Started with the Greeks

Currently halfway through The Iliad.
Holy shit, brehs. So far this is absolutely beautiful.
Give it to me straight, Veeky Forums. It's all downhill from here, isn't it?

No user, you're just getting started.

It depends. If you are reading the Fagles translation you are just beginning your ascent from the literary inferno. If by some accident you stumbled upon Pope, greater satisfaction may never be attained and you will fall into immense despair. There is no middle ground.

> Homer
> good

Should have started with Plato, sempai.

Started with Lattimore, actually. I also have Pope's version waiting on the back burner, will definitely skip Fagles.

Read lucians true story also its pretty good

pope is gay af
people only hate fagles to be contrarians because it is a legitimately fun translation.
I don't even know why lattimore is used anymore, it is clunky as all hell and made useless by Pope/Fagles combo.

Pope is a remake if anything

So are all translations

You didn't fall for the accuracy meme did you? You aren't reading Homer in all the 'literal' translations either.

Not OP, but where do I start in general?

read Euripides :-)

The Aeneid is better

Who says I need a translation?

Hesiod's theogony
Don't read Euripides immediatelly
Haven't read it yet, is it worth?

Thank you! Right now, I intend to read Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and now Hesiod and Euripides. Who else should I read to cover the Greeks? Are there any that I should remove from the list?

Not really, unless you really like Rome and Romans masturbating to Rome

Get some secondary text on presocratics. Maybe Herodotus if you care enough

I was mostly joking about Euripides to be a hipster, but if you plan on reading him you should add Aristophanes and Sophacles(Lysistrata and Oedipus Rex)

Finally someone talking sense. Popes translation is known to be notoriously bad by scholars. Come on Veeky Forums and everybody starts praising it. I think it's because he's a poet and lived before photography, so everyone thinks he's a god. All you need to do is read it to see he wasn't.

I have Butler. I regret nothing.

Bought Aristotle's poetics with the original text. Hope it's good! Heard he is a bit shit at writing though.

>bad by scholars.
Lmao which ones again? That's a good metric to disregard their other opinions, unless their name is Keats. It's a reinterpretation not translation, one that is more about 18th century English than Greek.