Leodor Tolsoyevsky

Who is the better of the two

Ma boi dosto

Me desu

Better in what way? Dosto is more entertaining but Tolstoy is the better writer


someone make the chad dostoevsky vs the virgin tolstoy

Other way around, friendo

Didn’t they once meet in a theatre but they were too shy to talk to eachother?

It'd definitely be the other way around

I prefer Dostoevsky, but I think they are equal in skill and had different aims and writing styles anyway.

i have only read fyodor so

also i've never felt the urge to read tolstoi
am i missing something good?

Anyone who says Dostoyevsky is a 20-something american virgin male

how did you come to that conclusion?


Abradolf Lincler.

Women can understand Tolstoy, but never Dosto


Tolstoy never wrote something as abysmal as The Landlady.

so close.. not a virgin after meeting your mum tho

wubbalabadibib morty... *burp* I, I, I turned myself into a bad show morty

fusion dance when?

Tolstoy’s prose is a better but Dostoevsky has an understanding of human psychology that has been rarely matched, they are near equals I would say.

Also War & Peace has the shittiest opening to a great novel that I have ever read. Literal garbage tier. So I hold that against him.

They're both great. Pitting them as rivals is retarded imo (I guess there can be only one great Russian writer?). I like the idea that Dostoyevsky is the heir to Shakespeare, and Tolstoy is the heir to Homer. One is a master of the psychological drama, the other the epic.

The most annoying people I've encountered on Veeky Forums are the anti-Dostoyevsky people who have clearly been memed into their shitty contrarian opinion by those Nabby quotes, as if this represents some type of critical consensus and isn't just one of those random idiosyncratic views that a lot of authors have, equivalent to Tolstoy's dislike of Shakespeare.

Funny, just today I read this Sontag quote:

>One is either an outside (Homer, Tolstoy) or an inside (Kafka) writer. The world or madness. Homer + Tolstoy like figurative painting—try to represent a world with sublime charity, beyond judgment. Or—uncork one’s madness. The first is far greater. I will only be the second kind of writer.

I’m taking a course on imperial Russia right now and my professor says that Dosto and Tolstoy represent the dichotomy of Russian writers first established by Gogol and Pushkin, respectively

Generally, Tolstoy focuses on how groups of people interact and Dostoevsky concentrates on the psyche. They are different and any opinion on the matter comes down to taste. Useless thread.

Useless post

Well-reasoned, shrewd, and, truthfully, clairvoyant argument. I'm ashamed to have been so myopic and you've redeemed me user, thank you.

Tolstoy didn't have to write for a living.

what about turgenev?

Hh yeah. Start with the Resurrection

Most anons got it right when calling Dostoevsky a master of the psychological, but Tolstoy is not just a sociologist or a master of epic, although he is both of those and a psychologist.
He's a philosopher and a humanist

Dostoyevsky's soul is much more fundamentally "Russian" and rooted in what the blacks of the south call the "Blues" which is why I appreciate him more. He is molded by the harsh and depressing conditions of Russia. However, I cannot enjoy his psychological style of writing and characterization.

Tolstoy is much more influenced by western euro traditions and literature. He believes in obtaining something highly spiritual and religious through portraying life on a grand scale. This is why I cannot appreciate him as much, however I will fully agree Tolstoy is the better novelist and better entertainer.