>mfw you interpret Jordan Peterson as a philosopher rather than a psychologist
His psychological skills and insight are incredible.
Mfw you interpret Jordan Peterson as a philosopher rather than a psychologist
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Would you describe him as this generation's L Ron Hubbard?
Not OP but I wouldn't, JBP puts out his shit for free and the cult formed around him, not the other way around.
He is a clinical psychologist and professor
Why would I?
yes, he has a PhD in it
I'm guessing you don't have anything but a folder full of ironic memes and circus-proportioned anime girls?
My peepee is hard
Psychologists just talk bullshit and prescribe medication. Nice "field of study"
That's psychiatry, brainlet. Admittedly, psychology is even more useless than psychiatry.
Depends on what kind of psychologist. I'd say most of them are, but some are not. Are Jung and Freud full of bullshit? Are successful clinical psychologists full of bullshit? You can't dismiss a whole scientific field with "lol it's all bullshit"
He thinks psychologists prescribe medication, I don't think he knows anything about it. So don't question him.
Couldn't be more wrong. In this world of neurosis and failure of religion, psychologists are a rope out of hell. I personally endorse CBT and mindfulness as the easiest and most successful way to live a life of contentment.
Reminder to report useless Petersonposts
cock ball torture is for pervs
CBT has still yet to be endorsed in my country. I think it's still only used in trials. I may support it over psychiatry if it works because I've had false diagnoses from psychs, whose medication fucked me up for a bit. Define "mindfulness"
Psychology, the degree taken by all the women who will be housewives
I don't know about CBT but I've been to a couple of psychologists and both either gave ineffective strategies towards improvement (just think happy thoughts-tier) or recommended antidepressants. When I got on antidepressants it didn't do anything. Eventually I got off both the psychologists and the medication
What do people have against him? I never see any actual points made.
CBT is training you how to get out of anxiety attacks or whatever, and then being able to apply that to the rest of your neurotic problems since most people will have a bunch of problems. Correct me if I'm wrong, only listened to a radio segment on it.
So because many psychologists are failures, the whole scientific field of study is to be disregarded?
In my experience therapists are either great or terrible. The latter takes up at least 70% of them. Don't give up on the search.
I know you're here, Alex. It's me, Daniel.
What do you have for him?
CBT is useless, which is shown by the recent results regarding CBT vs. psychoanalysis (psychoanalysis yielding better results)
I was speaking from personal experience.
Glad to know its not working out for you, 3301
-He's a meme at this point
-Threads about him are for memeing purposes
-Not about literature
-kills a post about literature
There's already too many memeposts with the same bullshit repeated over and over again. See: Nietzchefags, "what was DFW's problem"-fags, fashfags, jewposting, redpillfags...
>Lacan cuck from /leftypol/ with fake news
Can you link the study?
All summed up in here
the individual studies are mentioned in the article.
"In 2004, a meta-analysis concluded that short-term psychoanalytic approaches were at least as good as other routes for many ailments, leaving recipients better off than 92% of all patients prior to therapy. In 2006, a study tracking approximately 1,400 people suffering from depression, anxiety and related conditions ruled in favour of short-term psychodynamic therapy, too."
He talks about a lot of things. Since he has been a clinical psychologist for decades, his lectures tend to be about pragmatic solutions to existential problems on the psychological level, with interesting information dispersed throughout. He talks about archetypes, personality development, analysis of mythology and other stuff. I don't pay attention to the cringy fans and just listen to what he has to say seriously and it's been really interesting.
So just ignore them and talk about him seriously. He does bring up interesting ideas
Because outside of his field of specialty he is a bumbling retard. Here read this article where Memerson explains why port-modernism is bad.
Let me highlight some things he says. He takes tiny little things and tries to interpret them in retarded way to suit his own agenda
>say Derrida used the word 'phallo' which stands for phallus
>takes that little thing and goes on a rant about how Derrida is a sneaky trickster behind the post modernist movement. Talks about how Derrida believes all of western society is an oppressive, toxic male dominated cesspool.
>ironically plugs in identity politics where there are none
>All Derrida was saying is that men shape the world which is true
Here's another thing.
>He says "Post modernists don't believe in 'logos' which means the individual
Really memerson? Logos means "the individual?"
>goes on long rants with no evidence whatsoever
>feeling bitter or ungrateful?
>memerson has a long rant prepared for just this occasion. Apparently there is an 'evil triad' within you that is causing you to hate the world despite there being no reason for it.
>doesn't even explain what post-modernism is aside from butchering Derrida's philosphy
>talks about a conspiracy where marxist post-modernists are publishing papers to push their agenda that no one reads and forcing libraries to but them with YOUR tax dollars
How the fuck are they pushing an agenda if no one is reading the papers?
>his entire reference point for "post modernism" is a book by Stephen Hicks
He couldn't even be bothered to read more than one book on the subject before ranting about it. Everything he says is just someone else's words that he's butchered. The man is a clown, him rising to stardom due to being 'anti-sjw' should tell you all you need to know about him from an intellectual stand point.
He has 148 IQ.
>Logos does not mean individual
m8, the oldest conception of godhood in western societies is that of "being". When you take into consideration that "Cogito Ergo Sum", you realize that each individual self-aware person is a God in it's own sense.
So yeah. Logos can indeed mean individual. The problem with people disliking Peterson is that they're too used to be spoonfed every little detail so when a new definition comes up that they aren't familiar with, they can't use their tiny teenie weenie little brains to understand where he's coming from.
Sort of how single digit IQ Americans like to call everything they don't understand - that is, slightly intelectually elevated thoughts -
Pic related, every "Memerson" meme poster. He's either a brainlet SJW who's buttmad at him or just plain brainlet contrarian. Trying to feel good by putting the popular -thing- down.
>takes that little thing and goes on a rant about how Derrida is a neaky trickster behind the post modernist movement.
Except he literally is you fucking retard? Just Google and see for yourself you mouthbreather.
I swear, what's with butthurt Americunts and the need to display their single digit IQ prowess for all to see? Fucking embarrassing.
>He is one of the major figures associated with post-structuralism and postmodern philosophy
>Apparently there is an 'evil triad' within you that is causing you to hate the world
Are you seriously disputing clinically proven psychological evolutionary tools that every human being posesses?
>Citing NLP
Literally pseudoscience.
>The guardian
>As good as not better
Lacancucks are this desperate
>talks about conspiracy where marxist post-modernists are publishing papers to push their agenda that no one reads
This is how I know for a fact you're either a rabid SJW, a troll or just plain uncultured. It takes complete natural or forced ignorance on how higher education facilities and politics work to make such a claim. Leftist institutions often resort to citation engineering the same way Buzzfeed inc creates 10 citations out of an original baitclick article in order to make it appear more legitimate than it actually is.
NLP is the kind of thing that makes you a firm believer on it when you so much as successfully apply your first simple anchoring. That's all it takes to know it's the real deal.
>NLP is the kind of thing that makes you a firm believer on it when you so much as successfully apply your first simple anchoring. That's all it takes to know it's the real deal.
Yep, a pseudoscience.
>NLP is an unfalsifiable theory that encourages cult like behavior from its followers based purely on faith
what are all the successfull clinical trials on NLP and CBT then?
American uncultured swine with its full single digit IQ processing power in full display!
>It werks (although it actually doesn't all the time but who cares lol) so it's TRUE
Please leave and bring your naively positivistic retardness with you.
And my IQ is pretty high, fuck off.
>save your naively positivistic retardedness
LITERALLY something you could solve with CBT / NLP but you're too immature to give it a try for fear of losing those immaginary "inteligent guy" credits.
>my IQ is pretty high
lol. Pic related.
I suspect you're just a Freudian trying to shoehorn NLP into CBT because you think it'll demean the latter.
>LITERALLY something you could solve with CBT / NLP but you're too immature to give it a try for fear of losing those immaginary "inteligent guy" credits.
>Projecting and trying to poison the well THIS hard
Holy cannoli, is this the power of NLP? It just werks!
>literature board
>alphabet soup everywhere
psychology is trash read dianetics
conflating nlp with cbt is like conflating astronomy and astrology.
Insane underage poltards like you is precisely why people don't like Peterson despite his excellent self-help material. Stop blindly idolizing a father you never had and treating every objective criticism of him as a personal insult to you.
>m8, the oldest conception of godhood in western societies is that of "being". When you take into consideration that "Cogito Ergo Sum", you realize that each individual self-aware person is a God in it's own sense.
>resorting to literal sophistry to twist words to mean what you want them to mean
I want to fuck my parents lol hehe hoho
What books by post-modernists and post-structuralists have you tried reading?
I haven't read much at all, I'm currently reading "The postmodern condition" to get a bit into it.
I like Peterson, but I know people who I respect that seem to like these frenchies like Foucault and Deleuze, at the same time I see Peterson talk more to youtube people like h3h3 and sargon I think instead of talking to experts in the field of post-structuralism.
Peterson sounds like he just hasn't read ANY of this, am I wrong?
Well most of them who are studying it are probably wanting to be practicing psychiatrists or child psychologists i.e. people who peddle SSRI's and ADHD pills. It's not exactly the worst word to use.
A lot of the psychology studies that try to shed light on the reasons certain human behaviors is interesting, but the side of psychology where people try to assume that a certain stage of brain development or standard of thinking is an "optimal mental health" is hugely suspect to me.
the intellectual heavyweight amongst his peers
>Jung among all this pseud trash
He doesn't deserve it, not even for his later New Age memery.
Peterson is more clueless about the way emotions work than the average Veeky Forums poster. It's incredible that you can earn a degree and teach and still be that clueless
He doesn't know what he's talking about and his fans are basically scientologists
literally no different than crystals and auras
It all turn to political bullshit
Not literature
I don't care for your internet dad i just don't want you memesters shitting up the board
Accept he literally says that no one cites these articles, did you even read the article you illiterate troglodyte?
>m8, the oldest conception of godhood in western societies is that of "being". When you take into consideration that "Cogito Ergo Sum", you realize that each individual self-aware person is a God in it's own sense.
What the fuck am i reading. You are a retard m8
This thread is terrible. You are a very emotional bunch.
I find his anti-Marxism to be very uninformed and stupid. It's clear he has not done any real primary reading on the subject or is actively lying to his audience. Yet he still tries to act like a moral authority.
If he's willing to be so opinionated on a very controversial subject he doesn't really understand on this one issue where I can spot his bullshit, what else is he faking on subjects I don't know? Also the fact his fanbase seems to be primarily underage /pol/ retards is a big red flag too.
LMAO. That's like saying Marxists are "anti-liberty". KyS.
The most common misconception is that Communism is good in theory but bad in practice. The fact of the matter is that it's only ever good in EMOTIONAL APPEALS, sucks in theory and can never be applied in practice (hence all the people dying to Communism plagues ever since conception).
Every communist should hang from a tree.
>marxism = communism
Communism is the realisation of a Stateless society where all are equal. On the other hand Marxism is the framework by which such a state is developed.
Those two terms are interchangeable as inextricable concepts that feed off of one another.
>user says his fanbase seems to be primarily underage /pol/ retards
>Gets immediately attacked by an underage /pol/ retard
Very interesting.
>anyone who disagrees with me is /pol.
Marxism isn't only Marx, dumbass. Do you think Nick Land is a commie?
>posting facebook lizards as an argument
Thanks for proving my point.
Proved what point? That you're a lunatic that associates counterpoints to pol?
KyS SoyBoy.
What counterpoint? I didn't make any arguments to begin with. I was just noticing how the other user got immediately attacked by a buzzword spewing underage /pol/tard simply because he rightfully said that Peterson criticism of Marxism is very lackluster.
>KyS SoyBoy.
t. 17yo American virgin highschool dropout
Marxism is a sophisticated method of critiquing capitalism, it's not an endorsement of communism.
I used to like this guy quite a lot, but is he still going on with the whole identity politics crap? I can't stand that crap. I'd rather him talk about philosophy, Christianity and theology instead of pandering to kekistani retards.
>can't read, so goes off on the source
the studies are cited
dat instant adhom
How old were you when you lost your virginity
I'd describe him as this generation's latest pop-sci pseud, but with a hell of a lot more pop than sci.
>Not full of bullshit
My library shelves him in the literature section, desu.
Too bad it's got less backing it up than Plato's forms.
This tbqh
I can't resist Joseph Campbell and have read 6 of his books, but I'm not going to pretend it's actual science. The same applies for Jung, who was pretty much Campbell without the charm.
Peterson is religious which means he has fallen for the faith meme and is blind to the fact that it has been hammered into him and he now comes up with "smart" reasons why being anal-raped by god is the optimal way of living.
You can't take this guy seriously if you are not a retard.
whats that thing behind him?
hes just smart enough to play the game
>not going to pretend it's actual science
Neither did they. Jung's life work was demonstrating the limits of science in a clinical setting.
>tfw like JBP
>tfw his only critics are either mouth-breathing SJW commies or post-modernists
>tfw don't know fuck-all about post-modernism and every time I try to get it there's an immediate refutation of that knowledge
I'm gonna have to read Foucoult and Derrida just to argue with you and I hate myself for it
>faith is a reason to discount a person's opinion
you can't be that stupid
>accepting someone's opinion on unfamiliar topics on faith just because you like them
>preemptively demonizing anyone who disagrees with you or your idol
Woah, I'm already dreading the day your massive preteen intellect will crush our puny numale lefty cuckhold brains with the ultimate analysis of post-structuralism.
Anyone else hate the H3 podcast? People praise it but Ethan the faggot was incredibly rude.
found the mouth-breathing SJW commie
can't wait to read Derrida so I can have an interesting conversation with the other group
L Ron was a master. Is Peterson creating moral value? This is a legitimate question, as I'm not familiar with him.