Is poetry suppose to be read out loud?
yeah, at least once
some of it
meter, pronunciation, a bunch of other shit is lost if you don't read aloud/have a horrible inner voice
I don't know, suppose it isn't?
Depends on which piece
I mean, with the exception of Concrete or non-linear poetry, I can't think of what isn't improved by reading aloud (non-linear works are kinda iffy in this arguement).
fuck this shitty painting
I can read text "aloud" in my head I mean it's not really important.
Is it making you sad user? Its ok to say so
it's making me angry
it really is different when it comes to subtler sonic devices, but i understand
I unironically like that painting.
>Fuck you croooooows! You have taken my son and yet I still baaa!
If your imagination is so limited it can't cope with subtle tones of voice then sure, that makes sense. If you can't imagine something, have someone read it out for you. Clearly they must speak faster than you can read, so it saves time too.
Introspective poetry is often best read silently.
You might be retarded
Poetry is supposed to be read out loud with your drunk friends in 3 in the morning.
spotted the jew
>if you dislike cheap and emotionally manipulative art you're a jew
I love the fact that whenever /pol/tards start praising classical art 90% of the art they post is obscure 19th century kitsch that you'd never see in an art history book.
At least while being proofread, like everything else.
>obscure 19th century kitsch
that or literal meme paintings
I like it ):
This. Don't alt-rightists and /pol/tards get that academic consensus and political ends are vastly more important to a work of art than petty things like craft, technical skills, or meaning? It's like they don't realize that other people knowing you agree with what is deemed good is more important than actually thinking a piece is good.
What did he mean by this?
I don't care about poetry. Just came to say I love this painting
>or meaning?
Meaning is in case of the paintings (hint: 19th century, academicism, bombast, not even Scruton likes them) I and had in mind the last thing you should resort to if you want to defend them, especially when you take something as trite and cliched as .
thats prayers
and yes poetry prayers and a bunch more were all one once
nowadays however no
Aequitas Augusta
Reddit PLEASE leave.