Marquis de Sade

Find an edgier author.

julius evola

Same edge?

Its not edgy, its profound.
- Cliff.

Michael Gira
Pierre Guyotat

James joyce

Jean Genet

Philip K. Dick

I think his edginess just stems from gnosticism in general

find an edgy millennial who could still write while locked up in Charenton.


Also edgy isn't the best way to describe de sade.

Peter Sotos. Any bizarro lit ala ass goblins of Auschwitz

he's not edgy though

I thought it was agreed Chucky P. was the epitome of edgy authors?


I tried to read both of them and intothetrash.jpg

The author of my diary desu

John Green

Adolf Hitler

You mean
>Find a shittier writer?
I can't

About as soft, mellov, and round as you get.