How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?

How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?

I'm hoping to finish the script for my graphic novel before the end of the year

>tfw no publishers will even bother to give your manuscript a quick flick-through if you aren't a women/black and don't write about feminism, LQBTIABBQ++, immigration, etc

Or maybe it's just because your writing's shit. Post a sample.

Not good thanks for asking

It’s coming along well but unfortunately my sex life is deteriorating, and the less I’m able to poke the worse my writing gets, and so when I said it’s coming along well what I mean is it’s come to a screeching halt and I’m going to neck myself.

>it's another "white guy walks through the city and has deep thoughts" episode

If you need sex to write then you were never cut out to write in the first place. "Sex" can be replaced with anything except "reading."

I've climbed back on the wagon recently. I've submitted a few short stories to some literary journals, and I've been querying agents about all those stories together as a collection. I also have the collection out for submission to a small press. We'll see what happens.

I’m making a script into a short film so there’s that. Does it count if you’re still in school?

Okay you NEET bottomfeeder who thinks he knows who is and isn’t cut out to write, thanks for your sagr advice.

Sent out 15 short story submissions this weekend. Got to keep the supply up for the steady stream of rejections.

Fulfilling as a hobby :)

Working on third unpublished novel. First is shit, second is in slush piles across this great land and third is in the oven. I have one short story published.

Amen user.

>Watch "How to Publish Your Book" on GreatCourses+
>Lose all hope

Pretty bad. I submitted something to an agent and haven't heard back anything. It's been two weeks. :|

You take the right approach.
I want to be able to express myself freely and be as creative as I want, and not be limited by convention. At the same time it is a dream to get something published. A cult piece. The best I can do is just have fun with it and see where it goes.

>How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
I never had a writing career in mind, always on the side. However, I'm struggling with what to do to get some income when I finish college. I am not fond of what I'm studying.

Slow, my prose is shot and I can't wrap my head around planning out an entire story.

it's ok, although my current contract expires next month, so i'm planning to have a couple of weeks off and look for a new contract in january

if you're an IT student at a certain university you'll soon be able to see my latest opus, although it won't actually have my name on it. everything i write is published and read widely and yet i am anonymous- such is the exquisite torture of the contract technical writer

got published within the last 6 months or so. Since then everything i've sent out has been rejected, though admittedly I don't think any of it was blockbuster stuff. I have about three really big things I'm working on though, maybe 2 are just about ready.


Working full time, having any sort of a life, and trying to write on the side feels completely out of reach.

Thinking of going back to study or taking a year off just to get more time.

I want to say permanent writer's block but I honestly am starting to think I'm just stupid

I think some develop some sort of "natural" inclination towards it; others must first practice before they feel "natural".

One day I'll write those three semi-philosophical treatises that I'm thinking about. Just never today.

At least I've gone somewhere.
>tfw 1000+ goodreads non-fiction to-read list, and I actually want to read them; for fun.
Maybe I should just write about the excruciating amount of books I wish to read.

Career is a rather grandiose term for it, but it's going alright.

I feel like I fit in both of these categories. And in a year or so I will look back in shock at what I thought felt natural. It's always a progression to expressing yourself with honest viscera.

Well I've given up on short story writing for now because studies and work and shit, so that's a bust.

I sent out some poems for the hell of it and a critic who works at a kinda well-known journal wants more. I'm afraid I'm not good enough just yet and I will fuck up my chances of getting published in his journal.

There's no deadline but the clock is ticking.