Veeky Forums confession

I went through a phase in which I thought George R.R. Martin is the greatest goddamn author who ever lived.

What's yours?

James is that you?

I enjoyed The Name of the Wind until I read The Wise Mans Fear and realized how dogshit both were.

I enjoy the works of Ayn Rand.

I spent years and years writing fanfiction. Some of this was erotic fanfiction, based on my objectively terrible fetishes.

I find Naked Lunch and Finnegan's Wake emotionally soothing to read, even though I do not understand them. Especially Naked Lunch.

>greatest goddamn author who ever lived
C'mon dude, I'm in the minority of Veeky Forums who still likes that fat fuck's work, but greatest ever? That's going too far even for a shameful phase

Well, can you at least post an excerpt

I'm sure it is just hyperbole friend.

trust me, that's a period I literally repress through mental self harm

He's still my favorite author, not because he's the best ever, but he's the best ever for my tastes.

That actually makes sense. So technically back then I was into fantasy, and he's undoubtedly good at it and goes against the flow so it makes sense that I liked him back then. Thanks for making me realize how wrong I am!

I still like ASOIAF.

It may be sacrilege on this board, but you CAN like fantasy books. I like kobe steak, but I also like hamburgers.

On some level I truly believe that most of us here who've read him actuality love G.R.R. Martin for all he's written so far. And just want for him to finish Winds of Winter.

Also, I confess that Neil Gaiman's The Sandman is going to take the world by storm when it's adapted to live-action. Or it will go straight to the $5 bin at Walmart.

I cannot read anything if I can hear people speaking in a language that I understand at the same time.
As in, Someone could be screaming in Chinese or blaring loud music with no lyrics and it doesn't hinder my reading at all but as soon as someone says something in English I cannot focus for the life of me.

See, the problem is you failed to say "enjoyed."
Now I have to ask if this is for some sick fascination... or if you should go on the fire with the Calvinists.

Back in late middle school and early high school, I would read about 3-4 Dean Koontz books a week, and really liked the stories he told. Now I can't stand his work, and haven't really read for pleasure in over 5 years.

then why are you here?

What's wrong with them?

I'm assuming he reads for studious reasons rather than pleasure, although I couldn't imagine why anyone would do that unless they got some sort of enjoyment out of bettering himself.

This is normal

>so this is Real Literature

What's wrong with that book user? I just had someone rec it to me and I picked up a copy

Kvothe and Denna are some of the most unlikable characters I think anyone could possibly write. I know the mantra "separate the art from the artist" is good, but Patrick makes it difficult to not look at him as a narcissistic, pretentious virtue signaling neck beard.

I about lost it when he went North of The Storm Wall to consult with the French Canadians. No, just because the women are promiscuous and no one thinks less of them, doesn't mean they are cultured.

He has a moment where Kvothe, being the hero that he is, defies odds and rescues two girls from being sex trafficked or something. One of the girls then starts crying after a few days of being mute and pulls out the classic "I HATE MEN!!!!"

In Kvothes attempt to soothe her he, no joke, says "#notallmen". I have 100 pages left in the second one and have no plans on finishing. I hate it.

I think you're talking about The Name of the Wind by Fatrick Rothfuss when the guy you're replying to asked what was wrong with The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Zafon.
Never read Zafon so I cannot be sure.

I've read the entire Harry Potter series twice and that was in my 20's. I love the easy going nature of some of it, mixed with the serious parts. It's just overall, extremely comfy to read.

My post was based on a memory of a memory. I remember thinking back on it and feeling embarrassed for having liked it. I remember some years before that thinking it was the greatest book I had ever read, and that it was Truly Adult Literature.

It will probably be entertaining. It says Bestseller right on the cover, so it must be. Maybe those years ago (as told in the first memory) I was ashamed of liking an International Bestseller.

kek the only reason you dislike the books is because rothfuss' political beliefs run contrary to your own and it shows in his writing, dumb alt-right cuck. don't even bother refuting that because you and i both know it's true.

the second book is much, much more politicized than the first. seems like that's the only reason you made it through almost 700 pages of "the most unlikable characters I think anyone could possibly write" and picked up the second book only to eventually shit on it on this here anonymous cum-swapping tribunal.

not defending rothfuss btw, but your intentions at the very least are totally clear.

You should recheck that.

I fucked up.

>Harry Potter

>dumb alt-right cuck
>not defending rothfuss btw, but your intentions at the very least are totally clear.
You must read a lot of pop psychology books to figure that one out.

its fine lad

you know i'm right

i bet you have a cum shrine to gene wolfe

>you know i'm right
mentally ill

>mentally ill
You must read a lot of pop psychology books to figure that one out.

this was my favorite book for the better part of a decade

Carl Jung would be proud my boy

i did an entire english degree without having read the bible

Cool down your autism rothfuss.

Nigger, there's bad because it rustles my precious feefees and there's bad because I want to turn the paper it was written on back into timber, turn in into a pike, impale the author with it and decorate my porch with his corpse.

and both are just as indicative of severe autism you dumb cuck
>getting this triggered over books
just fucking lol

>Gurrm's Morporkian Uncle

Evry 2-3 years, I'l get in the mood and re-read the Discworld novels, and from 14 to 30yo, I always pick-up on new layers on each re-read, and come out each time with a different favorite.
Currently, 'Thiefs of Time would' be my no1 pick

You try reading The Name of the Wind and not come out feeling this way mother fucker.

This is a natural thing, senpai. Some might even argue that it's a evolutionary advantage since you're not being distracted by the work at your hands and are alert to your surroundings.

>haven't really read for pleasure in over 5 years

I truly feel sorry for you. I drop 99% of the books I pick up and only read what I like. This means I can go an entire year without reading a single book but that's alright. I'd rather go to Tumblr and read graphic novels I enjoy than read a renowned book I don't actually like just for the sake of being an 'intellectual'.

I like to read on the train but I cannot fathom anything more attention-seeking OR pretentious

Harry Potter is comfy you daft cunt

Classic struggle.

Liking to go to public places where no one knows you and reading in all comfort but then knowing that there'll be those who think you're a pretentious cunt.

It's not easy but it's surmountable.

how did this king manage to get such a loyal military

Unironically one of my favorite books.

Read it when I was in jail and finished it in one sitting.
It's stuck with me.

Mine is related, I cried on a train when I finished Freedom

This. Reading in public is fine, you're keeping yourself to yourself and you're likely to be quiet, but most people seem to take it as an opportunity to try and get your attention or they judge you as pretentious for fucking reading.

I fucking hate this planet, i can't wait any longer for humans to colonize pluto

This post is a train wreck

Veeky Forums in its entirety is a train wreck. A train wreck so devastating its own creator ended up jumping out.

I have never read him, but tell me more, why did you find him great and how did you go through that phase? Genuinely interested.

Also interested in other user who have gone through a similar process about their once favorite authors.

>you get interested in a genre
>delve into it
>it becomes the only thing you read, watch, etc
>pick up Author X
>his work is better than all else in the genre
>ergo he's the goddamn best I have ever read
fastforward a year or two
>out of the phase
>open up your options
>read other stuff from other genres
>Author X wasn't that great after all as you start to retrospectively inspect his works
>the past Hype deflates
>you realize how cringeworthy all that was

We are witnessing performance art

I have all the Twilight series books and because of this series in parituclar I developed a weakeness for vampire literature.

I didn't let reddit ruin the fact that the hitchikers books were a good read for teenage me if you don't take them too seriously.

The Name of the Wind isn't so bad - at least the prose is interesting - but when Wise Man's Fears jumps the shark into literally "virgin rocks sex deity's world because he read books on how to fuck" and an actual ninja harem, I punched out. The "Now I have to hate you for [REASONS]" love drama is so hamfisted I could fry eggs with the bacon grease I wrung from the pages, and I almost stopped reading mid-sentence after he introduced the villain who controls the future by trolling people into believing its going to happen. I finished the second book, but have absolutely no desire to finish the series.

This. Although for me it was "this is awful in many ways, but entertaining in others." And then Ruthfuss revealed how retarded he truly is.
I ironically enjoy fanfiction than most of the shit published nowadays.

I've pretty much only read pulp fiction.

That would have been impressive in the 1920's, maybe.

Maxmimum comfy was reading the first few books very young

I read mostly self help and lately listen to audiobooks. I understand narrative but have no idea how to judge a book as a whole or if audio format takes away from the experience. Basically I have no place in forming a remotely objective opinion, i'm filth that can only say that he "loved" or "hated" stuff, like i rather loved listening to drenai saga.

You gain such abilities with time. You just have to keep on diversifying (assuming you just started) so you can have a solid understanding with as much breadth as possible. Reading professional reviews will also help as you'll pick up terms, judging criteria, etc.