
what are you doing on reddit?

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>redditors being dumb fags who take things too seriously and talk about shit in their 'lol4chan ebil and dumb!!!!" echo chamber

wow I am so surprised

Who gives a shit? You finding/probably posting this is far worse.

Also its funny that they heard about our favorite booktuber.

>A lot of it is memes, you should see how they discuss a lot of those works and the authors.

>And its suggested by people who harass women reviewing books on youtube to the point of shutting down their accounts.

Why is this Lamont-Cranston so mean?

>he says while taking this too seriously and talking about shit in his ">tfw to smart4plebbit" echo chamber

>Veeky Forums
>echo chamber
Anyone who says that is fucking retarded. By the very definition Veeky Forums isn't an echo chamber. Reddit on the other hand is the poster child for being an echo-chamber. They got shit that equates to banning you on /a/ if you ever posted on /b/. Then users will dive through your comments to find shit you posted years ago in order to smear you. Reddit is shit and no one should take them seriously.

>implying I give a shit about anything
haha joke's on you everything I do and say is ironic and I have no reason to live anymore

>Veeky Forums is not an echo chamber
I didn't even know a single person can be ""this"" new.

>everyone posts material that reinforces their views and denounces opposing thought
This is Veeky Forums

Call me when certain thoughts that don't break rules become banned on sight. While we're at it go ahead and define what an echo chamber is because last I checked people aren't getting banned for having leftist views on /pol/ or for not liking Witcher 3 on /v/. I think you're conflating "People disagree with me" to "Help, I'm being silenced for my views"

>it's the I called someone a cockgobbling numale niggerkike on /r/politics and evil nazimods banned muh non-rulebreaking freespeech episode


>He says while there are entire communities on reddit that are "safe spaces"
Go ahead and post about why communism is wrong or capitalism is the best economic system on latestagecapitalism and see what happens. You can also post why Trump isn't a great president on T_D and see what happens. Go ahead and do that on /pol/ and see what happens. Notice a difference.

Janitors/mods don't reflect the board and have been a major issue with the most recent drama being the Neogaf situation on /v/ that required Hiromoot to step in and the Loli's being banned on sight on /a/.



>the chess club threw me out after I started throwing pieces and shout about mahjong being a superior game
>what absolute safe space newmale fags lmao

Fine, let me refine my example. Go on /r/politics or /r/political humour and post anything right-wing and see what happens. Go on /pol/ and post anything left-wing and see what happens. You get downvoted/banned into obscurity on reddit and the shitposting that results on /pol/ makes you stay on page 1 where everyone can see what you've said.

>the chess club threw me out after I won against the autistic leader and told him that maybe he shouldn't always start with a sicilian opening

>neither case yields any productive discussion or substantial opinion exchange
>b-but at least all the cookie-cutter memepics keep my shitpost visible!
If you actually believe Veeky Forums is not largely an echo chamber, especially at this day and age, you're either very new here or very new in this world - most likely both seing as your main reference points are /a/, /v/ and /pol/. Different groupthink doesn't mean the absense of groupthink, friendo.

Worst analogy ever

>Productive discussion or substantial opinion exchange
That's the entire fucking internet dipshit. Even in person that's how it is. In hobbies there are a lot of productive discussions and exchanging of opinions but in politics that never fucking happens outside of debates and even then it's not productive but instead just exchanging opinions.

Unless you define what an echo chamber is we're not going to get anywhere. Go ahead and be detailed in your definition.

How come you guys know so much about this here Reddit-thing?

>An echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a defined system. Inside a figurative echo chamber, official sources often go unquestioned and different or competing views are censored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented.
I'd attach a pol infographic, but don't have a fitting one.

I'll post from the view of /pol/ since every other board is pretty much diverse in opinion
>Go unquestioned
False. While there's questions as to whether the dissenters are trolls or actual leftists there are opposing opinions. On top of that people questions sources all the time because of the current political climate of "anonymous sources"
>different or competing views are censored, disallowed
Also false. I can post about how communism is great and Trump is shit and not get banned.
This is true but not by any systematic force. /pol/ just scares people through no direct actions of their own. While there are leftists and libertarians along with all sorts of ideology on /pol/ they're just minor when compared to "alt-right"

I personally go on the art subreddit. One thing reddit has are the niche subreddits that Veeky Forums lacks.

Is the infographic about how /pol/ reinforces the persecution complex of its user base?

>there are opposing opinions
So? That's not even a contradiction to the premise. The grand common narrative stays everpowerful the same.
>I can post about how communism is great and Trump is shit
You can do that on general political subreddits just as well.
>true but not by any systematic force
The nature and cause are irrelevant. Groupthink is groupthink.

>2 is Shakespeare

>War and Peace that low

>So? That's not even a contradiction to the premise. The grand common narrative stays everpowerful the same.
That wasn't in your definition. Stop moving the goalpost. Not once was this "common narrative" once mentioned.
>You can do that on general political subreddits just as well
That's because those are the main stream opinions. If you posted right-wing opinions you'd get downvoted which results in your views being hidden and therefore censored. A good test would be to go on any political reddit and search by controversial. Almost exclusively right-wing views. Veeky Forums does not have such a sytem. You get called a faggot at worse.
>The nature and cause are irrelevant. Groupthink is groupthink.
Groupthink that cannot be questioned and is sysmetically enforced is completely different from groupthink that results due to lack of opposing users due to their lack of interest in engaging. At this very moment you can post whatever controversial views or opinions on /pol/ and you won't get censored. You're being disingenuous by making no distinction between the two as it's vital in the context of being an echo chamber or not even if the end result is the same.

>the art subreddit
so, /ic/?

Arkady Swinorylov
Iskander Hachovskii
Lyosha Dobrolubow
Juri Mamleev
Alexandr Smokovsky

>information, ideas, or beliefs
>this is not a narrative! ! heh
Yes, my mistake, I forgot I was talking to a poltard.
>hidden and therefore censored
Censorship is removal of content. All the comments stay.
>two identical situations are completely different because they have different causes!
Really activating the almonds. As already stated: the fact that you can collect some free (you)-votes through contrarian bait does not imply the absence of groupthink and echo chamber effect in any way.

>Veeky Forums is an echo chamber
Anyone who thinks either hasn't used this site or, ironically, is being a contrarian.
You can say literally anything here and there will always be at least one faggot who'll tell you you're wrong and retarded. Only exception is possibly /pol/ but I never use that board.

Why are you doing this? Do you feel in charge?

>troll neckbeards
Aren't we nearly all just frustrated art students? I hate Veeky Forums sometimes, but why can't people come up with better insults that aren't a staple for every corner of the political chart meme for the opposing side?

Most people just think of /b/ or /pol/ when they think of Veeky Forums. Not the differences of browser between /a/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums.
We're all autistic, though, just with different focuses.

They're redditors
It's the place the "holy... i want more..." text came from

This is what happens when a bunch of discord faggots make their own top 100 and stamp Veeky Forums's name on it, disgusting

>this is Veeky Forums... from Veeky Forums - it's populated by angsty young white men obsessed with Catholicism and Jordan Peterson
>tfw he's not completely wrong

STEM. I doubt many people here study humanities.

I agree with this but you got something against /ic/?

I do. :( Have I just been talking to STEM pseuds this whole time? They know more than me anyway.

What's the problem, though? I mean it's still full of shitty memes and heavily skewed towards babby tastes of a basic bitch monolingual anglo prole in his first year of some Midwestern-US diploma mill shithole, but otherwise it's much better than your typical Veeky Forums list full of entry level novellas and bildungsromane.

Other than the fact there's no Lolita or russian lit apart tolstoyevesky, it is rather similar (albeit no lolita is inexcusable)
The real issue is they call it a Veeky Forums chart for 2017 when they really made it halfway through the year without even making a vote. Call it whatever you want, but it isn't Veeky Forums's 2017 chart.

>Yes, my mistake, I forgot I was talking to a poltard.
Ad-homs will get you nowhere.
>Censorship is removal of content. All the comments stay.
Censorship is not just removal of content and this statement proves you're just being disingenuous. The karma system disincentives unpopular opinions and downvoted puts your post to the very bottom of the thread where users will have to manually click to see what you posted. That is censorship, you can't argue otherwise.
>Really activating the almonds. As already stated: the fact that you can collect some free (you)-votes through contrarian bait does not imply the absence of groupthink and echo chamber effect in any way.
You've proven that you do not grasp what an echo chamber is. Anyone can voice their opinions on /pol/ and everyone is heard equally. You're saying because there's lack, though not absent, of participating for other sides due to no fault of /pol/ that it means /pol/ is an echo chamber and that's just false because no one is being silenced or censorship'd off and opposing views can still be posted and said. You can go on /pol/ at this very moment and see that threads start with an opposing view and in the threads there's 1-3 people arguing for one view point and everyone else for the other. That's how most of the big threads take off. You can see that if you bothered to look at /pol/ for more than a few seconds. It seems that you won't accept that /pol/, and by default Veeky Forums, isn't an echo chamber unless every view point is equally represented.

>go on /pol/
>post a well thought 10 lines text on the capitalism's fault and possible solutions from a communist's pov
>either no reply or "show flag", "1 id post", attacks based on geo flag, anti-commie memes, etc.
>1 in 100 reply is a well thought rebuttal
>90% of catalog is "a black/jew/woman did/said something, lets stroke our dicks while we say how much better we are"
>"guyz at list uir not esgeedabliu"
freedumb of speech at his finest

Well, I am. Never even touched joyce and even enjoyed a book by murakami. Don't tell the others, they'll say mean things.

Lots of pretentious twats and the guide on reddit is generally better for me though I use both.
That's every single fucking board and isn't even something related to echo chambers. You can make a "How great capitalism is" and you'll get the same treatment but opposite: Canadian/meme flag posters saying how bad it is and posting pro-commie sources and a lot of general shitposts. In fact do it right now, I'm pretty sure the thread will just die.

>no fun allowed
That's just board culture. Often you'll get a decent reply to a decent post. If you don't you're still not censored.

I'm sad I fell for the Joyce meme, got every book before I decided he was only lauded for his difficulty. Not saying he isn't good, but I've encountered so many people who want to say that long word from Finnegans Wake in front of me to show off.

>That's every single fucking board and isn't even something related to echo chambers.

an echo chamber is a place that reinforce the user base's preconcieved notions. You don't need censoring to create an echo chamber.
Facebook or YouTube's alghoritms create much more perfect echo chambers than any censoring could possibly do.

>define echo chamber
>alright it's the same narrative relentlessly circlejerked while opposing viewpoints are underrepresented
Fuck me, it feels like talking to a 14 year old who just discovered demagoguery last Thursday.

Frustrated humanity student reporting in

>tfw not white and sick of peturdson cult
>still catholic
Reddit are such shitlords

My English is decent but I won't even try. If I feel the need to read something difficult I pick something in my mothertongue, not like German has a lack of writers.

why do you think censoring=echo chamber?

peterson was pushed by /pol/ migrations, it'll blow over eventually and he'll be forgotten

>tfw not white
Stopped right there. Get off my board, shitskin thirdie.

....not a single author of African descent. good going. i guess toni morrison, zadie smith, ralph ellison, james baldwin, and richard wrght aren't fucking worthy? who would even post this racist shit?

reddit is full of mouthbreathers who think that because they read the selfish gene, their opinion on anything matters.

also if I remember correctly their top 100 list that was posted on here once unironically had Harry Potter in it.

Because it often goes hand in hand. Dissenting opinions will get you more replies here, even if its mostly meme ones. Try posting that 15% nigger story thread on /r/books and you won't have much time to find out how the userbase reacts to it.

Is it even possible to be more comfy than the niggermouse in your pic?

I really hope so man, it so fucking frustrating opening the catalog and see just polbait shit
Make me

r/kaiserreich is the only place you can discuss the mod, /gsg/ is literally comatose

I will never understand what you people see in The Recognitions.

>Because it often goes hand in hand.
Facebook change what you view based on likes, posts, friends, etc. to give you a reality's perception as close as possible to your needs and desires.
Is Facebook an echo chamber?

>even if its mostly meme ones.
people need to engage a different point of view without the usual three layers of irony and memes or it's kinda useless. Or do you think boomers going around repeating red scare's propaganda are engaging the communist's ideals in any kind of meaningful way?

>Try posting that 15% nigger story thread on /r/books and you won't have much time to find out how the userbase reacts to it.
I'm not saying Reddit isn't one

Last year's list was way better.


The 2017 one people are posting is fake

>Ulysses 1
>Infinite Jest 3

board culture, I haven't read either but I'm ok with them being there

it's r/books
not r/literature
r/books is where you go if you can't read but like pretending you can

>I haven't read either
Then your opinion doesn't matter, dumb faggot.

>echo chamber and insulated community is the same thing.
A take over of a userbase on Veeky Forums happens quite frequently.

jesus plebbit has fallen this hard. There are less discussions on reddit literature board compare to here. Also their comments are all sterile, I can't fucking stand it.

>wah wah I am bullied because I voiced a different opinions on a community I hate
Welcome to real world bud. It is a pretense that everybody is polite and worthy of discussions.

>For instance, if the original language has the word "red" we can translate the word as scarlet, rose, cardinal, ruby, vermillion, blush, burgundy, etc. Choosing from the list of possibilities and reading the choice in a sentence can change the meaning for the reader.
thanks for reminding me why I don't ever use that site

>Is Facebook an echo chamber?
I think people have been making a distinction between this (filter bubbles) and echo chambers lately
>people need to engage a different point of view without the usual three layers of irony and memes or it's kinda useless. Or do you think boomers going around repeating red scare's propaganda are engaging the communist's ideals in any kind of meaningful way?
People have the chance to engage with these posts without their usual three layers of irony. Just because most of the time they don't do so doesn't mean they've created an echo chamber. Toxic behaviour to outside opinions isn't the same as making it difficult/impossible to voice them to begin with from a technological standpoint.
>I'm not saying Reddit isn't one
Neither am I. I'm just trying to make an example with a recent funny thread from this board since someone was complaining about the other guy using /a/,/v/ and /pol/ as example. If you turn it around you could make a thread on Veeky Forums about stephen king, jordan peterson, harry potter or someone a bit less controversial like murakami and you'd probably start a rather long thread. Even though most of the userbase will kindly tell you to go drink a cup of bleach some people will give you the chance of a reasonable discussion. The userbase rejecting certain ideas to various degrees, acting like an immune system to foreign material, shouldn't be put on the same level as making it impossible to state foreign ideas to begin with.

Nobody other than retarded liberals complaining about him on Reddit care about Peterson, not even /pol/.

explain the fact he's constantly shilled here and occasionally on Veeky Forums and /r9k/

one or two autists with to much freetime and a lot of morons that keep bumping the threads? Kind of like the guy that keeps spamming russian names, just with more endurance

It's just reddit roasties well poisoning, they did the same with Moly.

That was ironic shitposting and could be quite funny desu, wasn't too overdone anyway
The russian names spam is different, peterson threads are proper shills from somewhere (maybe not /pol/ but definitely not Veeky Forums) and every time I go in those threads there are people who are really praising him as the second coming of Christ. It'll end eventually, sooner better than later.

Joyce is a fucking autistic retard. Let's see how many people echo the same opinion and attack me.

That's a big cat.

For you

You are a fucking idiot.

Echo chamber:
>five guys all standing around talking about cars
>cyclist comes up and starts talking about bikes
>the five car guys beat him up with batons until he can't talk and then put him in a dumpster out the back

Not an echo chamber:
>five guys all talking about cars
>cyclist comes up and starts talking about bikes
>they talk to each other for a while
>at the end the car guys still like cars and the bike guy still likes bikes

You seem to be saying that /pol/ is an echo chamber because right-wing voices dominate the discourse and you're unable to change the views of the posters. That's not the definition of an echo chamber. /pol/ may not present you with a lot of contradictory content, but it won't protect you from contradictory content once its posted. That latter feature is the defining feature of an echo chamber. They filter out contradictory content to ensure that all you hear is an echo of your own opinion. /pol/ doesn't do that.

This. Veeky Forums's always full of people arguing about all kinds of shit. You don't get banned for having the "wrong" opinion on something.

Next time, it will be one hundred pictures of The Man Without Qualities.


The dissonance is beautiful here. To read the people reifying [Veeky Forums] to the degree of personhood is hilarious. Redditors are all idiots.


Thanks for Afternoon.

Reading this thread and the comments on Reddit made me realize everyone is a fucking retard except me

>You don't get banned for having the "wrong" opinion on something.
If you believe that you should try posting on Veeky Forums.

if that's what it took you to realise this then you're not an exception pal
o n e o f u s


I'm just a shitposter like you but those Reddit dudes genuinely care about the discordfag troll list. Imagine actually saying any of these things outloud

Yeah it's pathetic, one person even called the list racist because there were no african authors.

i'm pretty sure that was a troll, but who am i to judge

But what is more pathetic really, retards taking things way too seriously or retards laughing at them? There's no way to win being involved in any of this - or any single topic for that matter because someone smarter than us will be watching an drew laughing at us. I'm going to move off the grid to northern Montana to live alone with no electricity to escape the demons of this pseudointellectual world.

>tfw you are the smartest person looking down and laughing at all of you

Jordan Peterson is sharing screenshots of your posts with Zizek and boy are they havin a giggle at your expense.