stirner refutation
God Emperor of Dune > Dune
What are the philosophical foundations of multiculturalism and cultural relativism?
What does enlightenment entail? how & at one point does one become enlightened
Tfw come from a prominent old-stock scots-irish reformed protestant family in the agrarian south (I'm even...
Have anyone read it? Any thoughts?
What is his endgame?
Is Castoriadis a good introduction to greeks?
So I've just found out my IQ is 128. Which books should I read and which books are too smart for me?
Who here /middlebrow/?
Post your favourite Bible quotations
He listens to audiobooks
Holy spirit
/clas/ - Classical Greek and Roman Literature Thread
Is Balzac actually good, or just a meme?
I-is there a book about a depressed/suicidal guy in uni or high school with no friends and trying to make them...
How does Veeky Forums deal with information oversaturation? its a major problem in the modern world; for example...
Why does the "manchild" phenomenon exist? Why do people never take the natural steps towards ever-edifying media?
What is it with writers and cats? Some very famous writers like HP Lovecraft we're total cat people...
I will read only one book on Jung—which
ITT: purple prose
Look out the window nearest to you
Is this worth the read? anyone?
How do you plan to educate your children, Veeky Forums? Will you focus on a classical education...
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
What are some good examples of terrible books propagated by canon slaves and buyers of academic and critical propaganda...
All art is propaganda
Is this correct?
I feel so fucking dumb. What are the basics that every person should read?
Lesser known epics
Where should I start with the Brontes, Jane Austen, and other old female authors?
Hey theists: what caused God to exist?
Novels involving monks, priests, bishops and popes...
Dostoyevsky on Don Quixote:
There's plenty of books about a guy on a quest to find a girlfriend/wife but about a chick on a quest for a bf/husband?
Greece was really something amazing...
We Have to Talk About Murakami
Going through some tough shit atm so
What are some good books that counter materialists...
Name five books that you loved and anons recommend you three more
What does enlightenment feel like?
Let's get some S A D B O Y lit up in here
Shape without form, shade without colour, Paralysed force, gesture without motion
Should I buy the Communist Manifesto?
Who among you maintains a commonplace book?
HTBTUSG read-along
What languages are you studying?
Ningen Shikkaku/人間失格/ No Longer Human
This is a loaded question, but can you identify one book that had the most major impact on your life?
DC Meetup Today!
Stoicism is the ultimate edgy athiest numale pseud philosophy. It doesn't matter whether you read Aurelius...
If the Universe is infinite, as scientists claim, then there are infinite probabilities of infinite things happening...
Is it me or is this book frequently misunderstood in literary tradition / popular culture?
G-god does exist!
Why read when you can just play vidya or enjoy your time in some other way that doesn't require much thinking?
So what comes next after postmodernism?
Have you ever had any experiences with psychedelics or experienced ego death, Veeky Forums? If so...
Are we all onions?
"Every book is worth reading. If it cannot make you wiser it will make you a critic."
New C&P translation in 3 days. Did I like it?
Marquis de Sade
Anyone actually own this?
Genuinely unexpected "what I got"
Recent purchaseses / stACK GENERAL? Good old neon edition
What are your most cherished books?
How do I understand this book?
Alan Watts: Big pseud appealing to even bigger pseuds or was he actually onto something?
Dubs picks what i write about
He still believes free will doesn't exist
Post your novel ideas
What are the weirdest ideas in philosophy?
Does /comfy/ slice of life exist in literature?
Favourite Crime Books
People like Goethe and Beethoven actually existed
Books your girlfriend/ex-girlfriend/partner made you read
I want to write an "epistemic horror" novel but I have no idea what that would look like
Stop what you're doing now and read Shakespeare
What are some books that can help me surpass my earthly desires?
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
Anarchist Literature Thread
Literary tattoos thread
Help me reprogram my high school years
Lying in bed while browsing internet on my phone as people enjoy the London fuckfest Friday night
Postmodernism, Hicks, and Peterson
Serious poetry thread only serious poets pls
Which character of Dostoevsky's novels is closer to you?
The same childhood friend reported in a letter that Columbus had provided one of the captured indigenous women to him...
What are some books about feeling inferior?
It's actually happening
Climbs onto your bookshelf
Leodor Tolsoyevsky
Drinking game
What rules do I need to know before I can start writing poems and where can I learn them?
Leave this board and never return if any of these apply to you:
What kind of books do nu-males read?
on ezra pound- "lousy poet and depraved pseudo intellectual"
FACT: John Green is THE thinker of our generation and you can't refute it
I cannot get through this fucking book...
It's so nice to find all these Christian gentlemen on Veeky Forums...
Writer's block is a fedora meme and excuse for laziness. Prove me wrong
Pure ideology
Well Veeky Forums?
Hi, I'm from Veeky Forums, who is the Elon Musk of Literature?
How come Ayn Rand is a joke but Stirner is considered the final boss of philosophy?
/Sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
/Crit/ General Critique Thread
Is it really worth it to even try to become a writer these days? The days of becoming a figure like Joyce are over...
Is Dr. Edward Feser the greatest philosopher of the 21th century? Have you read his works?
Imagine bespeckling your book collection with cheap trinkets
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What was his fucking problem?
How do you hide your power level when confronted with awful art...
Name some literary dudes who had dumb wives
Reminder he's making over $60k per month and you're barely finding a burger flipping job
Canterbury tales project
The weird frontier between internet culture and the continental tradition
Starter pack thread
atheists act like this is a good thing
ITT: Excerpts that make you cry
Started with the Greeks
How much accompanying personal attacks should you tolerate in criticism before calling it a day?
What do you guys think about Elliot Rodgers manifesto?
Hey there, Veeky Forums. Cybersecurtiy major here
Don't mind me, just being the most important nation in the history of literature
Thesis of Crime and Punishment
Kierkegaard BTFO
Was Kant autistic?
Was Dostoevsky antisemitic?
What should I read if I want to increase my intelligence
Why have you not read the best poet of our time yet?
What book helped you learn the most about life?
Nick land
Is poetry suppose to be read out loud?
What did he mean by this?
Okay Veeky Forums, what are some good fantasy novels that aren't Tolkien or CS Lewis?
Can you have objective morality without believing in God?
Are there any booktubers that aren't complete trash?
Was it autism?
What are thoughts and how do they relate to the physical realm?
What were the Mysteries of Dionysus?
Semicolons in dialogue
What are the best economics books? Neo-liberal to Marxian, I don't care as long as it's economics
Can true love only exist in fantasy?
Hi Veeky Forums
How into Ancient Greek?
Is man inherently violent?
I'm really sick of post-modernism pervading present day stories and literature...
What the fuck is this nigga on
Appreciates homer
What films would Veeky Forums choose for a similar list?
If only I find that ONE author/book/philosophy/poet then my life will make sense and I'll be satisfied and driven
Literary confessions
The only philosopher that matters
Does drinking absinthe help you write more creatively?
Holy shit, it's so fucking tense
What's your favorite Kafka book? Mine is pic related
Post your favorite poem
New waifu alert
Stop eating meat
What if wittgenstein smoked weed
Norm Macdonald's "Don't Bother With" list
Chinua Achebe (/ˈtʃJnwɑː əˈtʃɛbɛ/...
Books to help me cope with this?
What is the literary lifestyle?
Is it even possible to BTFO him without making him stronger? It's like trying to slay the hydra
So a new Odyssey translation just came out and it was done by a woman. Is it good?
Where to begin with Faulkner?
Are there any books that can help me develop a personality?
Thoughts on Neil Gaiman?
Are there any intelligent philosophical works written by women that could compete with anything written by men?
Foucault often criticized Marxism saying "Marxism exists in nineteenth-century thought as a fish exists in water; that...
Be highschool me
Does anybody actually start with the Greeks?
Recommend some good books (fiction or nonfiction) about the South to me
Reads Kant once
/SffG/ Science Fiction & Fantasy General
A small dictionary sticking out of back pocket
Why do people like this garbage book
I know that Veeky Forums is of the opinion that Sartre is completely worthless as a philosopher but is there any merit...
Veeky Forums hasn't heard of the greatest poet to ever live
See this
Why is there so much vitriol directed at this book?
Lads I went to far
What exactly is postmodernism?
Does anyone else rationalize their vices through literature?
Have I been had?
Is he really a philosopher?
What the FUCK???
Brontë's or Austen?
Is it weird to have lit related clothing?
Refute this
This faggot is creating his own pseudo-cult. I don't say he was looking for it at first...
What was his problem?
Simpsons Veeky Forums
What book has had the greatest impact on your life?
JD Salinger is the greatest American writer of all time. No others compare
Mishima came to view human intimacy as basically sentimental and fatuous - he came to disdain women on grounds that...
The main character of the last book you've read is replaced with Odysseus. What changes?
We [women] have to take in account all of this and we try to be so many things at once...
Is it healthy/respectable to read a novel in one sitting?
Life of Pi
What are some Veeky Forums accessories for everyday life?
Veeky Forums ATX MEETUP
Living the life lads. What are you and your significant others pretending to read tonight...
Anyone have a chart for Nietzsche?
How do you think his project of making an African inspired fantasy series is going to go...
Veeky Forumsness
I just read Dune, and was mildly impressed
Does Veeky Forums have a favorite cookbook, or book about cooking, or book about a cook?
Post the nicest library close by to where you live
Is working a spook or am I just fucking lazy...
Stack Thread #999
What are some good sci-fi reads...
What are some books to read when you are hurt or that made you cry?
Nick land (reader) thread!
Translating l'etranger to the stranger
Are there any good Jewish authors or philosophers?
Who of you will unironically order this?
Who's unironically the greatest Japanese writer of all time?
What are your favorite places to read? (besides your apartment or parents' house, etc)
Does anyone know any good drugs to take while reading? Not to help you concentrate but to help you imagine the book?
Any good reads on the benefits of Islam besides Soumission?
Hello, Veeky Forums, I have some questions regarding the "literary lifestyle"
Have been writing since I was ~10
Is texting Veeky Forums?
You've looked into our holes.. now look into our minds!
Did he launch the Fifth Great Awakening?
Can we have a thread of propaganda, manipulation and deception?
Where should i start Kant, assuming i have no philosophy background?
How does he do it?
Books only you understood
I cant understand half of the ideas evola brings to the table in his analysis in ride the tiger (the fact that english...
I keep buying books that I never read
Misanthropical literature
Is nick cave Veeky Forums?
Russian literature
Why did Kafka turn Gregor into a bug?
Live in London
What books should I read to learn why polyamory is bad and monogamy is good (or the other way around)...
Mfw reading the road
Itt Embarrasing Veeky Forums moments of your life
Write what's on your mind
Actual Stoicism is based
If I read all of these in order will I become smart
Does anyone here write philosophy?
Best french books?
1. Keats
Poems and short stories of amousities
Put up posters all over campus for a Literature Club I want to start with the date of an open-house meeting for those...
Who here bought Infinite Jest but never read it
A few moments of your time, Veeky Forums
What books should I read to my child, and at what age? I'm thinking like 2-8 years recommendations...
Harold Bloom stated: "Le Guin, more than Tolkien, has raised fantasy into high literature, for our time"
Is Veeky Forums good or evil?
Whats your current book rotation?
How accurate is this image?
Anything written to serve a political purpose (rather than to explore and create) is propaganda, not art
Reminder that Veeky Forums gets triggered by one of the greatest writers in the English language purely because she's a...
New Sincerity, a return to modernism?
Let me tell you a story. Your unvenerated father lies deep in the belly of a whale, awaiting your rescue...
What if Nick Land was a girl?
I finally got around to watching a few lectures of this guy...
Has anyone read this book? I think it's one of the best American novels but it's barely talked about anywhere
Is half of lit fucking retarded? Half of what's on the top 100 chart is kindergarden shit like Camus and Salinger...
Who is objectively the most correct philosopher? And yes, you can be objectively correct in philosophy
/SFfG/ Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Be honest with yourself: he's smarter than you
How come a certain religion mysteriously dissapears from 99 percent of sci-fi works set in the near future?
Interesting Philosophical Ideas
ITT: books that are literally you
Writing on Solitude
I've made a post similar to this in another thread but I think it's worth having further discussion
Why does reading have to be so fucking hard? I feel so stupid. FML
I'm currently trying to expand my knowledge about fascism
Some things never change
Why are all languages so shit?
Is forcing yourself to read a viable option...
Question about Slaughterhouse V
Redpill me on marxism
Why are dead religious literatures considered "mythology" but those that are still believed in considered "holy texts?"
My feeing when I'm surrounded by people who criticize hedonism and degeneracy and they are not realizing that they are...
Did he really not finish Moby Dick and Mason & Dixon? I can appreciate the sentiment...
To read this guy you have to read this guy
Why did he shoot 4 more times?
Can somebody explain what the fuck is going on here?
What's the top 10 of all time writers?
What are some very well written fantasy novels?
Out of fucking nowhere its motherfucking Alexandre Dumas with a godamn new novel
Who are the best writers in MBTI?
Be loner
Is there a way to become schizotypal? What literature could help me to do that?
Looking for books that will make me more racist. Suggestions? I'm white
What do we think of Harold Bloom?
Which book is best book on this list?
Is Veeky Forums becoming to mainstream?
Writers you could take in a fight
Writers you thought were white but are actually black
ITT: Female authors who are superior to their male counterparts
What's the best rendition of this book?
Are there any good refutations to the Problem of Evil?
I want to have brain-sex with all of you
Nick Land quote
Two Days:
Who are some Borgesian writers?
New language
Why do Veeky Forums...
Was it autism?
He claims to be smart but dismisses Jordan Peterson without even watching his lectures on the postmodernists or reading...
What was his fucking problem?
Veeky Forums Political Books Thread
Why is this incest fetishist still widely discussed when all of his theories have been disproved?
Are ancient books like The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, the Illiad, the Bible worth reading...
I've been reading some of his works and I think he is mostly right about the dangers of technology and...
How did a woman write something as good as frankstenstein?
Why is this not the bible for every american? why is this not handed out by the dozens?
Magic Mountain
Was he the last philosopher?
Paperback vs Hardback
Something I've noticed is that Veeky Forums is possibly one of the most spiritual communities I've ever seen on the...
Remember when people got increasingly desperate to find a reason for their lives and began holding out for increasingly...
I can't go on like this, I just fucking can't anons. I need a purpose...
All of these threads about the Bible...
/econ/ Economics General
If you own a kindle or a similar device, could you share your experience please ITT...
Is Zarathustra the messiah of our age?
This book fucking sucks. Let me summarize lolita for you:
How do I pronounce "Ecclesiastes?"
Write what's on you mind
Can't this idiot just elect to not move the boulder?
Which do you choose, Veeky Forums?
What is it about Dan Brown’s books that sells so well?
Why aren't you quitting your job and becoming an alcoholic? It's the only way to live if you want to be an artist
Why was Dostoevsky prejudice against Jews and poles?
Anyone here read Animal Liberation?
Best edition of the Ulysses? Is the penguin paperback viable? I don't want to get poor for a meme book...
ITT books that are so bad you never bothered finishing
Your type
What does Veeky Forums think about pictured writer?
This is the most important organization of thought in the history of the species
I wanted to get some opinions on my writing style
Why do you continue to ignore the Jewish Question?
Favorite audiobooks? What book would you like to have read to you and by who?
Is he the best poet of all time?
Is the Divine Comedy still worth reading in English translation? If yes, what is the best english translation?
Read his books
Tfw I have single-handedly changed the consciousness of this board and it now thinks as I do
Bechdel test
Is philosophy basically the most pointless fucking field to get into in the world...
What are some of the best languages to learn for someone interested in literature and historical linguistics/philology...
Could someone explain to me how Homer's hexameter is built, how does it work? (If possible...
What's some really profound poetry that changed your life? Pic related
Stephen King
Came in the mail today, time to turn my life around. What am I in for lads?
Would you consider
What is the most boring book you've ever read, and did you bring yourself to finish it?
Which one are you?
Are there any worthwhile books from the Middle East?
You missed half the book user. You could follow along well and understood what was happening but you missed half of it...
What do atheists base their moral framework upon?
Which philosopher got it right?
What is the true message/meaning of the bible?
Just a reminder that the society depicted was a utopia
British flag tee
Conservative General
How do I read philosophy without becoming a pretentious faggot?
Reading Group: "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism" by V.I. Lenin
ITT: write "Brother, may I have some oats?" in your favorite author's style
What's the saddest book you've ever read?
Should art be political, and is it really unavoidable?
The only threat of being a selfish hedonist is that 1) You will go to hell 2) It's unsustainable...
Veeky Forums humor? post screen shots of best Veeky Forums threads and memes
Be me
What does Veeky Forums think of China Mieville?
/sFfG/ Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Who else is hyped?
I have to take a mandatory class on gender representation in literature in order to fulfil my course requirements...
Goodreads Thread
Uncommon recommendations
Gay punks roaming over the wasteland
Write a poem about your day
Can this cure my depression? Recommend any other book that had a profound therapeutic impact on you
Infinite Jest
The only philosophical books I have read are Max Stirner: Ego and His Own, and Otto Weininger: Sex and Character...
Who's you're favorite anarchist ? And why ?
Why don't people read?
Jordan B. Peterson is Inventing an AI to Detect Post-Modernist Professors
I havent read a book in over 10 years (harry potter)
*notices your post about God*
Any Australians on Veeky Forums ?
Why is Objectivism wrong?
And so this reminds me of the old joke about the Soviet military captain who visits a brothel in west Berlin...
Has anyone here unironically read Marx? I need to know if I should be bothered reading him. Even better...
What are lit's thoughts on Deleuze?
Romanian Veeky Forums
What's the Stranger Things of literature?
Why does it seem like every book I've picked up recently is basically Christian propaganda...
Most Veeky Forums city in the world?
When you can literally SEE the acceleration happening in front of your eyes
What was the most fun book you ever read?
ITT: Cringe thread
What is the most controversial work of literature?
Do you have a Veeky Forums related job/profession?
STEM grad here. What are English/literature classes like? Did I miss out...
Good? Bad?
What do you talk about at cocktail parties? I'm going to my first "legit" cocktail party ever tonight...
/Crit/ General Critique Thread
Why write?
Authors who will be accused of sexual harrassment
Dumb things people say. Veeky Forums edition
Bump into her at the bookstore
What is his fucking problem?
I read the first two Harry Potter books. Am I welcome on this board?
He did not actually "solve" philosophy, right?
This just came in the mail. Time to turn my life around
What's some good lit for overcoming alcoholism?
How many books are you reading?
The combined vision of all the thinkers of the Enlightenment amounts to nothing. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
What is the book equivalent to Possession?
Any foucaultfag here? I'm reading stuff unrelated and these horrible scholars just can't stop using his terminology...
Im not a usual Veeky Forums goer, but I do have a question:
What books should I read to stop me from wanting to be a girl?
Which language has the best sounding literature?
What is the black metal of literature?
"It's cruel/selfish to bring a baby into this world"
Mfw I like capitalism
/chart/ Thread
When does the existential dread end?
Tired all the time
Veeky Forums meetup - Austin
What does Veeky Forums think about feminist writers and feminist literature in general?
Is Ozymandias the greatest poem ever written?
When was the last time you told your mother you loved her, Veeky Forums?
Reading on the train
Why is he so fucking great, Veeky Forums? Even among the Romantics Keats stands alone...
What were your "lost years" like? Are you still in them?
I am curious what your opinions on Evola are, I am about 75% through Hermetic Tradition...
An Introduction to Lusophone Literature
Does postmodernism unironcally promote fascism? Suggestions on further reading?
How can I live the literary lifestyle...
“As far as I am concerned, I resign from humanity. I no longer want to be, nor can still be, a man. What should I do...
What am I in for?
At what point does using the word "nigger" become artistically unacceptable?
He thinks that a prior synthetic expressions of pure mathematics can be meta-metaphysically proven through an...
Books on Realpolitik?
What am I in for?
Get told over and over how cynical and malevolent Machiavelli is
Greatest writers of all time
Haven't written my novel in over a month
ITT post worst/most notable experiences from writing classes
Creative writing poetry course at Uni
Start with the chinese
Which preparatory readings should I do before getting into peterson's maps of meaning: architecture of belief...
Tfw to intelligent for monolingual ameridumbs
Our age is not only the most Jewish...
Is this respectable?
I need to read a memoir for school, any suggestions?
Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist
Italian Literature
Do you feel it?
Rapping thread
What sort of pen does Veeky Forums use?
Staying with friend for a while
This is too much for me
Aesthetics/Art Philosophy Thread
ITT: God tier words
Which 1,000+ page behemoths are best, and which do you recommend reading first?
Is the surest sign of a brainlet droneman that he or she reads Malcolm Gladwell?
Why do you study ancient languages? so much interesting was written in modern languages...
Plato's Republic
Is there something fiction can give that non-fiction can't give, or alternately, can't do better/more quickly? That is...
Pen Names
Is Han Han a Fraud?
DUNE: Science Fiction's Supreme Shitpiece
Should i read this? was Antoine de Saint-Exupéry a good writer?
How did we go from Plato and St. Paul and Kierkegaard to Nietzsche and Stirner and Marx?
You can influence the course of evolution. You can do whatever the fuck in hey hey hell you want to...
What is the book equivalent of this album?
I want to be christian/have a religion
/SFFG/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Does the original novel have a similar setting to the films? Is it less fantastical?
Who are some Pseudo-Intellectual Con-men like Tim Ferriss?
Have you ever read a good self-help book?
Is there a such thing as Eastern canon? What would be included?
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Failing all my classes because I stopped turning in work and physically can't force myself to leave my apartment half...
You going to get a copy? I might, my life has been pretty shitty and it can't be worse than any other self-help
"Our age is not only the most Jewish...
I've always known I'm Bisexual, but knowing doesn't get you anywhere...
Nietzsche predicts and criticizes the Nazis, supports them against feminism
Post an entry from your diary
Not used Veeky Forums since my adolescence
If i am only going to read one work by him, witch one should it be?
It's so funny how Kant anticipated and btfo'd Hegel in the Critique of Pure Reason
New reader of philosophy
This just came in the mail. Time to turn my life around
What did Lex Luthor mean by this?
This wasn't supposed to be a guide for politicians
Can anyone here actually read Latin?
"My dog died."
Spanish literature
Why are short stories not as popular as novels?
How do I build an audience before publishing a book?
ITT: biggest pseuds in literary or philosophical history
The invasion by /pol/ of Veeky Forums is the perfect literary example to justify /pol/'s entire worldview...
Start reading a book
D/s Fantasy Erotica
Possible connection between Girard and Kant:
American Lit professor refers to western canon as mansplaining
This book is the fountainhead but with art instead of architecture
Not remotely better or more virtuous than any political leader despite studying philosophy
Lots of newfags here recently. read the top 100 and stop posting about politics
Catcher in the Rye blew my mind and made me realize how stupid people are
Maps of Meaning
/uni/ thread. Post your university and major and others will judge you. Harshly
Do you guys wanna make out? The twins looked at each other...
Favored Translation
What Marxists call "capitalism" is just the corpse of God. Prove me wrong
Should I feel guilty for overly relying on annotations when it comes to reading relatively difficult works such as...
If humans are natural egoists as Stirner said...
The Winds of winter
Shelf Thread
Read this book
Which books will make me a Christian? Pic related is okay
Stack thread
Hello smart people
Analytic philosophy = autism
Post what you're currently reading
/crit/ - Writing Critique
What am I in for?
Which book took you the longest to read? Be honest, now
Every wise philosopher, every sage, every mystic and metaphysician recommends sexual purity, nofap, noporn, no lust
Might makes right
What are some good books for deprogramming a Marxist?
Deleuze & Guattari
Post your favourite paragraph Joyce has written
What's some good revolutionary literature?
Yo Veeky Forums
Is literature over?
Can the puppeteers in Plato's Allegory of the cave see the objects they're holding in the fire light...
The Good Left Undone
Is there any good lit about a lonely guy losing his virginity to a qt and gaining confidence to participate in life
French Literature
What are some good books about beautiful people and their lifes?
Does Veeky Forums have any rare or antiquarian books?
What's your favorite R. L. Stine book?
The most important thing in life is to be happy
What am I in for ?
Be honest with yourself:
/lit and /mu in one picture together...
I'm a Christian. Should I read Zizek?
Ovid, Metamorphoses
I'm looking to get into metaphysics can anyone recommend a sort of crash course curriculum i.e...
Death and nothingness
100 Years Since The Russian Revolution
Is this a good overview of western philosophy? I'm looking to read an overview text before starting with the greeks
What do I need to read/know before reading Hegel?
Realize Underground man is a satirical character
Impossible Translations
How to talk to Zizek?
Should I pursue a master's in English (to be followed by a Ph.D., of course) after I've finished my bachelor's...
I just graduated highschool
What does Veeky Forums think of Hamilton
Why are there so little utopian books...
Is the Tempest pro-imperialism?
I'm a Christian. Should I read Zizek?
400-page rage against freem market economics
You just know all these people did humanities degrees at mid tier state schools...
How to... write?
Where do you go to write, Veeky Forums?
Hey Veeky Forums just got some books delivered, which should I start with? Anything I need to be vary of?
What is the first thing Nietzsche would do if he gets ressurected in 2017?
What should I read, I speak English as second language
What is your favorite quote, from all of the things you have ever read?
Where did the meme of "Reading is an inherently good / intellectual / self-improving thing" come from?
Roma Meetup
I just enjoy handwriting with my pen. What can I write...
What are the most philosophical insightful movies?
Horror Recommendations?
What is the most abstract literature? Everything I've read is too anthropocentric
You know, as exaggerated as her characters are, as sketchy as her plots are, I like her books...
I listen to audiobooks
What books does your girlfriend read?
Times Veeky Forums ruined your life
In the 1880s, English professor L. A. Sherman found that the English sentence was getting shorter. In Elizabethan times...
Is there death in the book you're writing?
Favorite book in the Bible?
Is Dickens only a children's writer?
He hasn't read the Bible
It'd be a shame if it were bad
Do any of you all discuss Literature outside of the internet?
What's the significance of Ishmael and Queeqeg's little gay love affair at the beginning of the book...
I just finished reading this bad boy for the second time...
R8 please
Zagreb meetup
Veeky Forums confession
Who else enjoys History books? I just finished pic related. Good shit
About to read pic related, what I am in for lads?
Is there a libgen for graphic novels?
Self Publishing
What is irony?
What famous, Veeky Forums approved philosophers believed in a human soul/spirit...
Post your university
What's a book you like or an opinion you have that you know would make Veeky Forums 100% absolutely disgusted with you?
Why do we write?
What are some quotes that changed your perception of the world?
What do you think about her? I have read only The Secret History, and I liked a lot. Makes me wanna read the greeks
Checked my bank summary for the year so far
Hey folks! I'd like to hear how you "see" Eowyn from Lord of the Rings using feminist literary criticism...
Friend of mine is a hardcore eco-anarchist...
What's jordan peterson's opinion on ayn rand? i can't find any video where he analyses her oeuvre
So has anybody got the new Kindle Oasis yet? How do you like it?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games