Name five books that you loved and anons recommend you three more.
Ovid - Art of Love
Montaigne - Essays
Schopenhauer - Essays
DeLillo - White Noise
Kierkegaard - Either/Or
pic unrelated, i think.
Name five books that you loved and anons recommend you three more.
Ovid - Art of Love
Montaigne - Essays
Schopenhauer - Essays
DeLillo - White Noise
Kierkegaard - Either/Or
pic unrelated, i think.
virginia woolf - the waves
italo calvino - invisible cities
richard brautigan - in watermelon sugar
hermann melville - moby-dick
laszlo krasznahorkai - seiobo there below
On the Road - Kerouac
The Last Night of the Earth Poems - Bukowski
Milkweed - Spinelli
Thats all i can think of right now. Really fucking high.
I really enjoy books with melancholic tones, depressing, intense, philosophical, etc. any suggestions?
Stoners are infuriatingly stupid and refuse to confront that by excuse of being "fucking high". Im ready for the swaths of smarmy stoner replies, only to emphasize my point.
Spinoza Ethics
Lispector The Passion According to GH
Hey, fuck you man.
The Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick
Complete Works of Plato
Being and Time
War and Peace
Notes from the underground - dostoevsky
a dogs heart - mikael bulgakov
Dostoyevsky - The Idiot
Dostoyevsky -The Adolescent
Schopenhauer - Studies in Pessimism
Huxley - Brave New World
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
all of Camus‘ work (especially stranger)
Effie Briest
Fight Club
To Kill a Mockingbird
replace heidegger with kierkegaard, and thar she blows for me.
>Self-Constitution by Christine Korsgaard
>The Book of Margery Kempe
>either Nussbaum's The Fragility of Goodness or Murdoch's Sovereignty of the Good
Orwell - 1984, Animal farm
Kafka - Metamorphosis
Capek - War with the newts
Huxley - BNW
The Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov
Four Quartets, TS Eliot
The Pisan Cantos, Ezra Pound
Gravity and Grace, Simone Weil
Henry IV, Parts I and II, William Shakespeare
The Secret Agent by Conrad. It's time to move out of dystopian lit.
A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov or Evgeny Onegin by Pushkin. Time to read Russian lit that isn't Tolstoevsky
Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun
H.D. - Trilogy
T.S. Eliot - The Four Quartets
John Gardner - Grendel
Ovid (Mandelbaum) - Metamorphoses
Robert Penn Warren - Brother to Dragons if you want another book (play) made out of dialogue.
I need to read more essay collections
Adler - Speedboat
Deleuze and Guattari - A Thousand Plateaus
Hegel - Encylopedia of the Philosophical Sciences Pt. 1
Delilo - White Noise
Tulathimutte - Private Citizens
If you want more essays, try Eliot's Christianity and Culture. It's pretty good, and it's pretty much what he was trying to express in The Waste Land in an essay form.
Oryx and Crake
The Categories, Eugene Onegin
The Castle by Franz Kafka
The Waves by Virgina Woolf
The Tanners by Robert Walser
The Book of Ebenezer Le Page by G.B. Edwards
Gravity and Grace by Simone Weil
Point Counter Point (Huxley)
At the risk of sounding shitty. I only like Eliot for the pretty words. I think he fell apart thematically in the Four Quartets and The Wasteland is a masterwork, but not one that I care about the idea of so much as the technique. I think I'll try out Montaigne, and I got Robert Duncan's H.D. Book which might help me get into it. I appreciate the rec, though, honestly.
Hašek - Adventures of Good Soldier Švejk
Gogol - Dead Souls
Gombrowicz - Ferdydurke
Kapuściński - Shahinshah
Kernighan & Ritchie - The C Programming Language
Tell me the meme in the picture, i totally forgot it. Every couple months I see it, then I forget it, until i see the outline again
The Rick and Morty Hardcover
Infinite Jest
Milk and Honey
The End of Faith
Hatchet - Gary Paulsen
Call Of The Wild - Jack London
Leviathan - Scott Westerfeld
Sea-Wolf - Jack London
any of Dean Koontz's books.
The Brothers Karamazov
Don Quixote
The Phenomenology of Spirit
Philosophical Investigations
Invitation To A Beheading
Anna Karenina
The Savage Detectives
Nazi Literature in the Americas
The living are few the dead many (Hans Henny Jahnn)
The sixth sense (Konrad Bayer)
Nobodaddy's Children (Arno Schmidt)
Amras (Thomas Bernhard)
Heliogabalus (Antonin Artaud)
The petty demon
The Violent Bear It Away - Flanner O'Connor
Don Quixote - Cervantes
Os Lusiadas - Camões
Les Mendicants de Miracles (or whatever is called in French) - Vurgil Grioughu
The sound and the fury - Faulkner
Corinne, or Italy by madame de stael
Nothing by Teller
My prisons; memoirs of silvio pellico by Pellico
The Warden by Trollope
Titus groan by Peake
Persian letters by Montesquieu
Robinson Crusoe by Defoe
Jerusalem delivered by Tasso
The overcoat by Gogol
My list:
The history of Rome by Livy
The man without qualities by Musil
Les mis by Hugo
Jerusalem delivered by Tasso
War and peace by Tolstoy
Satan's diary by Leonid Andreyev.
The Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille
Teatro Grottesco by Thomas Ligotti
Tool by Peter Sotos
The Consumer by Michael Gira
The Complete Short Stories by Franz Kafka
>that Camões
check out Pessoas' A Mensagem. I think few people realize this but I think Pessoa intended it to be an almost deconstruction of Os Lusiadas
The Histories by Herodotus
Celine - Journey to the End of the Night
Wolfe - You Can't Go Home Again
Dostoyevsky - Notes from Underground
Haslett - You Are Not a Stranger Here
Maksik - Shelter in Place
The illuminatus! trilogy
Brideshead revisited
The Magus
A death in Venice
Dostoyevsky - Demons/The Possessed
Faulkner - Light in August
Woolf - Mrs Dalloway
Garcia Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude
Conrad - Heart of Darkness
The sound and the fury
The plague
Oficio de difuntos
One man is hard to find
Notes from the underground
Camus - The Stranger
Roy - The God of Small Things
Kureishi - The Buddha of Suburbia
Coetzee - Disgrace
Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude
Tao Lin - Tapei
Mann - The Magic Mountain
Hesse - Demian
Von Kleist - Michael Kohlhaas
Williams - Stoner
is this picture sad?
why do you ask?
it almost looks as if someone confessing something, and the conversation dwindling.
what's the original?
Why do you care so much?
yes, it's a sad picture.