Why aren't you quitting your job and becoming an alcoholic? It's the only way to live if you want to be an artist
Why aren't you quitting your job and becoming an alcoholic? It's the only way to live if you want to be an artist
How would I afford booze without a job
You steal it, being a crazy genius puts you above the law. I see all these sheeps having families and celebrating christmas and it makes me sick
Because my only real artistry is actually functional alcoholism. My prose and poetry output is remarkable mediocre and pedestrian by comparison.
be honest Veeky Forums, what's your opinion on Bukowski?
If with water you fill up your glasses
You'll never write anything wise;
For wine is the horse of Parnasus,
Which hurries a bard to the skies.
I don't have deep mental issues to escape from with alcohol.
And i don't like being drunk/hungover
Awful. I know a girl who used to work with me who constantly posts Bukowsky quotes about how it's stupid to have a job
>mfw she's unemployed, doesn't have any degree and leeches off her bf
>she's almost 30
Yeah but fuck the system!
why don't you quit fapping and become enlightened?
i dunno, pray for God's help
Rupi Kaur for teenage boys, but at least he has some sort of personality.
Sounds like she's actually gaming the system pretty well. Only need to get pregnant to bind the cuck to her and ensure total peace.
He's pretty popular with girls too tbqh.
But user, I did. Although I can't be assed with alcoholism. Why would I throw away the time I can use for writing for drinking?
>Why would I throw away the time I can use for writing for drinking?
>implying pic related wasn't pounding down the booze and hammering away at his keys
Quoth Papa: "Did you read [Faulkner's] last book? It’s all sauce-writing now, but he was good once. Before the sauce, or when he knew how to handle it."
Forgot the pic, whoops
Alcoholism is the plebbest of drug-addictions.
I remember a video where he was giving a talk to a group of uni students and he burped and everyone clapped.
I enjoyed his book Post Office but haven't read anything else by him.
I have it pretty hard because none of the usual addictions offer me any peace of mind.
this is so wrong lol
saddest thing I've read all week
Didn't he work for the post office for like 12 years? What single thing has he written that would advocate quitting your job and becoming le tortured artist
I hope this is satire because I unironically see the benefits in it and I don't know what to do. I never enjoy drinking just the idealization that comes with it. It truly is powerful. But a crutch. Being sober truly is for the plebs. Yet here I stay, sober.
Haven't worked a day in my life. The social security is good and I can concentrate on studying, art and drinking with the girl whose my muse and bdsm partner.
why am i lauhing so much?
too busy mainlining heroin and smoking opium.
daww, he made his addiction into a poem..
Which one these clones is the better poet?!??!?!
i didn't write it, you ape
Who says I'm not?
already did that like 3 years ago
yea, i'm still not an artist, and um... yea... i'm out of money
still got alcohol though
Only babby tier drinkers romanticise alcoholism.
Unlike Hemingway, Faulkner never wrote while drunk
I'm in the middle of my comp sci degree.
Stopped going half of my classes because I had discussions with professors or felt like the classes where too shitty.
I've been pretty drunk and I kind of want to drop out.
Wish I could read more.
His books are actually pretty funny. And to those who claim he's all about not having a job, he worked plenty of jobs and at the post office for like, 20 years. Just generally unsuccessfully like most people in absolute shit jobs
his poetry is okay, Kerouac was the better bum poet