Looking for books that will make me more racist. Suggestions? I'm white

Looking for books that will make me more racist. Suggestions? I'm white.

Guns of the South.

Simply compare the development statistics before and after colonial rule. Most African countries regressed and cannot recover to this day.

>tfw I read it and became less racist

Anything by Alice Walker

Forgot to mention it can be both fiction and nonfiction but I'm mostly looking for nonfiction actually. Authors I've heard of are Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard.

Kill yourself

malinowski s secret diary


>using the fake words of the enemy
Be better than this.

CIA world factbook. Looking at the murder rates in Brown countries is enough yo really activate some almonds

Idk but I wanted to give you this picture

Nah nigger. Being racist is to acknowledge the truth of nonwhite inferiority. Not being racist is being delusional.

fucking barf

you're ronald

It's the lending of merit to the mainstream definition that's the issue here. You're basically referring to yourself as a house nigger.

From what, they never had anything, if it isn't for white man they won't be breeding like subhuman rabbits right now.

Nah it's just that the lower races get triggered by the truth. Nothing wrong with being racist.

There's no such thing as racism. People don't really think that nonwhites are inferior, although they think they think they do, because they know all men are created equal in the rules of law. It's a joke to say nonwhites are inferior, you're in on it, we're all in on the joke, like the Aristocrat joke.

I was recommended this. I've read a chapter or something. Anyone read it? Is it good?

desu Indians in America are pretty hard to hate compared to "others"


Just go to /pol/ everyday.

on the genealogy of morals

Racists actually make horrible arguments for being racist. I find the sheer stupidity if progressive propaganda naturally pushes me away from lovey dovey diverse liberalism. I am now thoroughly looking forward to the self segregated future of america.

Your post is contradictory and nonsensical.



Just go to any 3third world country and you would understand and develop a huge racism.

>all men are created equal in the rules of law
Delusional. If a subhuman 70 IQ ape like nigger is equal to you then maybe you're the joke here.


>thinks law = reality
I guess youre one of those superior 71 IQ people

You're* one of those 69 IQ people.

The Communist Manifesto

>redditors trying to insult people's intelligence

>implying I ever went to leddit
Just like /pol/ where every nigger disagreeing with you is automatically a shill.

Turner Diaries

being white myself, and a musician, I felt like a fucking nigger in China
and I was
life is like a box of chocolate tb឴h

>hate is cool, guys! I swear!

/pol/ here, that image is very accurate. Most of my racism in probably most of pole is due to threats to white culture and identity. I mean, just look on how many people on /pol/ are open or closeted weeaboos.

The Bible.


you do not even make sense, user
you're just scared

>Camp of the saints
>dark Albion: Requiem for the English
>the perils of diversity

American Psycho.