Planning on reading it once I finish what I am reading now, does anybody have thoughts on the book?
Planning on reading it once I finish what I am reading now, does anybody have thoughts on the book?
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I have no idea who "Mark Dice" is, just let me google...
>Mark Shouldice (born December 21, 1977), known professionally as Mark Dice,[1] is an American YouTube personality[3] and author[4] known for his conspiracy theories about secret societies such as The Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove events, Satanists and the Illuminati control of the world.[5][6][4][7]
Ok if you actually aren't a moron and willing to take your tinfoil hat off go and read Edward S. Herman instead
>The Bilderberg Group
>conspiracy theory
You actually made me laugh, thanks. I will check out the author you mentioned as well.
What would you recommend starting with?
Yes, and Skull and Bones actually exists to. If you're not a moron you can actually demarcate between serious historiography/sociological works on elite societies and the pulp insane conspiracy theories surrounding it that grow up and spread.
There's serious scholarly work on these things.
learn english
stop using the word demarcate, moron
He died a couple days ago actually, he co-wrote Manufacturing Consent with Chomsky which is a classic
Here's an article from a couple months ago: "Fake News on Russia and Other Official Enemies"
>recommends someone who worked with chomsky to a person interested in right-wing anti-establishment literature
Just because noam Chomsky is a complete kike and faggot doesnt mean he hasnt written a few things worth while. It's a great start too to red pill normal fags
The bildeberg group is real. You hear about their little meeting every year on national news. I think it's NATO who's in charge of security too. Imagine being so dumb you come up with your own conspiracy theory discarding every conspiracies on the basis that OP you're a massive faggot and on so many layer of ideology lacan would eat his socks.
I read it it's a great book, Stop citing Wiki if you wanna be taken seriously. /x/ might be a better place for you if you blindly believe things
what the neoliberals call "fake news" is literally all true
this pizzagate shit is the biggest offense of goalpost moving
"the elites have a child sex ring under this restaurant in a certain place at a certain time" to "some guys are pedos"
I'm sure there are, like, a billion better conspiracy theorist literature out there
This, I don't read books that were written after 1950.
that's basically what happened to me in uni
>Trust me I am lying to you
For a less conspiratorial look at media
it didn't start out with the fucking pizza restaurant. I was in the first thread when things first started showing up and it initially had to do with shady stuff involving certain charities that had ties to the Clintons operating in Haiti and thousands of missing children. One of the heads of the charity got busted for human trafficking. much more shady stuff involving money trails but then around about the third thread someone connected it to the pizzashop and everything went to hell from there.
there was very obvious shilling going on in the thread at the time and I was suspicious of how heavily people started focusing on that one specific restaurant rather than all of the other stuff.
when I woke up the next day and saw that some stupid pizza café was dominating the discussion I knew everything from there on out was going to be mostly BS.
yes, there are shady videos involving this pizzeria, you cannot deny that; yeah, something is definitely off but it wasn't the start of things by a long shot.
When people started using "pizzagate" I figured the shills had won and there was no hope of investigating any of the legitimate stuff and the shitshow that followed since then only confirms.
it's saddening how easily led astray these sorts of efforts are.
>it's saddening how easily led astray these sorts of efforts are.
It is sadder that you assumed worthwhile discussion would happen at /pol/ in 2016
I'm glad that out of everything I said that's what you got out of it
thanks for the intelligent contribution
Wow this is dumb
>got out
What you said is nothing new to me, hell I doubt what you said is anything new to anyone who used /pol/ or even Veeky Forums before 2016. Hence I fixated on the one part that isn't Captain Obvious tier
Enlightening post. I never thought of that sequence, probably because when that particular shtf I was basically like: "well yea, obviously the elites are pedos who worship a horned cattle deity. Leviticus 20 bruh. Now God is dead and Moloch filled the power vacuum after Europa imploded. Duh."
But then wasn't there that shooting at the Pizza shop just during the heights of the hysteria, like somebody presumably went to get retribution on a queer positive all ages venue that has punk shows because muh sacrificed children? Didn't that happen? And then the general attention soon waned? (I don't follow these thing that closely. I have a job.)
yes, the guy who went in and fired a few rounds with an assault rifle was an example of the sort of uninformed lowest common denominators that had latched onto the whole thing and who were both buying and creating the absurd narrative that it had then devolved into. having that sort of mouthbreather that would fire a goddamn rifle in a restaurant and think it would accomplish something was a great way to solidify in the public's ignorant eye the idea that the whole effort was a bunch of fringe loonies and any legitimate information still involved was then dismissed. to be fair by then it mostly was. everyone had lost sight of the organizations in Haiti that had started the whole thing.
the majority just want theatrics and the thrill of "investigating" esoteric devil-cults that will lead them to proving the existence that aliens have been among us for millions of years and the earth is a hollow sphere and Nazis are in Antarctica or something rather than focusing on the "boring" financial business that proves legitimate and actually far worse things about the higher ups.